Monday, February 15, 2010


I have found a great WWII website which has a simply formatted timeline of the various events during the War which makes a great quick reference. Click on it to see what is going on in the world outside of New Jersey during the War years!

January 1943
1 W=C 43deg F New Year!Bob worked today till 4:30. N wrote small letter to Jennie & returned some of her pictures.
2 W=F SA
Bob & I went to Linden movies & got home after 2:00am (Sun). Bob treated me to this.
3 W=F SUAndrew DeBoer & Alida called in late afternoon. Bob gave us 2 beautiful brass mantel lamps.
4 W=F MN & I to Haack’s for M. meeting. Recd letter from mother. Naomi gave me a silver tie clasp & collar set for an anniversary present tomorrow.
25th wedding anniversary for N & I. Bob gave us a beautiful bouquet of carnations, etc. I gave N 25 red roses & a money gift for both today’s & tomorrow’s anniversary. We received 2 silver candlesticks from mother & dad S. Did not hear from folks. Worked till 7:30pm tonight. Negro scientist [George Washington] Carver died.
6 W=F W N’s 48th birthday.
7 W=F TH
Overtime to 7:30pm. Recd Between War & Peace by Alice A. Bailey from N’s hair dresser.
8 W=F F Mended our toaster.
9 W=F SA
Bob & a boy friend went to NYC & missed last train home, so took a room at Penn. Hotel.
10 W=F SU Beautiful weather! N & I wrote a common letter to folks in Portland.
11 W=F M
Yesterday I started taking 1 1mg pill of Riboflavin per day along with my reg dose of 5mg of B1 vitamin (1 pill). Had been taking B1 only 2 per day (10mg). N & I recd $5 from Jennie & $10 from Mother for 25th wedding anniversary gifts. Also recd nice cards. N also recd birthday cards from each. Sat. the govt cut out all use of autos for pleasure driving so we did not attend M meeting at Haack’s. .[How did the “govt” know if one was on an important car trip or out for a “pleasure drive” I wonder & who determined if a religious, even quasi-religious, event was pleasure or not?] [I keep forgetting to link to Martinism definition. Go here to learn what it is about; grandma & grandpa joined this group with the Haacks and others for awhile, but we will learn that she left it. Here is another link that explains more about it. ]

12 W=_ TU
Wrote 7th Deg. confession at 12:10am & sent it to AMORC. Irving [Fifield, her cousin] called Naomi from Newark today. He said he might be in for the week-end. Overtime.
13 W=F W
Bob treated us all to dinner at “Coach & Horses” in honor of our 25th wedding anniversary.
14 W=F TH Overtime. Had ride home from sta. with Mr. Finwall.
Bob took Betty out. Read article by L. Hubbard Shattuck (a 32nd deg Mason) entitled “The Living Philosophy of Masonry” appearing in The Chicago Scottish Rite paper or magazine. Patterson let me have it to read. He obtained it from Parsons. However Pat will maintain possession of it.
16 W=R SA Decided to hear Rev. Artley speak tomorrow.
17 W=R SUHeard Artley at 11:00am at Elmora Presby Church. Met Delinger and J. L. Scott there with great surprise. Scotty had his family there too. Strange is it not that I should meet him on the one and only day of the year in which he goes to that church! N, mother & dad & Bob all have or had colds recently. N wrote card to my folks. Irving Fifield called & told Bob he would be here tomorrow at 5pm.
18 W=R M
Irving got here a little before 6:00pm & had supper. He left about 9:30pm. Bob took him downtown. Did not attend meeting at Haack’s.
19 W=R TU
Started reading Religion of Love by Alexander, Grand Duke of Russia. Worked overtime 2 ¼ hours.
20 W=F 18deg W
AER arranged for an interview for me tomorrow with Mr. J R Bransford, 9801, at Ford Plant in regard to working for him.
21 W=F TH xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Had interview with Mr. J R Bransford. He offered to take me if I wanted to come. In fact he had asked me to come. Ed Conrad did not want me to leave him as did also Shallenberger. Worked overtime 2 ¼ hrs.
22 W=C F
Advised JSB that I would take job at Ford Plant & AER has started to arrange for a transfer as soon as possible. Wrote anniv card (17th wedding) for Andrew & Alida.
23 W=C SA Initiated into 8th deg in AM. Gus Olson is going to work for Conrad starting next Thursday.
24 W=F SU Took an hour’s walk with just a jacket on, no overcoat.
25 W=C M
No news. Did not go to meeting at Haack’s due to restriction on use of car. N & Bob to theatre.
26 W=R & S TU Overtime 2 ¼ hours.
27 W=C W 

Ground is covered w/ 2” of snow. It was announced last eve. at 10pm that Roosevelt & Churchill had been having a 10 day secret meeting & conference at Casa Blanca, N. Africa. Recd letter from Sally Jo. Recd income tax forms.
28 W=S & sl & rain (8” of snow) Overtime 2 ¼ hrs.
Trains were all late as were buses this eve. due to season’s heaviest snow and sleet storm. My trains were ½ hr. late.
29 W=F F
Recd wedding congratulations from Aunt Hilda. (25th anniv). Victory Tax deductions of 5% started this month.
30 W=S & SL SA
Must work tomorrow. Arranged to have my desk moved to Ford Plant. I am to work for Mr. A. P. Kromer, 1812, starting Monday. AGD recd appointment for an interview next Monday at Bell Lab. Bob was off early today & does not have to work tomorrow.
31 W=F SU
Worked for Ed Conrad 8:25 to 4:15 on Priority work. This is my last day with him.

February 19431 W=F M xxx (he actually wrote two Feby 1 entries)
Started at Ford Plant new job on Condensers in 9812 (A P Kromer) under Bill George & Mr. Tyler. Finished reading The Religion of Love by Grand Duke Alexander of Russia, yesterday.
1 W=F M xxxxx Started to work in Dept 9812 on conds. under W H George, Tyler & A P Kromer.
2 W=F TU
Called AGD. He is to work at Bell Lab in NY starting Thurs. My name was in list of petit jurymen (from 2/8/43 to 2/20/43) in Elizabeth Journal.
3 W=F WInformed my boss about Jury summons thru our Secretary. He was at Bell Lab all day. Recd card from Ralph & Sally Jo dated at New Orleans, LA.
4 W=R TH xxx
AGD started today at Bell Tel. Lab., NYC. Sent for Temple Index 7th, 8th & 9th Deg. Recd Jury service summons for Petit Jury starting Feb. 8. This is the first call I ever recd for Jury service.
6 W=R SA
Bob & I to Elmora Theatre after supper. [Check the blog I have linked to about the theater. There are some nice entries by people who worked there & some description of the theater building.]Recd letter from W E Co. to give to Sheriff Ayers next Monday asking that I be excused from jury service.
7 W=C SU
Took car out to deliver church dues & wool for N to Mrs. McMillan & Mrs. Taylor. [During the War grandma and her friends, including Mrs. McMillan belonged to DAR, NSDU, Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century and New England Women w/ her, knitted a large amount of items for the soldiers. We will see her Red Cross certificate (1/1/46) and DAR War Work pin in honor of all this knitting nearer the end of the War. This explains the picking up and delivering of wool & knitted items frequently driven around town by grandpa.]
8 W=F M xxxx
Went to Jury room at Court House & presented my letter from W E Co. Shortly before noon we were advised that there would be no further need for us that afternoon so all were excused. I was among about a half dozen who were excused altogether for the 2 week period. Went to work in afternoon. N had luncheon at Newark & caught a cinder in left eye which she had removed at Bam’s.
9 W=F TU
I called AGD on phone at his new location at 180 Varick St. in Graybar Bldg, 14th floor. Mr. Hamlin called the house for me yesterday & then called me at Ford Plant in pm about meter job.
10 W=R W Tested 75 stator brass plates & 60 of same inner steel plates for flatness.
11 W=R & S Th N & I went to Goerke’s & selected a suit & overcoat for me.
13 W=S & R SA
Waited ½ hour for bus. Talked w/ Mr. C W Sterling of Cinc. Rel Dept. of Co. regarding jury service next week. He recommended that I report Monday & ask again to be excused for the week.
14 W=F SU Finished reading Alice A. Bailey’s book Between War & Peace.
15 W=F M 

Went to Court House again to find out I was excused this week also. Due to extreme cold weather (6deg below 0) trains were all late & I did not get to work until noontime. Bob took me to Regent after supper. Mr. Dobbie of NJ Bell Tel started in our dept today.
16 W=F TU N was late for supper. I washed & dried dishes.
17 W=F W N became block leader last night for rationing.
18 W=F TH Called at Goerke’s to have suit & o’coat fitted. Air raid test w/ new signals @ 9pm.

19W=F F 
June Selberg has been married to a marine eng. aged 30 recently (1/31/43). His name is John H. Marcinkevich.
20 W=F warm SA Bob stayed home all day w/ a grippe & cold.
21 W=F 65deg SU
Took car out for medicine for Bob who is still in bed. Sent letter to Prud. about ins. pol. renewal & one to folks & to June. Also renewed my pledge to church & mailed it to Skidmore.
22 W=F M Washington’s birthday.
Worked all day. Bob had a doctor sent by Dr. Block who said Bob had grippe & cold.
23 W=F TU
Recd 1 ton pea coal & 1 ¾ tons of K coke which makes my full quota on the budget account.
24 W=R W Very mild weather. Bob was up & around the house again today.
25 W=C TH 

Started reading The Projection of the Astral Body by Sylvan J. Muldoon & Hereward Carrington which I borrowed from NY Chapter AMORC Library through JLS.
26 W=S F Bob back to work
28 W=F SU 50deg Wrote b’day card to Margaret.

March 1943
1 W=F M
Charlie Searles & I went to Newark chapter of AMORC to hear Halloway speak. He treated me to dinner. Bot Engineer’s Manual today at book store on Broad St. near old Casey Jones & Little Theatre bldg.
2 W=C TU 

P L Gibbons told me that he will be permanently assigned to Mr. Tyler’s group as an engineer of manufacturing.
6 W=R & S SA Terrific rain storm on top of snow. Mr. Boyle’s wife drove me home.
7 W=F SU Repaired ironing board support.
8 W=F M 

N & I attended M[artinist] meeting again at Haack’s home in Fanwood. [Here is the complete issue of this date of Life Magazine. It's the one with the little blurb about Coach & Horses restaurant on page 22, but there is a wonderful article about Wartime Gardening starting on page 63, worth looking at as you read about Grandpa's Victory gardens. I can easier see in my mind's eye Grandpa hoeing his V garden than I can see this sweet young War Bride in her dress planting this garden, but it's interesting nonetheless. The ads & other articles are interesting as well.]
9 W=F TU 

One false air raid at 9pm for which no alarm was sounded. It was delayed to 10:15pm with all clear at 10:44pm.
11 W=R Th 

Yesterday a file girl by the name of Mary asked me about my RC pin and AMORC. I brot her literature today. N & I saw “Fantasia” at Little Theatre in Newark. Worked on income tax report last night.
12 W=F F Worked on income tax report.
13 W=S SA
Recd letter from J. D. Acker who is still in Veteran’s Hospital, Tucson, AZ. Expects to go to his sister’s place in Alabama about 4/1/43. Finished figuring income tax.
14 W=F SU Beautiful day with snow on ground. Completed Income Tax Report.
15 W=F M
Finished reading The Projection of the Astral Body. N & I to M meeting at Haack’s
16 W=R TU Recd letter from Mother.
17 W=R W Studied R. C. lessons
18 W=F TH
Called Mr. Frank Scanniello & obtained his OK to use his property in back of our lot for a garden this year. Started spading a garden.
19 W=R F Bob drove car to Plainfield w/ Betty next door.
20 W=F SA Attended dept. conference this AM at 10 (19 present).
21 W=C SU 

Worked on garden & cleared up lot in back. Planted Ponderosa tomato seeds (2 pkgs). R. C. New Year. Did not celebrate. (Year 3692).
22 W=F M 

N & I attended M meeting at Haack’s. Arranged tentatively for vacation on weeks ending 7/18, 7/25 & 8/8.
23 W=F TU
Mailed out the usual checks. Mrs. Haywood was voted out of the Cannon Chapter of the DU today. Mrs. Davis is the new Regent. Overtime 2 hours.
24 W=F W Spaded in garden after supper. Bob went to Plainfield.
25 W=F TH Spaded garden.
26 W=F F Spaded garden. Bob got home after 1:30am.
27 W=R Sa Bob had 2 girls & one boy friend here for supper. They went to NYC.
28 W=F SU Spaded in garden & cleaned up lot some more.
29 W=F M N & I attended M meeting at Haack’s.
30 W=R TU Overtime to 7:15pm.
31 W=R W Spaded in garden.

April 1943

2 W=F F W H George assisted shop with moving this eve. I spaded in garden.
3 W=F SA
Spaded garden. Bob had car washed, plates(small) put on & bot chickenwire at Elmora Hardware.
4 W=F Rain at night SU Spaded in garden
5 W=F MN & Bob went to see body of Mrs. Decker, Tommy D’s grandmother, who died over the weekend. Mr. was buried today. Went alone to meeting at Haack’s. [Tommy Decker visits Bob after Bob gets out of the Army, see November, 1945.] 
6 W=F TUSpaded in garden with temperature at freezing, high wind & with a woolen helmet on my head.
7 W=F W
Bob called at 3:30 this AM from Newark & said he was staying with one of the instructors. Studied Mon. 14 & Kaballa lectures # 34, 35 & 36. Spaded in garden lot.
8 W=F Th Spaded in garden
9 W=F F 

Spaded in garden. Recd 2nd lot of 80 lbs of crushed limestone from Bambergers. Had Air Raid Practice blackout. Bob bot ticket for Deland, FL. He recd a telegram from Ralph a few days ago asking him to come soon.
10 W=F SA Bot seed at Sears & Hutchinsons Hdwe Store. Bob borrowed car.
11 W=F SU
Bob & I spaded in garden & I put on fertilizer 3-8-7 & crushed limestone. N & mother S. to theatre.
12 W=R M
N & I to Haack’s. N saw Hazel Adams fall due to high blood pressure on Morris Ave. near Westfield Ave. N stayed with her as she was being taken home in a taxi with a woman doctor.
13 W=F TU Finished spading
14 W=C W Recd letter from Sally Jo. Bob read one from Ralph.
15 W= F TH
N attended annual DAR Congress at Hotel Pennsylvania yesterday & today. Finished spading, liming, fertilizing & spading of garden. [When we get to 1945, you will learn more about VMail, but wanted to put this here because this is an important day for VMail: "The first large Army operated V-mail station overseas was opened on April 15, 1943 at Casablanca, North Africa. Hastily set up in a field following the Allied invasion of North Africa, this makeshift station continued to operate until September 15, 1943. Between June 15, 1942 and April 1, 1945, 556,513,795 pieces of V-mail were sent from the U.S. to military post offices and over 510 million pieces were received from military personnel abroad. In spite of the patriotic draw of V-mail, most people still sent regular first class mail. In 1944, for instance, Navy personnel received 38 million pieces of V-mail, but over 272 million pieces of regular first class mail." I was wondering why we don't see Grandpa mentioning VMail until 1945, but perhaps it just didn't get into his consciousness before that! However, there were lots of ads by various companies wanting to relate their products and ads to the War Effort so people would pay attention to them; as much as Grandma and Grandpa read magazines, they should have seen them! Very curious to me...]
16 W=C F Recd 30 copies of “What of Tomorrow” booklet from AMORC.
17 W=R SA Bob lost his wallet with $35 & all his papers, etc.
18 W=F SU 

Raked garden beds & planted radishes, onions, peas, beets, endive, & Swiss chard. Cut 35 fence posts in woods in back of Manuel & Madey’s garage.
19 W=R M N & I to Haack’s. Recd letter from mother with a snapshot of her in snow.
20 W=F TU
Planted some onion sets (yellows).
Roy R. Winklepleck is on a 6 week’s trip to Pacific Coast.
21 W=R W
Bob’s wallet was returned to him by ATF Police force minus the money (about $33). Bob went out to Chanticleer with some friends. He is getting ready for trip to Deland Friday.
22 W=R TH
Mother & Dad S went to NYC for a celebration of mother’s 71st birthday. Put new washer in hot & cold faucets in bathroom & kitchen; also one in hot water faucet in washtub (left one) in basement.
23 W=F FSeeded some in garden. Bob left at 3pm for Deland, FL from Newark. N & I accompanied him to Newark. He will be gone a week.
24 W=F SA Took Mother & N along to buy cabbage & lettuce plants near “5 corners”.
25 W=F Su Easter Sunday! 
N & Mrs. S recd flowers from Rob & Hazel Adams. Planted 12 Golden? & 12 Copenhagen cabbage plants & 18 lettuce plants. Put up 27 fence posts around garden & strung 3 ft 2” mesh wire on it. N had [cooked] delicious ham dinner & strawberry covered cake.
26 W=F M N & I went to Haack’s home in Fanwood.
27 W= R TU 
Recd card from Bob stating his safe arrival at Deland 1/2 hr. late. Will make tel. call later. Had 1 ¼ hrs. of ARP practice tonight with blackout.
28 W=F W 

Had another card from Bob & one from Ralph & Jo.
Yesterday – Sawed log in basement & split same. Trimmed or cut off some fence posts at top – mother’s & mine.
Today- worked on fence & checking acct. Found I had made a $26.75 error in same & had one check charged 50cents for overdrawn acct. or insufficient funds. Sent in request for a contract to Weiman Coal Co. for 6 tons of Kopper’s coke ($6 deposit).
29 W=F TH 
I went to Clifton today spending AM at the annex & left main bldg on 3:00 bus. Worked on fence. Another alert tonight.
30 W=R F
Bob called after mid-night saying he would arrive early Sunday morning. Was invited to Co. dinner in honor of Mr. Phillips’ 25th Co. anniversary tomorrow.

May 1943

1 W=F SA
Had dinner at Plaza Hotel, J. C.,[Jersey City] at co. expense in honor of Mr. Phillips’ 25th co. anniversary. Mr. Bransford, Thurston, C Ferguson and ___. [probably those with whom he sat at dinner.]
2 W=F Rain @ night SUFinished fence & made gate. Bob returned from Deland, FL at 11am 4 hrs. late. He brot my old drawing instrument set from Ralph minus the bow pencil. Transplanted tomatoes & slipped collias.
3 W=R M I went to Martinist meeting at Haack’s. N did not go as she has given it up.
4 W=C TU Overtime 2 hours.
5 W=F W
Planted green & yellow string beans & bush lima beans & 12 Calif. Wonder pepper plants. Put my transplanted tomatoes outside today & brot them back at night.
6 W=C TH Overtime 2 hours
8 W=F SA Bot cabbage & lettuce plants in Roselle. Bob borrowed car in pm.
9 W=F SU Mothers Day.
Worked all day in garden. Planted corn, cabbages, lettuce & tomatoe [perhaps we are related to Al Gore!] plants & other vegetable seeds.
10 W=R MTo Haack’s by myself. Recd 1 ton pea coal for pot stove today. Recd notice of eqpt engineers’ picnic June 12th & 13th. Also Mr. Bransford is leaving Friday for Bayonne. The Bayonne man will be our new boss & they want to have a farewell party Fri. for him at NYC.
11 W=R TU Overtime 2 hrs. AGD called up & said his daughter was married last Sat.
12 W=R W
Terrific lot of rain today. Studied for 2 hrs. after midnight after first sleeping to 11:30pm.
14 W=F FCalled on Charlie E. Downer in the English Village in Cranford. He is in bad shape. He cannot talk and is in bed. Has 3 injections by hypo per day like Insulin. Also takes heat treatment by sun lamp. Hoed my garden before going to Cranford. Bob finishes Signal Corps schoolwork tonight.
15 W=C SA Cut grass around garden
16 W=C SUPlanted some more corn, this time golden bantam. Also planted beans & lima beans. Mr. Evans brot over enough beans (green string beans) to plant over 2 rows. Brot screens down & cleaned them. N helped. Put them up after I took storm windows down & then up to attic.
17 W=F Hot! M Attended M. meeting at Haack’s.
18 W=R TU warm Put new lock on screen door in front of house.
19 W=F W rain at nightTried to have vibrator machine set in order for a test today. It would not function ok. Weeded garden. N & Bob to movie. Recd letter from mother V. Met Mr. Finwall at plant. His boy is at Bayonne plant.
20 W=C TH Worked overtime 2 hrs.
22 W=R S Planted some of my house grown tomatoe plants.
23 W=F SU
Was up at 8am. Worked in garden all day. Hoed & planted kohlrabi, kale & cauliflower plants. Transplanted collias to bed next to garage. Corn is up about 1”. Bob & N went after cauliflower plants & pea & pole bean seed.
24 W=F M Weeded garden in evening
25 W=R TUPlanted 3rd planting of peas & weeded garden. Dad weeded 1 bed yesterday and one today. Bob Bass called on us this eve. Recd letter from Gordon Kilgore [one of mother’s brothers] who is coming to us for Sat & Sunday dinners. Air raid practice night. Had incident on Edgewood Rd. & Glenwood Road.
26 W=R W More Rain!A new dept. will be organized next Monday. Part of Kromer’s outfit will be taken into it-also part of Green’s dept 9811. Wrote out suggestion to eliminate drip from sail pipe in men’s toilet
27 W=F TH Overtime 2 hrs.
28 W=R FBlackout at 10:30pm. Bill H. George gave out cigars this AM as he was presented with another son yesterday. Had another letter from Gordon Kilgore today.
29 W=F SABob met Gordon Kilgore in car at Penn. Station. He had supper with us.
30 W=F SU
Bob took Gordon to NYC in PM. Worked in garden all day. Planted pole beans. Replanted mustard seed. Barry chopped down his rear hedge. Traded some of my kale plants for cabbage protectors with a neighborhood boy.
31 W=F M Decoration DayWorked at plant all day. Had noonday exercises at plant which were broadcast over WOR.

June 1943
1 W=R TU xxxxxxxxxxxWorked O.T. 2 hrs. Andrew DeBoer called last night & said Uncle Theake had had a stroke and was in the Brooks Memorial Hosp. in Dunkirk, NY. Recd telegram from Sally’s brother Charles from San Diego, CA for Ralph. Bob talked with Deland & found Ralph & Sally Jo had left for Bristol yesterday. N called Margaret Crockett, Sally Jo’s sister, & passed message on to her to convey to Ralph who was there in Bristol w/ Sally. Andrew DeBoer called again & said Uncle Theake had died at 1:00PM today.
2 W=R W Andrew called & said Uncle T had died yesterday at 1:00pm. Worked in garden.
3 W=F THOvertime 2 hrs. Bob went to school in car to review for test Friday. Recd telegram from Ralph saying they were coming to work in New York Saturday.
4 W=F F
Ralph & Sally Jo arrived with car & flat trailer. Bob took Army test this evening at Newark school. Hoed in garden. Andrew DeBoer attended Uncle T’s funeral in Dunkirk & Fredonia NY. [He is buried in Fredonia.]
5 W=F SA

Bob & his girlfriend & another couple & Ralph & Sally went to NYC after a nice dinner at Bob’s expense here. Kermit Roosevelt died in Alaska on 6/4/43. Ralph started new job with Yoh Aircraft Co., in NYC. The kids rented an apt. in Elmora Apts.
6 W=F SU Worked in yard 9 to 9, cut 2 hedges. Ralph & Sally were married 1 year ago today.[1st anniversary card from Deed & Gramp, i.e., dad's grandmother & grandfather Salmon]
7 W=R M Recd check for sale of 3 bonds (Feb, March & April).
8 W=C TU Blackout this evening 9:30 to 10:45 pm.
9 W=R W
Had a fire on Shelley Ave. today. Read a letter dated 6/4/43 from Acker to AGD today. JDA is now with his brother in Bessemer, AL, 1601 2nd Avenue.
10 W=R THWe all (7) went over to Adams’ home on W. Jersey St. to spend the evening. Walked home from there.
11 W=F F Ralph, Bob & Sally to party. Worked in garden
12 W=C SA some rainN & I to Elmora movies & then ice cream. Sally & Ralph together in NYC this afternoon.
13 W=C SU some rainWorked in garden all day. Planted beet plants and more golden cross bantam corn.
14 W=F M Flag Day Tied up tomatoes. One has a green tomato.
15 W=F TU
Picked 1st Swiss chard also some kale & mustard leaves. Hoed in garden. N had 15 out to a D of U party here.
16 W=F W
Planted some bush limas & hoed garden. We ate Swiss chard, kale & mustard leaves tonight. Bill George went to Philly in a station wagon today.
17 W=R TH Ralph got a 1-A classification from Bristol, VA today.
18 W=F F overtime 2 hours.
19 W=F SA Hot! Picked 1st peas for tomorrow’s dinner.
20 W=F SU 92deg in shade Father’s DayWorked in garden most of day. Planted more peas. Gordon Kilgore was our guest today and had dinner with us. Also picked kohlrabi & kale which we had with the peas. Hansen boy was operated on yesterday for ulcers of stomach. Oper took 4 ours & he may not live. I called Dave Zeliff’s house Sat & found he was some better.
21 W=F M
Picked lettuce, endive & spinach. Bill George is on vacation. A P Kromer is going on a few days trip to Wisconsin etc. on Co. business.
22 W=F TU 90degrees Very hot & Humid. We need rain again. Race riots & strikes one hears about quite often now. Recd letter from mother.
23 W=F W Ralph worked overtime. Planted some more beans (limas, regular & pole).
24 W=F TH Hot!
Rode out to Nutley with Andy & Densmore & Harry & one other fellow to visit Dave Zeliff who is recuperating from a sick spell.
25 W=F F 100deg HOTTER! Ralph did not get home until 11:30pm.
26 W=F SA Bob had party here for R & Sally & some of his friends.
27 W=F SUTeddy Gast had dinner with us today. Ralph took Ted & N & mother, Bob & Sally to Andrew’s. He & Sammy were out west in Iowa where Sam is going to work this summer. Thinned corn & planted some in 3 other rows. Had our first beans today.
28 W=F M Shower at night
Bot 50’ of hose. Sprinkled lawn 1st time this year. Garden is very dry. Saw Pat & Charles Searles this AM. Also talked to JLS. Recd letter from Aunt Hilda about Uncle T’s Will, etc. A P Kromer came back today
29 W=R T Transplanted lettuce plants.
30 W=F WRecd another (15th) bond today. Planted more beans & carrots. Picked beans, kohlrabi & Swiss chard. Mailed 2 Kearnygrams to J. D. Acker.

July 1943
[Interesting to me that even The Magazine Antiques got into the swing of promoting the sale of War Bonds]1 W=F TH Beautiful cool day. Coolest 7/1 in 18 years. Overtime 2 hours.
2 W=F F Hoed garden first time
3 W=C SA Took M & N to movies. Recd The Wisdom of the Overself by Paul Brunton from Bambergers.
4 W= C & R SU 

Picked beans & peas & turnips & lettuce. Hoed garden. Ralph & Jo rented 3 room apt in NYC. Started reading The Wisdom of the Overself by Paul B. July 4th? [Wonder what he meant. Maybe he was emphasizing the fact that he didn’t get to sit around and enjoy a holiday!]
5 W=R M
Worked all day. Bob took me to movies. Bob took N to movies (Roxy) as he had day off.
6 W=C TU Overtime 2 ours. Recd letter from Aunt J[ennie].
7 W=R W Adams coming Fri. & Donald V[ander] W[eel] Sun. Bill Weiss had 30th co. anniv. dinner at Elizabeth Elks Club.
8 W=C TH
Overtime 2 hours. Went to call on Arnold Hanson at General Hospital but he had gone home at 2pm.
9 W=R F xxxx
Recd bill of sale for car yesterday as I completed final p this month. Following present after supper, Mr. & Mrs. Adams & Alma, Dorothy & Francis, Ralph & Sally, Mother & Dad S & Bob besides N & I. Bob recd call from government to appear for physical examination Weds. at Newark Armory for induction Thursday.
10 W=C SA
Ralph & Sally left for their apt. 14A at 235 West End Avenue with car & trailer. Had to tell mother S to keep her mouth shut in an argument with N. Donald called & said he would come on 12:00 noon Pennsy train. [Dad & mom took us by this apartment when we were in NYC visiting grandma & grandpa once. We toured Grant's Tomb, on Riverside Drive, which was not too far away. I can vaguely remember dad saying that they lived nearby when they were first married. They may have moved to an apartment ON Riverside Drive, but my memory may be cloudy...will have to look at grandpa's entries to see if he recorded such.]
11 W=C SUDonald Vander Weel had dinner with us. Mother did not come to table nor meet Donald. Picked 1 kohlrabi, some turnips, beans & lettuce. Cut grass & weeds all around fence. Bob took N & Donald for a ride.
12 W=C M xx
Took N shopping & paid bills. Took alcohol [antifreeze] out of car. Visited Arnold Hanson across street. Started leaving out an egg for breakfast.
13 W=C TUBob took another physical test at Newark Armory today. He quit work at American Type Foundry yesterday. He is to leave Saturday. N & I saw “Mission to Moscow” (Davies) at Regent. Worked in garden and yard. Picked 1st 2 cabbages & chicory. Bob spent evening w/ Ralph & Sally at 235 West End Ave., NYC.
14 W=C W Some rain xx
We all had dinner at Hawaiian Room of Hotel Lexington, incl. Ralph & Sally Jo. We met Helen Perry & her husband of a few days and Lee & Gwen & Bill Hafley there. The dinner was in honor of Bob. We then visited Ralph & Sally’s new apt.
15 W=C TH To dentist for fillings, etc. Bob & his girl & boy friends went to Ralph & Sally’s apt.
16 W=F F xx
Bob recd orders to report at Pennsy Depot tomorrow at 10:33am to board train for Camp Dix. Sally Jo & Ralph came after supper & so did Connie Loesser. We made an evening of it. Had ice cream.
17 W=F SA xxxBob left for Camp Dix on bus this morning. Farewells were sad as might be expected. To dentist at 4:00pm. 1st tomatoe will be ripe tomorrow. [It blows my mind that he even had his tomatoes on his mind that night when writing in his diary. Bob left perhaps never to return home again! This one entry clearly defines grandpa's life-time of diaries. A journal really of what happened on a daily basis in his life. His thoughts and feelings were buried deep inside; we will get to know some of them as I continue along, but those occasions are rare.]
18 W=F SU Did not hear from Bob & Ralph & Sally did not come.
19 W=F M Started painting trim of garage doors.
20 W=F rain in eve. TU
Wrote cards to Hilda & Evelyn. Deposited Bob’s 9 “E” bonds in SDV [safe deposit vault]. Also my bill of sale which I recd from Univ. Cred. Corp. a few days ago. N washed today – am still on vac. Recd our first card from Dix from Bob. Barrack 1-CED.B, 1229 R C, Ft. Dix, NJ. N & I wrote Bob.
21 W=F W
Recd 1st letter from Bob who said he had met Billy Vander Meulen several times. [This is William Vander Meulen of Dr. Peter’s family; we’ll learn more about them at another time.] N called Ralph to arrange for tomorrow. We four ate at Palace lunch Restaurant (Chinese). Ralph has deferment until next March. Finished trim on garage doors.
22 W=R TH
N & I spent day in NYC. Saw “Mr. Lucky” at Music Hall [Radio City] & then to Sally’s. We four had supper at Lindy’s rest. Bob called us in eve while we were still in NYC after waiting 2 ½ hrs. in line for the privilege. We recd a letter from him when we got home. [I believe they would have eaten at Lindy's at 825 7th Ave., as it was very close to Radio City Music Hall. They went to RCMH over the years & I'm thinking I've seen other times they ate at Lindy's.]
23 W=F FDad & I with Nick Magliori lifted sidewalk concrete slab & I cut out 2 or 3 roots and straightened it up again. We cracked it in 4 pieces letting slab down. Planted seed and fixed up flower beds. N wrote letter to Bob. Bob called us from Camp again shortly after supper (bet 7 & 8). I called Ralph regarding an induction notice which came here today for him. [Odd since he had a deferment until March!] Recd letter from Bob.
24 W=F SAFinished letter for Bob which N started yesterday. Recd Mansions of the Soul yesterday. Sally called N this AM. They are coming tomorrow. Tried several places in Elizabeth to get a 67.5 volt battery for RCA radio set for Bob. None were available. Pole beans are ready to pick. 2 heads of cauliflower will soon be available.
25 W=C & R SUWorked in garden. Planted radishes, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, turnips & beans. Picked 2 meals of pole beans. Shower in eve. Ralph & Sally had dinner & supper with us. Mussolini was kicked out by King Victor Emanuel today.
26 W=C MBack to work. Recd Bob’s civilian clothes. Sprinkled garden & lawn. Toothache in upper right jaw.
27 W=F TU Rain at night. Left plant at 2pm for visit to dentist. Hosed front lawn.
28 W=F WTelephone call from Bob from Toccoa, GA late at night. Went to J[ersey]C[City] YMCA with Bill George & others at noon for lunch. Rain storm in early AM.
29 W=R THMet JLS. N called Ralph & he said our letters had been sent to his address. First caterpillar on tomatoes.
30 W=F F To Clifton this AM. Recd another telegram from Bob giving his address as Camp Toccoa, GA Barrack 252. Wrote letter to folks.[The link to Camp Toccoa refers to a unit which I don't think was Bob's but if you read it, it does say this unit was at the Battle of the Bulge, and Bob was there. Perhaps his Signal Corps unit was attached to the 101st? Kert, you are the expert here. I Googled Toccoa and found one other site but it had earlier history of the camp, 1942.]
31 W=F SA
Recd airmail special delivery letter from Bob. Start my 3rd week of vacation tomorrow. Got #467 Eveready “B” battery for Bob’s RCA Portable Radio, 67 ½ volts.

August 1943[This month's The Magazine Antiques didn't have a particularly interesting cover but it does sport an interesting letter to the editor and response: "Nearly everything is being rationed these days-but I hope I'll still be able to enjoy my ANTIQUES. Please let me know when my subscription expires, for I don't want to miss a single number." Response: "We hope you will never have to forego your ANTIQUES dear subscriber, but we ask your patience and generosity during the next few months. For ANTIQUES is already rationed-with limitations on the paper and wire we may use to print and bind it. If ANTIQUES is a day or so late in reaching you due to wartime delays, be patient with its publishers. And be generous with your ANTIQUES-make your copy go as far as possible by sharing it with your friends." Not only an interesting ditty on rationing, but the genteel grammar is so nice! In this issue we see an ad that we'll also see the following year.]

1 W=F SU xxxxWorked in garden. Bob is 21 years old today and away from home 1st time. N & I wrote to him at Camp Toccoa, GA. He called us from there at 5:30pm. Our phone is not in good order. Had our first corn and cauliflower today. Stewed chicken & 1st pole beans. Bob is now an adult & a voter of this land.
2 W=F M Had upper right molar tooth extracted. Wrote AMORC about not rec M1 of 9th degree.
3 W=F TU Mailed Bob’s requested articles in 2 pkgs. Also mailed one for N. N washed. To dentist.

4 W=F rain at night W
Picked 20 lbs. of pole beans which we canned in 16 quart jars. Tomatoes are coming along also. Recd my AMORC mail & other mail from Sally Jo. Had car greased & brakes adj at 25355 mi.
5 W=F TH
Wrote AMORC again and also wrote Bob’s air mail letters. N bot me a record- “Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life” for my birthday. Sprinkled garden and lawn.
6 W=F F Beautiful Day!
Recd letter from Bob. We spent the day at Karl Obgoertel’s cottage at Lake Parsippany. Had nice time.
7 W=F SA
Another beautiful day, the last of my vacation. I am 50 years old today & recd a shirt from the folks, a tie & suspenders & record from N. Recd cards from mother & dad, Hilda & Margaret. Letter from mother with $5.00 for my birthday.
8 W=F SU xxxBob called us from Camp Toccoa, GA at 10:00am. He again could not hear us well. His radio will not give reception in that area he says. Ralph & Sally came for supper & dinner. Ralph took copy of Secret Heritage at his request.
9 W=F M
Tomatoes are ripening every day now. Recd letter from Bob. Back to work again. Gave Mr. Tutt May dues for Mrs. Tutt.
11 W=C W Letter from Bob.
12 W=F TH N & I wrote Bob.
13 W=R F Recd letter from Bob. N canned 8 qts. of tomatoes.
14 W=F SADad S is 74 yrs. old today. Had dinner at Coach & Horses. Gramp starts work at 9 on Sat & on Sunday. Took N & her mother to see “The Human Comedy”.
15 W=F SU Beautiful day. Picked a bushel of tomatoes.
16 W=F M N canned 10 qts. of tomatoes. Fixed washing machine.
17 W=F TuPicked another basket of tomatoes for N. Recd announcement of birth of a daughter, Sandra Jennine, 7# 7 oz, to Jennie’s daughter Selma, my niece. This is my 1st grand-niece. Born Aug 4th at 7833 N. Holmes St. (Sandra Jennine Howell).
18 W=F W N & I to movies. Recd 3 page letter from Bob.
19 W=F THN has canned 27 qts. of tomatoes. She canned again yesterday. N wrote Bob. Miss Dorothy Hendricks loaned me 4 issues of The Beacon through N. I sent her my copies of the R. C. Digest. N invited Ralph & Sally Jo for Sunday dinner. Wrote to NY Chapter of AMORC for 9th Degree init. Prepared pkg. for Sandra Jennine Howell born 8/4/43.
20 W=F FPicked another basket of tomatoes & corn for tomorrow. Also had corn this eve. W E Co. is moving coils job to Averill, MA.
21 W=F SA
We canned 8 qts. of tomatoes (total of 35). N prepared pkg for Bob & Selma’s baby Sandra Jennine Howell. Drove in to plant & left at 3:00 for date at 4:00 with Sussman [the dentist]. He will finish up next Sat. Delivered wool for N & collected socks. [Probably finished knitted socks from one of her knitting buddies.]
22 W=F SU
Andrew & Alida came shortly after Bob called at 3:00pm from Toccoa, GA while we were at dinner. We ate because Sally & Ralph did not show up. Then he called and said he was in Newark highway 25 near 29. His fuel pump broke. So Andrew & I drove there and brot them & the car here. Then we went hunting a pump after they ate & found one at Court House Garage. We put it on & it worked after some fussing. Alida did not feel so well. Could not get gas at Manuel & Madey’s & Keller’s was dry so got it across from the church. (6 gals).
23 W=F MWrote letters to Bob & folks. Bill G. went home sick. Air raid blackout this eve at 9:30 to 10:00pm.
24 W=C TU Watered garden & yard again.
25 W=F WRecd letter from mother & one from Bob. Mr. H H Parsons of Johnson & Kirkman, Inc. was around in eve & left est to cover insulation of house with Eagle Min. wool insulation for $500.
26 W=F TH
We recd let from Jennie & N wrote to Bob. WHG started on 8 channel cond. job. Worked to 7:15pm. Wrote letter to Amer. Type Founders about Bob and sent snap of him.
27 W=R F
Had some more of our own corn & tomatoes. Recd inc tax statement for Bob due 9/15/43. Bill George home again with sore throat.
28 W=C SA
Came home at 2:30 for 4pm appointment w/ dentist. He finished up by cleaning my teeth. Amt of bill is $48. Picked cauliflower, lettuce, tomatoes, radishes & sweet corn (golden bantam).
29 W=C SUDid not receive tel call from Bob today. Had our own beets & corn again today. Also radishes & tomatoes. Mother S made tomatoe preserve. Am nearly fin with reading of Wisdom of the Overself by Paul Brunton, a most enlightening book. Transplanted several Chinese cabbage plants.
30 W=C M
Recd inc tax blank to be returned 9/15/43. N checked with tel. co. & found an overcharge in tel call to Camp Toccoa of $1. plus tax overcharge on same.
31 W=F TU xxxFinished reading The Wisdom of the Overself at 12:30am. Overtime 2 hours.

September 1943

1 W=C W
Attended Martinist get together meeting at Haack’s. Took 3 members home. Recd letter from Bob.
2 W=C TH
Overtime 2 hrs. N & I shared a letter for Bob. We recd notification from Veteran’s Admin. Wash., DC today that Bob had taken out $10,000 of insurance with National Service Life Ins.
3 W=C FSally came this afternoon & she & N visited Dr. B for Sally’s acct. I got Ralph at 7:15pm. Had fried chicken (by Sally) & some of my sweet corn. [My mother made the world’s best fried chicken, I have the recipe but can’t match hers! She learned from her Virginia born & bred mother of course.]
4 W=C SARecd letter from Bob. Had altercation with Mrs. S. N canned 8 qts. of tomatoes, totaling 57 qts.
5 W=C SUAte some more corn. Wrote Bob. N sent Bob Charlie Searles’ report on him as he requested to have it sent. Repaired sash cord in 1 living room and middle front sun parlor window. Mother S stayed in her room most of the day.
6 W=F M Labor Day Ralph & Sally called at 4:30pm as Ralph did not have work to do.
7 W=F TU rain at eveningWorked 2 hrs. overtime. Recd letter from Aunt Hilda . N fell on her left hand at Whittom’s today.
8 W=F WW H George took Jim B & me over to see Jim Colbert at Clifton for whom we are to take orders after next Monday. Started reading A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos loaned from Dave Zeliff. Recd letter from Bob.
9 W=F TH
Loaned Semuria to David E. Zeliff. N and I visited Samuel Riebel on account of extension of mortgage agreement for Prudential Loan. He notarized 2 copies for us gratis. N & I then went to McManus & purchased 3 carpets for dining & living room. Barry’s house is being painted. People who bot Buck’s house are getting ready to move in. They are Jewish people. Will mail papers to Prud. Ins. Co. tomorrow.
10 W=F FSaw “The Lost Horizon” and “It Happened One Night”. This makes twice for no. 1 above. Recd shades for sun parlor & put up same. N & I called on Connie Loesser.

11 W=F SA N cleaned sun parlor & part of living room.
12 W=F SUWorked in garden, cut hedge, misc. work etc. Put old rugs in basement. N cleaned living room. Ate our last corn today. Bob called up from Gainesville, GA in AM.
13 W=F M
Worked on Income Tax report and bills, etc. N bot curtain material for living & dining room. Recd letter from June Selberg [his niece] who is now at Hazelton, PA visiting her husband’s folks. She will be here a week from today.
14 W=R @ night TU
Overtime 2 hrs. Wrote Internal Revenue collector and sent check for ½ amount due. Went to Clifton today to discuss matters with Clifton engineers regarding our new work at Kearny. We now report to 9812 but come under 9511 jurisdiction. Wrote letters to June & Bob.
15 W=F W 

 Carpets (3) came & N & I laid them. Dave Zeliff started on VHF job. [After this entry there is a very dark thick green ink line separating this day from the following, don’t remember seeing any other day marked like this.]
16 W=F some rain late in eve. TH xxxxx
We recd telegram from Jennie this morning stating mother was real ill. Then around noon we recd a 2nd one saying she had passed on thru transition at 5:00am this morning. I came home at 3:00pm. June Selberg also called N & said she was coming at 10pm and poor N so busy with all the work & rush and no Mary to help her out, so we ate at Coach & Horses. Then N & I went to Wang’s & selected a few more small rugs. We then went home & back again for June. She arrived late at 11:40pm. Talked with Andrew. [In a letter to me of 4/7/99 June tells me about this trip. I will quote her letter bits at a time on the correct dates: "In 1943, the year I was married, Johnny sent me back to Hazleton, PA to meet his mother who was dying & wanted to meet her first daughter-in-law. While there my grandma Vander Meulen died so I took the train up to Elizabeth, NJ to be with my Uncle Folkert and Aunt Naomi, your grandparents. Naomi's mother & dad were living with them at the one sat down to dinner until pots and pans were washed, another of his peculiarities."]
17 W=R F
Sent telegram to Bob about mother’s passing. June then put in a call to her mother which we got and then we talked (the 3 of us) with Jennie. Sent flowers to Portland. Wired Ruth. N called Peter [Dr. Peter] and we are invited out there Sunday. N also called AER-1845. Mother was 79 years old on March 15th last. Took June for ride around Elizabeth. Had chicken dinner. Ralph & Sally Jo stopped about 9:45pm on their way to Bristol & while here Bob called up from Toccoa, GA. We all spoke to him & it must have cheered him considerably. Bob offered to let me have all the money in his checking acct. if I could use it to go home on. Pine gold !! that boy!.
18 W=F SA
Took N & June to hairdresser. After dinner I took folks along Palisades to George Washington Bridge. June & I walked half way across & back. Had supper at Coach & Horses. [NOTE: Description of George Washington Bridge from old post cards. Grandpa took visitors to the bridge as a sight-seeing activity; we can tell it was interesting to them to cross, people wanted to see it and say they’d been across it!
'Spanning the Hudson River at 179th Street, the George Washington Bridge connects the States of New York and New Jersey. It is the longest suspension bridge in the world and cost $60,000,000. It was completed in 1931.
Spans the Hudson River between Fort Lee, N.J. and New York City. One of the longest suspension bridges in the world. 4,760 feet long between the two 600+ foot towers. Enough wire in the cables to go around the world four times. 131 illuminated directional signs to help guide your travel. Two levels and 14 traffic lanes are capable of handling almost 200,000 cars, trucks, and buses per average day.' It’s a real kick to drive across too!!! LVC]
19 W=F SU
Went out to P A Vander Meulen’s at 55 Harrison Ave., Highland Pk, NJ with June, N & folks. Had tea there. [Here is June's 1999 rendition of this visit, a bit different than the one I inserted on the 30th of the month from an earlier letter, see below. "Folkert & Naomi took me to New Brunswick to dinner at Peter Vander Meulen, who was dean of chemistry as I recall at Rutgers Univ. Their home was lovely on campus. He graduated from Cornell at 16, his wife was so nice, looked like Barbara Bush and their dining room had longest oval table with armed Windsor chairs all around. After dinner their daughter was picked up for date with fellow from West Point. At 19 I was impressed with all this."]
20 W=C M xxxx N & June washed some & ironed. Mother was interred today.
21 W=C TU N & June & folks to Asbury Park. Overtime 2 hours.
22 W=C W N took June to New York. She telephoned Ralph.
23 W=F TH Wrote letter to Jennie, overtime 2 hrs.
24 W=C & R F no news. To bed early.
25 W=C SACalled Ralph for N this am. N took June to Sally’s place this afternoon. June will go out with them tonight & come back with them to dinner here tomorrow. Recd telegram from Margaret. At the funeral Jennie & Dad & Andriena & Margaret & Frank. Sold old dining room rug to Mary Nelson our maid for $7.00. [June again writing to me in 1999: "One Saturday Naomi took me by train to NY. We went to Macy's and the big church and several places then to your father & mother's apt, I believe on Park Ave., probably Riverside Drive (lc) and Naomi went home. They took me to dinner at the Copacabana, where Perry Como was singing at the start of his career; we hit several of the fancy bars like Diamond Jim's then to Times Square to a movie and stage show, (no doubt Radio City Music Hall) and it was 4am when we got out and brown-out (meaning low lighting due to wartime restrictions) so did not see the lights but streets so crowded at that time. Back home to apt where I slept on a Murphy bed which pulled down in living room. The next day they drove me back to NJ and dinner with F & N. When your dad and Betty spent a week with us at Whidbey, Ralph could not remember that time at all, but they treated me quite royally back in 1943."] [I did some research on the Copa, the hotlink above takes one to its Wikipedia article, which doesn't say that when they were there it was in Jackson Heights, the area where mom & dad lived, or were about to move to.]
26 W=F SUHad tires inspected. Ralph & Sally Jo brot June back at 1:30pm for dinner (chicken). Then I got air & gas & took June out to Summit, Lake Surprise, Washington Rock, etc. Then Andrew & Alida came and we had buffet lunch. Then June left for a stay at DeBoer’s. Andrew & Alida seem to be having marital troubles. [June: "I spent a week there (at grandma & grandpa's) then the DeBoers came and got me and took me to Palisades Park where they lived. Andrew was in construction and wealthy but lived a simple life with his wife and son and daughter. He left a new blue Cadillac convertible at home for me to drive but I didn't know how. One morning he said get ready we were going to NY. He took me into the Statue of Liberty and we climbed to crown which was as high as we could go. Then to Rockefeller Center and had dinner there and then to see Sonja Henie live in musical Stars on Ice. Then back home, just him and me. His wife stayed home. Andrew was a half cousin to us begat thru a second marriage. I spent several days there then back to Folkert & Naomi."] [In June's elderly, shaky handwriting she added in the margin of this letter, "Grandpa & his brother, Theake, designed & landscaped Palisades Park." What she meant is that as part of their flourishing floral / nursery business in Dunkirk, they laid out the public gardens of Palisades Park. Grandma told me that years ago, and for years I was thinking it was one of the "S" cities, Syracuse, or Schnectady or somewhere because I forgot what grandma said! When I read this letter some time back, I was thrilled to know what city!]
27 W=F MRecd letter from dad & Andriena Van Beek. He has named me as administrator of his last Will & Testament stating that Jennie, Marg, I and Andriena VB were to share in it. Recd a call from Long Distance operator to stand by for call from Portland, O. Wrote letter to Bob.
28 W=F TU xxxxCalled N & found June’s special delivery letter from her mother was again delivered to our house instead of Andrew’s. Went to Ward weapons exhibit in Chrysler Building this pm by Kromer’s permission. Call came in just before midnight from Marg’s house. Spoke to Dad, Marg, Andriena & Frank. Routed Jennie’s “thank you” card through Pete Lieske.
29 W=F W
Recd letter from Bob. Andrew DeBoer called about June’s special delivery letter. Took dad’s radio set to Elmora Radio. Mended doorstop on bathroom door. Put handle on front hall closet door.
30 W=R TH
Recd pictures of Mother’s funeral from Dad & taken by Andriena. Recd “thank you” card from Jennie. Worked 2 hrs overtime. Filled out appl for new “A” ration gas book which N will deliver to E? board for rationing at City Hall. Mary Nelson our girl jacked up her price per hour from 50 to 60 cents today starting next week. Ralph & Sally moved to Jackson Heights [NYC]. [June stayed a couple more days but I want to insert part of a letter from June to me in 1995 in which she describes this visit a little bit. “When I was 19, and just married, and my husband, Johnny, was an engineer in the Merchant Marine, I went back to his home in PA, and then up to my Uncle Folkert. They took me to have dinner at Peter Vander Meulen’s house near Rutgers where he was the Dean of Chemistry. Peter showed me this book where he was listed in Who’s Who of Dutch People in USA. He was a pompous fellow. He had 2 children, a girl and a boy but I never followed thru with them.”]

October 1943

1 W=R FJim Bruns & I went to Clifton this AM. Alida called up N & said June was coming this eve. Rumor that our engineers are to come under new E[ngineer] of M[anufacturing] Management. Andrew DeBoer brought June late in evening.2 W=C SA Took June & folks to Cranford theatre.
3 W=C SU
We all went to Lake Hopatcong. Started a fire in fireplace. Wrote letter to Jennie. Junie is also writing letters & intends to leave tomorrow.4 W=F M
N’s “E” bond deposited with mine. This makes two $25 bonds of N’s with mine per her request. June left for PA this morning.5 W=F TUOvertime 2 hrs. Got Dad’s radio from Elmora Radio Repair shop at $7.60. Tubes were OK. Pilot tubes & 2 condensers replaced. Recd my new gasoline “A” ration book today.6 W=F W heavy frost
Composed letter to Dad V. N recd estimate of $10 to grade our west side yard from gardener next door. Barry’s house was painted (completed) yesterday. Took 2 heads of cauliflower from garden. Sally Jo called at our house yesterday & left again without being able to attract dad’s attention. He was in bath, he claims, & did not hear her. She left note.7 W= F TH Typed letter to Dad.8 W=F FRecd letter from Bob & Type Foundry. Wrote Bob & Type Foundry. They want Bob’s address. Sent 8 snaps & Bob’s checks & statement.9 W=F SA To bed early10 W=F SU
N wrote Bob. I picked all remaining beets, carrots & turnips. Sally & Ralph took
boat trip up Hudson. Started furnace up again. Early this AM developed dysentery.
11 W=F M Ed Tyler is accepting a new dept chief’s position at Bayonne.
12 W=F TU Columbus Day
Picked all remaining green tomatoes that were of large size. We recd card & letter from Ralph & Sally.13 W=F W
Called Ralph & asked him to dinner Sunday at 1PM. Am reading A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos. It is an extremely revealing book. Recd letter from Bob.
Waited 1 hr for my bus 24 in rain. Got on third one. N called Romarro & PA Dobbie.
16 W=F SA Bob called at about 11:10PM from Toccoa, GA. N & I talked to him.17 W=F SU
Put in 3 new shelves in fruit cabinet in basement. Ralph & Sally came too late for dinner with us as usual. Some young married couple, friends of theirs, called & waited for them to come.18 W=F M Recd letter from Dad in answer to my certified letter. Also one from June written at Chicago.19 W=C TU Worked on RC exam yest & today. Recd letter from Aunt Jennie.20 W=C W Went to bed right after reading paper. Got letter from Bob.21 W=F THWrote Bob letter at 6am. Howard A. Lee asked N & I to sit at his table at the coming Tel Pioneers’ dinner-dance at the Hotel St. George in Brooklyn. Worked on AMORC exam. Loaned “Heath Facts” to Gus Kroel. Recd letter from Ruth Fifield & pictures.
22 W=R F
Left at 5pm for Ralph’s home where I arrived at 7:30pm & met N & had supper. Got back home at 12:35am.23 W=F SA Bob called around 11:15pm from Toccoa. He goes on maneuvers Mon. To bed early.
24 W=C SU
Took N & folks to Linden, Woodbridge, Sewarens [sp?]
& Carteret & then left Gramp at his place of work. Worked on exam for 9th degree.
25 W=R MAsked for a copy of “The Radiotron Designers HB” of the R C A Mfg. Co. Worked on AMORC exam.26 W=R TURegular nor'easter storm, thunder, etc. Got soaked below coming home. Worked on AMORC exam. 3 ships washed ashore at Sandy Hook (1 broke up) and one down further on Jersey coast-much damage & stalled cars. ["October 26, 1943, gale force winds pushed the "Liberty Ship" James Longstreet onto the sand flats of Sandy Hook, NJ. She grounded on the flood tide so when the storm abated and the tide fell the steamer was high and dry. Badly damaged, she wasn't refloated until Nov. 23rd. Towed to NY for further repairs, it was found that she was a constructive total loss. The Navy used her as a test ship until she was towed to Cape Cod Bay for use as a target. By 1973, when William Quinn wrote Shipwrecks Around Cape Cod, the steamer's remains were riddled with holes from bullets to bombs. She was likened to a "steel plated Swiss cheese". An aerial photograph taken by Quinn in 1978 shows that 30 odd years of bombing had obliterated the middle of the ship. Today little remains above the surface".] [Go here to read more about this ship and some other Liberty Ships. Kert, this article also tells about the SS O'Brien which supported the Normandy invasion.]

27 W=R C W Completed AMORC exam. Mr. Mueller took new job on inspection methods at Ford plant today.
28 W=R TH Received letters from Bob & Jennie.

29 W=F FRecd letter & 20 snaps from Junie (Selberg) Marcinkevich. Included were several of inside of our home. Sent a $6 credit voucher to AMORC for a $2.50 Readers Research Course #21 on “Light, Color & its affect in our lives “ for mother Salmon to read (2 per month), 10 discourses total.30 W=R SARecd my copy of "Radiotron Designers HB", 3rd edition from RCA at Harrison, NJ. Also recd Dad’s Will. “Halloweven”.31 W=F SU
Took N & folks to see opening of Chrysanthemum show at Branchbrook Park in Newark. Ralph & Sally called on their way home from Shore. Put last year’s alcohol or anit-freeze in radiator of car. Finished reading A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos.

November 1943

1 W=F M Ordered 3 radio books from Newark Book Xchg., Mr. Prager.
2 W=R & C TUOvertime 2 hrs. Wrote letter to Bob this early AM. Did not have time to vote before work & worked overtime in eve. so did not vote for the first time in 29 years, since I became of age. Edge carried NJ as new Rep. Gov. Dewey’s candidate for Lt. Gov. of NY State also carried – rep.
3 W=F WBob called at 11:15pm from Westmoreland in TN (north central). Deed & Gramp to Ralph & Sally’s for dinner. N & I ate at Coach & Horses & then to Regent. Recd “Ultra High Freq” & “RCA Rec Tube Manual”. Keller’s put new sealed beam lamp in left front lamp, repaired short & had car inspected. Car will have to go again.
4 W=C THRecd Radio Engs Handbook by T? from Newark Book X’chg. Tied up Chinese cabbage, picked 2 small heads red cabbage. Mr. Ryan called for a short while. Finished reading Mental Poisoning by Lewis. Good book.
5 W=C F
Adj’d thermostat so it would shut off at a lower temp from about 74deg to 70deg F.
6 W=F SA To bed early
7 W=F SUMade shoe scraper for back steps. Put new washers in bathroom bowl faucets & enlarged holes in shower spray. Put down rug under cover in dining room. Picked 3 heads of cauliflower from garden, also chickory & chard. Tied up the rest of the Chinese cabbages. N wrote letters to June & Jennie.
8 W=R M
To Clifton on 9am bus. A C Koehler & I worked out list of major & minor repair items. Recd letter from Bob.
9 W=R TU
Wrote letter to Harvey Miles in ans to his of 11/4/43 re: exam & report. Will mail it tomorrow. Bob called 10:45pm.
10 W=F WWorked overtime till 7:15pm. Recd 2 tickets for Pioneer’s dinner, Fri.
11 W=C TH
Overtime 2 hours. Ordered Chemical & Physics Handbook by Chemical Rubber Pub. Co. from Newark Book Exchange.
12 W=W=C FRecd letter w/ first pictures of Bob. N & I attended annual dinner and dance given by the Tel. Pioneers of Amer. at Hotel St. George, Brooklyn. We had a table w/ Mr. & Mrs. ?, Mr. & Mrs. Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. Lee & Mr. & Mrs. Max Geoppel. Had a good time but we all had fish instead of chicken w/ 1 exception & that displeased the most of the crowd. Talked a bit with Patterson. Drove car to station this AM.
13 W=C SA
Recd copy of Handbook of Chemical & Physics from Newark Book Exchange. Went to Goldings for eye test, but after exam he recommended a visit to Stein. Went to Maffey’s & Sears.
14 W=F SU Cold!Put up storm windows & took down screens from 2nd floor windows. Wrote letters to Bob & Dad V. & Amer. Type F. sending Bob’s picture. Sally Jo & Ralph were in to dinner & left right afterwards to visit some of their friends in Scotch Plains.
15 W=C M Took N & Mrs. Fuller to YWCA.
16 W=C TUSaw “Communicade”, a demonstration of Kearny communications instruments as aids to winning war & protecting of ships & cities, etc. 4 big tents on parking lot. Went to Dr. Isadore Stein, 817 Broad St., and had eyes examined for a new set of glasses, my first bifocals.
17 W=F W
Had dinner at J. C. YMCA this noon. L A Densmore took 4 of us over. Recd letter from Grand Sec. AMORC, stating that exam had been successful. Also recd a certificate to this effect permitting entry into 9th degree. Recd news bulletins from both the NJ & NYC chapters of AMORC. Picked 3 heads of cauliflower & several heads of Chinese cabbage. Recd letter from Bob & from Kelley Press returning Bob’s picture.
18 W=F THSelected a pair of bifocal glasses at Goldings per I. Stein’s prescription. Price to be $26. Started reading The Unobstructed Universe by Stewart Edward White. Called Scotty today. Charlie Searles & Scotty are members of NYC chapter of AMORC. Pat is soon to join also.
19 W=F FWent to Clifton with a tool draftsman to measure a table ext. on a #1AA H.S. Hammer. Recd letter from Jennie.
20 W=F SA Recd long letter from Bob. He may be home for Xmas!
21 W=F SUTook down back porch screens & put all downstairs screens in attic. Pruned wisteria vine. Picked more Chinese cabbages. Am reading The Unobstructed Universe. Good. Hung picture for mother S.
22 W=C R last night MMother & dad to movie to celebrate 51st wedding anniversary tomorrow. Ordered Merck’s Handbook of Materia Medica & Therapeutics thru Dave Rappaport, druggist.
23 W=S TU 1st snow today, light. Overtime 2 hrs.
24 W=F W
Moved Bob’s bookcase into my room & moved the dresser from my room into the folks’ room. Theirs went up to the attic. Put books in bookcase. Recd annual Xmas Seals yesterday.
25 W=F TH ThanksgivingWorked all day. Beautiful weather. Scott let me see letter from Mrs. Haack regarding Martnist affairs. [VERY odd, why did he work? Where is mention of dinner? Family? OH, see Sunday!]
26 W=F F
Wrote Mrs. Tutt to send Mrs. Haack’s letter. Wrote Bob. Got up at 2am; to bed last night at 8:30.
27 W=F SAGot my new bifocals today (this evening) from W. C. Golding & Sons. This is 1st pair of bifocals I have ever worn. Put new pilot lamp in my radio. Put new glass in my bookcase.
28 W=F SU Beautiful weather!Sally & Ralph helped us to enjoy a fine Thanksgiving turkey dinner today. Bob called at 4:30pm & spoke to all of us except dad who had gone to work. Ralph did not feel well. Took several heads of Chinese cabbage from garden
29 W=F M Below freezing!Recd bookcase today for Bob’s room. Jim Bruns & I spent day at Clifton.
30 W=light S TU
Was ½ hr late so drove car to depot. Called on I. Stein for a check of my new bifocals. He reported them OK. Left my library book on train this eve. The Unobstructed Universe by Edw. White.

December 1943

1 W=C W
Worked overtime 2 hrs. Recd letter from Sally saying Ralph had had a fever of 102+ Sunday night but was better
2 W=C THRecd copy of Merck’s Manual from Rappaport at Pharmacy on Magie Avenue. Blackout this evening.
3 W=C F
Recd letter from NYC Chapter of AMORC requesting me to come 12/12/43 at 4PM for initiation into 9th degree.
4 W=F Sa Recd a bond “E” Series for Bob from Chicago.
5 W=F SUTook ride to Morristown. STUDIED ARMORC EXP (making index of same).
6 W=R MLoaned Nov. issue of “The Rosicrucian Digest” to Mr. DeWitte. We moved yesterday to our new location.
7 W=F TU Overtime 2 hrs.
Repaired ice box control. Started reading The Road I Know by Stewart Edw. White, loaned from N’s hairdresser.
8 W=C W Recd letter from Bob. N & I to movies in Roselle Park.
9 W=F TH Mary [housekeeper] did not show up again this week. Overtime 2 hrs.
10 W=C FN & Mother S. had another scrap today. Wrote letter to Bob. Recd letter from Sally.
11 W=F SA 15deg cold! Real Winter.
12 W=F SU xxxxxxCaught the 2:22 train for NY & met Pat, Charlie S & Hardy at Ferry. We all were initiated into the 9th degree this evening. When I got home Ralph & Sally were here.
13 W=F M
Real cold compared to yesterday. N has been writing Xmas cards & doing up Xmas pkgs & has sent some. Am writing a few myself. P A Racksmeyer is back from tube shop.
14 W=C TU Overtime 2 hrs. Wrote Xmas card to Mr. & Mrs. Haack.
15 W=C W Cold! 14deg F
Mr. Martens-Butzback & I cleaned up the bent strap situation on the 3936 condenser.
16 W=F TH
Mary was here today for 1st time in 3 or 4 weeks. Overtime 2 hrs. Wrote letter to AMORC relative to my request of 10/29 for the Reader’s Research Course NO 21, $2.50 (10 discourses).
17 W=F FR Had hoarse throat today & yesterday. Recd Xmas card from Dad w/ $1 for N & I.
19 W=F SU Very mild.
Elmora Honor Roll was dedicated today w/ about 500 people present. 500 names appear on this board including Bob’s.
20 W=F M Snow flurries.
Jim Burns & I spent day at Clifton. We all wrote a few lines on a joint Xmas letter for Bob.
21 W=F TUWent to Clifton this AM. Worked overtime 2 hrs. Recd letter from Bob. Recd card from Art P. Kromer for Xmas, from Jamaica, LI, NY.
22 W=C W Put small Xmas tree up. Recd letter from Bob saying he would not be home. N recd her new teeth today from Dr. Rudolph Sussman $85.cost. Sent card to Art P. Kromer at Rosedale, L I , NY.
23 W=F THOvertime 2 hrs. Recd card from Lenny A . Freeman & wife Lucille. Also one from J J Colbert. Letter from Bob.
24 W=F F
Worked today until 5pm. Ralph & Sally Jo came over after supper and we all gave each other our presents. Two girls working from opposite ends of our coach coming home on train gave each person a piece of chocolate candy. Odd is it not? Leonard A Freeman and I & Mrs. Broome had quite a little talk this afternoon developing nicely into mystical lines. Recd a card from Ehrenberg of Clifton Annex. Recd Xmas gifts as follows:
From Deed; New Testament Red letter edition, nuts, tie, socks, 6 pr.
From Naomi; Tie, $5.00, night shirt, gloves
From Bob; $5
From Ralph & Sally; Socks & tie & suspenders
From Dad S; shirt
AGD called me this late afternoon. We recd 3 letters from Bob. He is not coming home for the holidays. From Jennie $2.50 each for N & I (recd 12/26)
25 W=F SA Beautiful weather!
Bob called from Cookville, TN shortly after 12:00 Wrote cards to Selma & Ted Gast. Recd one from Margaret. FDR took over RRs at 7:00PM.
28 W=F TU In conference 2 hrs; overtime 2 hrs.
29 W=F W 12deg FWent to Ralph’s direct from work. Met Ralph accidentally at 61st street platform of IRT in LI on way home. Had dinner at Ralph’s – all of us. Tried to start car this AM but it did not turn over.
30 W=F TH Overtime 2 hrs. Recd letter from Bob. To library to pay for lost book.
31 W=F F
We did not celebrate & I went to bed early. I got up at 11:00 and spent a few hours reading & writing to Bob. (1/1/44) Car won’t turn over & mother S is getting a cold. No whistles were heard. [Not a very happy sounding entry indeed. My guess is the effects of the War and Bob’s absence were getting to him.]

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