Friday, February 12, 2010


I have been so busy thinking about all the photos and documents I can link to as I go along I forgot the POSTCARDS. When grandma & grandpa visited us when I was in early grade school, July 19, 1955, grandma bought me a packet of shiny colorful picture postcards of the animal shows and other scenes at our world renown St. Louis Zoo when we all went there for a daylong visit. That started a life long collection. I've bought cards nearly everywhere I've ever been, especially if I didn't have a camera along. I have inherited several sets of cards, to include grandma & grandpa's and dad & Betty Ann's. MANY were sent by family members, many are dated. I often dated cards I bought in my travels and told why I was there, and often with whom. It has just this week occured to me that these cards will be great illustrations of happenings in grandpa's life! Many are vintage cards and will be inserted as close to the actual date they were sent, if dated. Some will be used as illustrations whether or not I am sure the card is the same time period of the journal entry. Some will be quoted as grandma frequently added details grandpa left out. The cards are going to add another dimension to these records. I now have to live to be 100 in order to finish this project! Kert's 2009 Christmas present is going to last forever! I'm glad I realized about the cards before I typed too much more or everyone would have to start over to see the cards! Any colored text that is underlined is a link so check them out!

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