Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I have found a great WWII website which has a simply-formatted timeline of the various events during the War which makes a great quick reference. Click on it to see what is going on in the world outside of New Jersey during the War years!
January 1944
[In this month's The Magazine Antiques we find a small note in the back with the listings of various antiques shops which reads: "We have had to omit several advertisements from this January number, because of the wartime shortage of paper. We urge our advertisers to plan ahead what space they want ...and to make sure that their copy reaches us by the 5th of the month..."]

1 W=F SA Worked today! Wrote Bob letter in early AM. Very few people worked in shops today.
2 W=F SU
Tried to remove battery from car, but need a socket wrench. Got Kearneygrams, etc., ready to mail to Dad.
3 W=R & S M
10:00 Clifton bus was in accident. Jim B. barely missed it by going at 9AM. N borrowed another copy for me today of The Unobstructed Universe. She also got Marie Correlli’s Life Everlasting. Went to Penn. Jersey Store from train and bot set of socket wrenches for Jennie’s Xmas money.
4 W=S & R TU
Overtime 2 hours. Train 1 hr. late to Kearny due to sleet & snow & rain storm all night long. [Kearny is the Kearny Western Electric plant: Between 1926 & 1986 the Kearny Works of Western Electric employed thousands in producing a variety of hardware and supplies for the Bell System and was the home of the "Kearny Standard" for tools and equipment.]

5 W=R @night W
N & I were married 26 years ago. Gave N some money instead of flowers at her request for 1st time since we were married. Ret’d “Woman’s Home Companion” magazine to Scottie this noon. Bob recd Income Tax Blank here from Govt. Met “Winky”. (Geo Mueller was hurt in 10:00 Clifton Station wagon crack up on Monday AM.) (Destroyer blew up near Sandy Hook on Monday). Started reading Life Everlasting yesterday. Mr. Evans' mother died.
6 W=R TH
Jim & I went to Clifton on 10:00 bus to pick up some 3 to 1 & 2 to 1 combs. N is 49 years of age today. Gave her money. Mr. & Mrs. Whitlow spent evening with us.
7 W=F F O’time 2 hrs. Bob called at 10:15! Recd letter & cards from Bob.
8 W=F SA Went to 5 hdwe stores for socket wrenches.
9 W=F SU Read Life Everlasting. Fixed washing machine, took battery from car.
12 W=F W Reinstalled my recharged battery in car.
13 W=F TH Recd letter from Bob. Wrote to Bob. Worked 2 hrs. overtime.
14 W=F F Loaned Unto Thee I Grant to Dave Zeliff. Kicked my little toe (right foot) against door and tore veins & stretched ligaments. Went to Dr. Block at 7:00. He said it was not broken. Returned Morals & Dogmas to Mr. Aultfather. Mr. Searles returned my book The Wisdom of the Overself by Paul Brunton.
15 W=S SA
Went to Mr. Neuwirth’s place of business at 57 11th Street E in NYC with Mr. Dudas on a rush order for tracking set clamps. Ralph & Sally stopped in to say hello on their way to Westfield to a skating party. Read an airmail letter from Bob. He is on his way to Ft. Crowder, MO. Muller back home from hosp.
16 W=F SU
Took N & folks for a little ride & stopped at Mrs. Hendrick’s home to deliver my copy of Cosmic Consc. to her. She let Naomi have a few of her books. AGD completed 40 years of co. service.
17 W=F M Wrote Dad a letter. J T Bruns home sick.
18 W=F TU
Recd 1st lecture of Reader’s Research Acad. course on color, etc. Am reading parts of Alice Bailey’s From Intellect to Intuition. Overtime 2 hours.
19 W=C W
Overtime 2 hrs. To Clifton with JTB & Hotz & W Jablonski on “K” cond job. Ordered another load of coke & coal today. Purchased another bond $18.75 (“E” Victory) in drive (4th). IHP & I talked over the phone.
20 W=F TH O’time 2 hrs.

Rode home w/ Charlie Searles on train. Recd letter from Jennie & pictures of her home.
21 W=C F N & I to movies. Recd telegram from Bob.
22 W=F SA Recd 1 ton of K coke today minus pea coal.
23 W=C SU Wrote Bob.
24 W=F M xxxFainted this AM in my room as I was inhaling fresh air. I fell and pushed floor lamp thru window. Put in new pane at night. Hurt right chest & eye bone. Recd letter from Bob & Dad V. Drove car to station.
27 W=F TH O’time 2 hrs. Recd 2nd lecture of Readers’s Res. Acad. course on Color.
28 W=R F N recd note from Sally. Ralph had sore throat again.
29 W=F warm SA

Recd letter from Bob. Talked with Dave. Finished reading When the Sun Moves Northward by Mabel Collins.
30 W=F SU Took folks for ride & Dad to work. Cleaned my room windows & fin. puttying and painting of south window which recently was replaced.
31 W=C M Recd Camp Crowder booklet from Bob.

February 1944
1 W=F cold & windy TU Sent Kearny magazine to Bob. O’time 2 hrs.
2 W=F 20deg W Ground Hog Day!
N got Phoenix policy from vault today which I will turn over to Phoenix Life Ins. Co. tomorrow. Am having a new policy made for $2000 instead of $2500.
3 W=F TH
N recd letter from Sally. She & Ralph will be in for supper tomorrow. She & N & Dad will have tea at Hazel’s. Overtime 2 hours.
4 W=F F
Ralph & Sally had supper with us. I took them to depot. Missed Ralph at depot at 7:15pm. Recd letter from Bob.
6 W=F SU
Wrote Bob. We were out to see Clifton plant of W E Co. this aft. N recd spl delivery letter from Margaret (mom’s sister Margaret Crockett) saying Sally Jo’s sister Kitty wasn’t expected to live & would she convey news to Ralph & Sally. [Kitty had MS and must have had a bad spell because she did survive and lived until 3 Jul 1961. Mother took us to see her in a nursing home in 1960.]
7 W=F few snow flakes M
N called Ralph today re Margaret’s letter about Kitty [Sherwood] Kilgoreg. Wrapped papers for Bob & Dad. Recd 1.5 tons coke & 1 ton #1 buckwheat.
8 W=F TUO’time 2 hrs. Recd letters from Bob & Dad V. N went downtown & helped Sally get trans to Bristol & do some shopping. She is going down there tomorrow to visit her dying sister Kitty.
11 W=S xx F
Robt. telephoned last night from Camp Crowder to say he was coming home on his first furlough a week from next Tues. Cleaned snow from walks & driveway.
12 W=F SA
Fin reading From Intellect to Intuition by Alice A Bailey. “Good”. Has instructions for meditation.
13 W=F SU
Cleaned walks some more. Started on order to Burpee for veg. seeds for “V”garden.
14 W=R M Valentines Day
Ralph had supper with us. Sally is still in Bristol. Recd check today for cancellation of Phoenix Policy. New policy recd today.
16 W=F W
Read 3rd installment of “Light, Color & Our Lives” RAD 362 (Ros. Anal. Disc.)
18 W=C F
Overtime 2 hrs. Recd telegram from Bob stating he would arrive NYC Monday AM & would telephone from there. Wrote card for Jennie’s birthday.
19 W=F SA Ralph & Sally stopped in for awhile at supper time.
20 W=F SU
Sent in new church pledge to Mr. Skidmore. Wrote orders for seed to Burpee & Henderson. Delvd wool & collected socks for N.
21 W=F M xxxx
Bob came home on his 1st furlough today at 1:10pm from Camp Crowder. He surprised the folks here by coming unannounced by taxi from Newark where he left Pennsy special train.
22 W=R TU
Had dinner for Bob this evening. Ralph, Sally & Jeanne Klump were with us. “K” job seems headed for Clifton.
23 W=F W
Bob & N went downtown today to NYC at Mrs. McWilliams’ expense. They saw Ralph at his office a few minutes. Bob & I called on Mr. F. E. Shepperd & had him make out a Will and power of attorney for Bob. Recd 1 load of manure (2 tons) (3 cu yards).
24 W=F TH
Bob visited Connie at Newark Hosp. & visited Type Founders. He dented left rear fender in backing out of their parking area. Bob & I doped out a code to be used when he goes overseas. Nick Dudas drove me to Broad & East Jersey.
25 W=F F
Bob went to see his friend at Paterson & took Gramp to Old Guard meeting where Bob made 2 short speeches. He also spent some time with Andrew [DeBoer]& his family. Bob met me at train. We dressed & had dinner at Winfield Scott Hotel as guests of Karl & Nina Obgoertel, the manager & his wife who are friends of ours. We went & called on the Adams family after leaving there. Recd my seed order from Burpee’s. Bob recd his reservation in 15 min. His friend from Paterson recd one also and in the same coach with Bob.
26 W=R & S SA
Bob left with Jeanne Klump & Ralph’s Westfield friends for Ralph & Jo’s where they are to have quite a party for Bob. Jeanne had supper with us.
27 W=R SU
Bob arrived about 1:30pm by train & taxi. [Mom & dad lived in NYC at this time; on 4/3/44 friends sent them a card to 34-20 79th Street, Jackson Hgts, NY; by the time the card arrived there, they had left for Marietta, GA - read on. Their apartment was a one bedroom, now called a co-op, in Dunnolly Gardens, in this historic district of Jackson Heights.] We went to Mr. Fred E. Shepard’s home where he furnished us with a Will and Power of Attorney for Bob. In afternoon Ralph & Jo & Jeanne K and Andrew & his family came. We all had dinner then except the DeBoers who had already eaten. Andrew brot a big 16” x 4” round “Welcome Home Robert” cake .We all had part of it and had a nice time with ice cream and soft drinks, pop corn, etc. Bob took Sally & Ralph to train and Jeanne home.
28 W=C M xxx
Stayed home from work. Went to Safe Deposit Box & deposited ins. policies & Bob’s Will, Dad’s Will, etc. Bob & I visited Connie Loesser at his home. He came home from hosp. Sat. Bob retyped our “secret code”. I took Bob to Pennsy depot in Newark where he caught the 5:10pm “Trail Blazer” for Chicago together with his friend and many of the Camp Crowder boys. N & I & Deed and Gramp saw him off. We met his boy friend’s folks. Coming home we had dinner at Coach & Horses. Recd seeds from Henderson today. And so ends the day and Bob’s furlough (perhaps his last.)!!! Ralph may also have to enter service soon. Wrote card to Margaret for her birthday. [Coach & Horses was their favorite restaurant as you can probably tell. The link here is to page 22 of the 3/8/1943 issue of Life Magazine. Just scroll down to the right hand side near the bottom of page 22 - you'll see a picture of 2 ladies at a table, that's a blurb about C & H. The rest is more pages of the magazine, haven't figured out yet how to just get the picture of the ladies at C & H!]
29 W=R & S TU
A P Kromer promised to assign JTB & me on new Trans. VHF jobs as soon as we wind up on “K” job. Westminster Church burned last night and this AM. Sent order to Henderson for yellow & white onion sets.

March 1944

1 W=F W No news of Bob yet. Weirs sold their house.
2 W=F TH Bot 1 pr brown moccasin shoes at National. Recd letter from Bob in Chicago.
3 W=C FStarted working on VHF transmitter turning units with Jack Shand yesterday afternoon. Had driver’s license & car reg renewed for 1944. Jeanne Klump called on me this AM. Overtime 2 hrs.
4 W=C SA
Recd letter from Bob. Recd letter from B B Miller Management Co. offering to sell my house as prices and demand are good.
5 W=F SUSpread a load of manure on garden & cleaned & burned up around lot. Ralph & Sally Jo dropped in for dinner. They are leaving for Marietta, GA next Wed. where Ralph is to try to land a job with Bell Aircraft Co. His present concern York Res. was not able to extend his deferment beyond first of April. They went to Westfield for evening. Had blackout in late eve. Wrote letter to Bob.
7 W=R TU Overtime 2 hrs.
Ralph & Sally showed up after midnight with car & trailer about 1:30am Weds.
8 W=F W

Ralph went to work from here today and did not get home until 8:45pm & he brot a bachelor by name of Ogden. They left after 10pm for Marietta, GA with car & trailer. Sally stayed here all day. [No mention of the fact that it was her 24th birthday! I visited Marietta many times when Lou would go to Martin Marietta/Lockheed Martin to call on customers; one of my best friends lived right off I -75 on the north side, so Lou would leave me with her to visit while he worked. Today, the intersection is 10 or 12 lanes wide, and it's barely recognizable from the 1970s and early 80s. Dad did get a job there, and maybe mom too; but they didn't stay long as we know dad had to enlist 5/19 & he gave his home as Bristol on his Enlistment forms; he drove from Bristol to Ft. Meade to enlist. 1/17/11 unpacked some postcards - on 3 April 1944 friends of mom & dad's sent a postcard to them in New York City but it was forwarded to General Delivery, Marietta, GA. Another card sent to them at General Delivery, Marietta was mailed to them on March 27, 1944 & there is another card from a friend in NYC sent March 2?, 1944 to mother in Marietta. Goggle 'Bell Aircraft Marietta GA' for lots of internet information on the company, photos of the workers assembling the over 600 B29s that were made there and much more. On dad's separation record when he was discharged from the AAF in 1946 it says under Civilian Occupations: "Aeronautical engineering - Was employed by Bell Aircraft Corp., Marietta, GA for 2 months in 1944. Designed and corrected aircraft structural components. Studied reports of tests, recommended reports, of tests, recommended changes. Supervised, directed, and coordinated the work of 10-15 draftsmen. Had 4.5 additional years experience prior to entry into military service".]
9 W=F TH Went Easter shopping for some clothes for N.
10 W=F F
Overtime 2 hrs. Recd onion sets (yellow & white) from Henderson’s. Letter from Bob.
12 W=F SU Rain at night. Started work on Income Tax Report.
13 W=R M Recd letter from Bob.
14 W=F TU 

Completed Income Tax Rept due 3/15/45. Will mail it tomorrow. Recd card from Sally. Many starlings or grackles are arriving & have been arriving all week. Trees are full of them. Mr. Mueller reported back to work today after having recuperated from his accident in the Clifton Bus.15 W=C WOvertime 2 hrs. Was late this AM. Missed reg train & went to work with car to depot & then to JC & thence by 2 buses to plant. Recd another copy of Mon 27 of 9th degree & returned same.
16 W=C rain @ night. TH N attended convention at Trenton today. [No doubt DAR State Conference] Overtime 2 hours
17 W=R F
Recd new license plate for rear of car today. N & I saw “A Guy Named Joe” at Regent starring Tracy & Lionel Barrymore. Met Alma, Hazel & Frances at show.
18 W=C Sa
Went to Newark this AM looking all over for a printing roller of suitable dimensions without success. Recd letter from Sally. Wrote for missing copy of no 9 of “Fragments of the Masters”.

19 W=S SU
Wrote letter to Bob. Mended pants cuffs & coat sleeve lining. Wm Hale Thompson died at 75.
20 W=S M
SNOWED for 24 hrs. 1st day of Spring. Mr. Putnam & Miller are back to work. A bus plunged into Passaic River at 8am at Passaic. Recd letter from Bob.
21 W=F TU Recd letter from Bob.
22 W=F W Worked overtime 2 hrs. Spoke to Bill Haack over phone today.
23 W=R TH
Overtime 2 hrs. Bob wrote 2 letters which we rec’d today. Roy Kuhlman has been made Dept. chief taking Avery’s place. N washed today but could not dry clothes.
24 W=F F
N dried clothes outside today. Mary did not show up this week either. Mr. Henise is to take over the VHF trans. Now handled by APK. APK is going to Clifton.
25 W=F SA warm Recd letter from Bob. Took N to Mrs. Taylor to deliver wool.
26 W=F SU
Started to spade garden. Sent for math book & slide rule to Station WEAL, Balt. 3, MD
27 W=R M Recd 3 letters from Bob and he called us at 12:35am Tues. Had nice chat. [He must have been still at Crowder because later grandpa says he wrote from Crowder on the 28th but by 4/1 he has left, gone east to Camp Kilmer. This photo card is of soldiers waiting to make phone calls at Camp Kilmer but it illustrates what the boys had to do to call home! Grandpa one time says that Bob had to 'wait for the privilege' of calling.]
28 W=F TU Spaded garden.
29 W=R W
Went to library to hunt book on executor’s functions [grandpa was executor of Bob's new Will]. Also read AMORC reading refs.
31 W=C F Overtime 2 hrs. Sent Easter cards to boys.
April 1944
1 W=C SA xxxxxxx
Recd card & letter from Bob. The card announced his new address, APO 9976, c/o P.M. NY NY. He is on his way to go over. He wrote from Crowder on the 28th. N sent night letter to Ralph about his new address. Also recd letter from Sally Jo. I went to Cranford to Mr. Kuntzman’s home & brot back a 100 lb. sack of 5-10-5 fertilizer which I had ordered thru W. K. Club. Power was off for 1 ¼ hrs this evening from 8:30 to 9:45 pm.
2 W=R SU
Spaded in garden. Repaired N’s insignia pin & service star pins. N & I wrote Bob a joint letter.
3 W=F MPaul Naef lined me up on new job this afternoon. I am to work on the new radar attachment equipment. Art Kramer told me I would be working for Dave Henise 9813. He thanked me for my past efforts while working for him which he said he appreciated. Also said that no discrimination was being shown in the present moves. He is taking Anderson, Densmore & Burus, etc. W. H. George is to work for Brandford at 11th Ave NYC.
4/4/44 W=C TUOvertime to 9pm. Dad got Outline of Psychology by McDougall for me today from Newark Public Library. It is a 2 week book. Loaned Mansions of the Soul to Jim Teza.
5 W=S W xxx
Loaned Thousand Years of Yesterdays to Jim Teza. His wife wants to finish reading it, she started over weekend. It snowed all day. Bob’s friend from Passaic called us on phone at 11:40pm to say that Bob was OK but had been in a PO Hospital for infected foot. He could not say where but that he was still around and that he had managed to get to Passaic, to his home. Bob is not going where he first thought, the orders are changed. Wrote letter to Bob.
6 W=F TH
Bob left Fort Kilmer for J[ersey] C[ity]. He boarded "Ile de France" in Manhattan. [The previous sentence was added at another time in green ink, this part is written in black ink.] Overtime to 9pm. Recd 1st letter from Bob at Fort Kilmer at Highland Park, NJ.[Camp Kilmer is two miles east of New Brunswick, 30 miles south of New York City, and was named for Joyce Kilmer, soldier-poet of World War I, who is best known for his poem, "Trees".] His foot is healing up. He said his nurse knew Peter Vander Meulen. Hafley’s boy Bob is going to enter service (on train this AM). Young Dixon killed in action in China Putnam reported to me. Mr. Putnam delivered food pts (4) and $1.50 to Levy Pitts for pig dinner 4-16-44. N spoke to Jeanne Klump. Made out my contract for next season’s coal & coke plus statement.
7 W=C FBob sailed for Scotland [again added later in different ink]. Deed recd letter from Sally. Hafley’s youngest boy has just entered the service. He is to be a pilot. Recd vacation schedule. Asked for weeks ending 7/16, 7/23, & 8/6. Spaded in garden.
8 W=C SA
Recd Easter card & 3 pair socks from N bless her heart. Did not hear from Bob yet since his one letter. Mrs. Hasser of Paterson, mother of Bob’s friend, called N today & said Bob is at Camp Kilmer which we already surmised from Bob’s one letter. Inspection of tires is to end on 4/20/44. Dept 9812 (my old one) moved to Passaic today. My transfer to Mr. Henise 9813 becomes effective next Monday. Spaded some more of garden, it is about half spaded.
Easter but with Bob probably on his way over to wherever he is going. [The word “but” leads me to think Easter was not joyous for Grandpa with the uncertainty of Bob’s future location.] Spaded in garden & cleaned parking alongside of garden. Rain stopped me. Wrote letter to Dad V. and Jennie. Naomi gave me 3 pairs of socks and a nice card for Easter. Did not go to church.
10 W=F M
N & I went to Treasure Trove in Kenilworth & purchased 2 rockers for spare room. Made out Income Tax Declaration. Wrote to AMORC again (previous 3/18/44) for copy 9 of “Fragments of the Masters”. Also sent AMORC order for book “Glands- Our Invisible Guardians”, $1.30, 1 tablet of paper $.45 & 1 Record no. 2 $1.50. I surrendered a credit voucher for this worth $3.50.
11 W=R TU Overtime til 9PM. Rec’d 2 rockers from Treasure Trove in Kenilworth.
12 W=R WJohn Aiton & I visited Bell Lab in Graybar Bldg. at 180 Varick St. on AN/APA16 Project. Rode all the way to Westfield on wrong train. Took 49 back. After supper N & I took Mr. & Mrs. McMillan to see “Madame Curie” at Regent in car. Called Weimar’s. Rec’d 1 ton coke today.
13 W=F THOvertime 2 hrs. N went to meeting at NY (annual) of DAR or D of the U. Quigley brot Geo. Hanson & me home.
14 W=F F
Dad renewed my library books on “Wills” (2). Rec’d contract for next winter’s fuel from Weimar’s. Recd “Math. Made Simple” by A. Sparling, PhD and M. Stuart, B.S. from Kenmore Pub. Co., NYC (thru Station WEAL Phil.).
15 W=R SA
Geo. Hanson drove us in company station wagon from 170 to garage. It was raining “cats & dogs”. Had stopped when I got home. Heard that H. C. Pray’s wife died suddenly of a blood clot. Jack Ackerman will take Bill Weiss & me over to dinner tomorrow. RRW also called me. Recd ½ ton of pea coal today.
16 W=R SUJack Ackerman took Bill Weiss & me to the Pig Roast at a cabin on the Westfield Lions Club Scout Camp, near Bonnie Burn. There were 16 of us and we all had a fine dinner & time. Bob went last year – this year he is on his way somewhere or there already, we do not know. Bill Haack, Pat, Winkie, Paul Kew, Lewie Pitts, Berko, Robinson, Kostkiss, George Staltnaek, Geo Gummerson, Oscar_, Jack Ackerman, Bill Weiss, Buttolph and Searles were present. Rain kept me out of garden. Wrote letter to Bob. Bob arrived at Gourock, Scotland.

17 W=C M
Spaded in garden after supper. Finished reading certain parts of Outline of Psychology by McDougall of Harvard as recommended by AMORC.
18 W= F TU
Recd letter from Jennie. She is going to move again. N attended annual DAR Congress at Hotel Commodore, NYC.
19 W=F WSpaded in garden. Recd letter from Dad. Sent W. E. Co. ad for Engineers to J. D. Acker at Largo, FL RFD #1. Filled out card for ballot for Bob in next general election. Turned in to ARP & signed by Anderson.
20 W=F TH Overtime 2 hours.
21 W=R F Mother S in bed all day with cold
22 W=F,C SA Spaded garden
23 W=R SU xxxx 40deg cold
Recd 1st cable from Bob since he went across around Easter time. He did not say where he was. It read “Greetings all well and safe, please don’t worry, love RGVM” 8:06am. Wrote letter to Bob. N wrote card to Sally & R & called Mrs. Hasser & Walsh. Spaded a little today between drops.
24 W=R M
Heavy rain all day & last night. Had thundershowers today. 28th Company anniversary [i.e. the 28th anniversary of the day he started working at Western Electric.].
25 W=C TU Overtime til 9:00. Rode home with Paul Naef and Heintz in the latter’s car to Morris & Orchard St. N had D of U meeting here. My desk was moved today.
26 W=F W XXX Almost finished spading. Recd 1st letter (air mail) from Bob in England.
27 W=R TH
Overtime 2 hrs. My desk was again moved today along with general rearrangement of Dept. 9813. N has sore throat and was in bed when I came home. She washed today again without Mary who is sick. Recd letter from June Marcinkevich today [his niece, Jennie’s daughter.]
28 W=F xx F
Mr. Putnam died in his sleep early this AM. N & I called on Mrs. Putnam & Alice & her man in evening. The McKees were there as was Howard Jr’s sweetheart Miss Hansen. Recd letter from Acker. Recd “Glands-Our Invisible Guardians” by Kapp, also student’s pad. Recd letter from Sally Jo. She says Ralph must appear at his draft board for induction May 19th. Did not receive record ordered AMORC on 10th. Mr. Frank Knox our Secy of Navy died today. Jeanne Klump and a girlfriend called on me today about Bob. Piet Lieske called on me in regard to a job question. Saw Alice’s baby.
29 W=F SA
Finished spading garden. Put lime on garden (about 30 lbs). Sold Mr. Putnam’s Moynes dinner ticket for Mrs. P today thru Piet Lieske. Recd another letter from Sally. Cleaned wash basin drain pipe in bathroom.
30 W=F SU 80degrees
Put paths thru garden & did 1st planting. Planted: radishes, peas (4 kinds), beets (2 kinds), carrots (2 kinds), onions (white & yellow). Put fertilizer on 2/3 of garden. Took N & mother for a little ride after N & I visited Schmidt Funeral Home to see Mr. P’s body. Let fire go out.
May 1944
1 W=F M xxxRecd 2 airmail & 1 V[ictory] mail (1st one) letters from Bob. Car would not start this evening. Battery is run down in one of cells. Fixed door bells. Paul Naef spoke to me today in regard to his promotion to section chief and about his plans in regard to the work.
2 W=F TU
Attended H. L. Moynes’ 40th anniversary dinner at Frank Dailey’s Restaurant (Terrace Room) at Mosque Theater. Piet Lieske brot Charlie Randa & me home. Not a very lively affair. Charlie Ferguson took me to Newark from plant. Read letter from one of Ed Lamb’s boys in India.
3 W=F W Overtime 2 hours. N went to Cooking School at Green Lane (Gas Co.) 200 taking course. Recd letter Bob sent to Mrs. McMillan.
4 W=F TH xx warmest 5/4 on recordOvertime 2 hours. N’s washing machine wringer refused to work & she called in a man to have it repaired. Dad bot cabbage & tomatoe plants at school. [my spell checker doesn’t like Grandpa’s spelling of tomatoe!] Recd another letter from Bob. He states he may go to London next weekend.
5 W-=F F Warm
Planted 1 doz cabbage, tomatoe, ½ doz ea peppers, Brussels sprouts, & broccoli plants. Took battery out of car.
6 W=F SA
Watered garden. Put battery back in car after charging by Manuel & Madey today.
7 W=R SU
N & mother & I went for plants & flowers this AM in a downpour of rain which kept up all day & kept me inside until 6:30 when I went out & set out all plants bot. Mended tub switch and tub light. Put handle on 2 shovels. Wrote Bob.
8 W=F M
Planted 2 rows of corn and 2 of green string beans. Mosquitos thick! We received 3 letters from Bob.
9 W=F TU Recd another letter from Bob. O’time 3 ¼ hours.
10 W=F W Planted wax & lima beans. Recd another letter from Bob.
11 W=F THWrote letter to Dad. Was up at 5:20. Overtime 2 hours. Paul Naef was sick today. Mr. Henise left Tues. on an all week trip.
12 W=F F xx rain at evening
Took N & folks for little ride. Had a thunderstorm as I came home. Not much rain. Recd another letter from Bob & card from Jo. Also Mother’s Day card. Bob called a message to N for Mother’s Day. recd this eve. Brot home candy box for N & mother S.
13 W=F SA Rain & thunderstorm in eve. Haertel brought me home from plant 5:40.
Hoed in garden.

14 W=F SU

Took storm windows down, washed windows (lower area) except boys’ room windows. Cleaned screens & put them up. Dad helped as I lowered screens from attic. Hoed tomatoes. Took N & Mother for ride to Newark thru Maplewood, Irvington, etc. First Mother’s Day in which my own dear mother is missing in the flesh.
15 W=F M rain at evening, storm
Recd letter from Bob. Went to bed early, right after supper. Recd notice from Collector of Int. Rev. asking that I pay $47.22 now. This was the amount which was not required until March, 1945. My corn is up.
16 W=F TU few drops rain at evening
Voted in primaries today. Talked with Mrs. Canberrie of the Bookkeeping Dept. of the Collector of Int. Rev office at Newark 2, NJ. She asked me to write in about it which I did when I got home. Hoed in garden. Wrote to Bob. We recd 3 letters from him. Mrs. Davis said hello to me as I passed her house this evening.
17 W=F WOvertime 2 hrs. Wrote letter to J D Acker about Miss Haines’ reaction to taking him back at W. E. Co. She & Dr. F. P. Willey suggest he wait about 5 years. Recd letter from Bob. Heard Rackmyers’ oldest son is reported “missing in action” in Italy about 1 week ago.
18 W=F TH Overtime 2 hours
19 W=F FRIDAY Worked in garden weeding. [Dad enlisted in the Army Air Corps this date - see the 24th.
20 W=F SA
Weeded garden. Our washing machine was repaired completely today (new gear for wringer connection) by R. W. Hare, 283 Morris Ave., Eliz. NJ.
21 W=F SU
Cleaned basement, furnace, cleanout in chimney, pipes and washed bathroom walls. Put furnace in condition for summer & started pot stove. Worked in garden. Planted Golden Bantam corn (2 rows).
22 W=R (showers HOT!) MRecd letter from Bob. He described part of his London trip. Recd letter from Dad. He became overheated a little while ago & fainted. Had to be carried in house by some neighbors. Andriena’s husband is running for Dem. State Repr, 5th Dist, Mult. County, OR, Howard A. Martini.
23 W=R, C TU Overtime 2 hrs. Sent pledge to AMORC (CRF)
24 W= R W
Recd card from Ralph from Camp Geo. G. Meade, MD where he is being inducted. His no. is now 33,888,748. Also recd a letter from Sally. Ralph left Bristol Friday at 8:45 AM & reached Camp Meade Friday evening late. Wrote letter to Bob. Sent clipping about Hans Kopp’s death of war wound. Recd copy of Discipleship in the New Age by Alice A. Bailey which Mrs. Dorothy Hendricks was kind enough to order for me. It came from The Lucious Pub. Co. in NYC. [Interesting that the record of dad’s WWII Army enlistment states he enlisted on 19 May – check the dates, according to mom he didn’t arrive there until Friday evening late. The 19th was the date he was supposed to enlist and recorded as such; if he arrived late in the evening I guess he would have to ENLIST to have a place to sleep after that long drive from Bristol!] [History
Fort Meade was established in 1917 when the United States Department of War acquired 19,000 acres (77 km²) of land west of Odenton to develop a training camp. First known as Camp Annapolis Junction, the fort was named Camp Admiral at its opening in 1917. Other name changes occurred after construction of 1,460 buildings on the site when it became Camp George Gordon Meade then in the 1920s it became Fort Leonard Wood, but by the 1930s it reverted back to Fort George G. Meade.
Fort Meade was used as a basic training post and a prisoner of war camp during World War II. In the 1950s, the post became headquarters of the National Security Agency (NSA). The post was scheduled to close in the 1990s, but was kept open to support the NSA. Today, Ft. Meade is often used as a metonym for the NSA.]
25 W=R THOvertime 2 hours. Rainy drizzle all day & night. Recd letter from IRS collector Manning (John E.) canceling their recent request for my debt of $47.22 which is really not due now but was (in March report) postponed until 1945.
Mr. Henise informed me this afternoon that I would have an increase of $20.00 per month in salary starting June 1st. N & I went to PO, Mrs. McM, the Winfield Scott Hotel (to deliver pkg for Mrs. McM), to Mrs. Hendricks’ to pay her for book Descipleship in New Age. Wanted to pay church dues to Skidmores but they were not home. A woman backed into my right rear fender at Shelly Circle as we went past there this evening. No harm was done either way. Have not heard from Bob for some time. Sent card to June for her birthday on 6/1/44.
27 W=C SA
Had tubes from Stromberg Carlson radio set tested at Elmora Radio Service & they were OK so later I took set down to them. Took Dad to work. Left my 3 church envelopes with lady who lives above Skidmores. Mrs. S is ill at her daughter’s in Summit.
28 W=F SU
Washed kitchen walls. Weeded & planted in garden. Put up new shades in dining room, bathroom & one in west window of our room.
29 W=F M Planted lima beans (2nd planting). Hoed bare spot for weeds.
30 W=C TU Decoration Day
Worked today at plant. Took folks for ride after supper. Did errands for N delivering & collecting wool knit articles. Visited Weequahic Park.

31 W-F 100degrees HOT! W
Recd letter from Sally. Ralph has left Camp Meade but we do not yet know where to. Bot new furnace pipe.

June 1944

1 W=C TH All overtime is now limited to 3.5 hours per week. Hoed in garden.
2 W=C F xxIt rained this AM in places north of Kearny & at Kearny but not here. Read our first letter from Ralph who is now at Sheppard Field, TX. [Click this link to see dad's picture which I assume was taken when he was at Basic Training. The photo was taken in Wichita Falls which is where Sheppard Field is located; he was 24.] His address is Sect I-3706AAF Base Unit BTC #3. Hoed last weeds in garden (until more come up, that is.) [I LOVE this entry!] Also recd a letter from Acker stating that his wife had divorced him and remarried. AGD called up today to say that he had also recd a letter from Acker and that he would mail it to me. [From Wikipedia - World War II -
Sheppard AFB has been providing top-notch instruction in a diverse array of Air Force specialties for more than half a century. It was established as Sheppard Field on 300 acres (1.2 km²) just south of Kell Field. A Texas cattleman sold the land to the U.S. Army for one dollar.
It was officially opened as an Army Air Corps training center on 17 October 1941, following the arrival of the first military members on 14 June. As the Army Air Corps became the Army Air Forces, facilities were completed sufficiently to allow the first class of 22 aviation mechanics to enter training that October; the class graduated February 23, 1942.
During World War II, then-Sheppard Field conducted basic training, and it also trained glider mechanics, technical and flying training instructors and B-29 Superfortress flight engineers. In addition to the basic flying training, the base also provided advanced pilot training.
Sheppard Field reached its peak strength of 46,340 people while serving as a separation center for troops being discharged following World War II from September through November 1945. Sheppard Field was deactivated August 31, 1946 and declared surplus to the War Department's needs. It was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers April 30, 1947. Over the next two years the National Guard used the base.]

3 W=F SA
Bob & Bruce Bass stopped in to say hello. Bruce has been across (youngest) but Bob is waiting for a ship at Norfolk. Took loud speaker to Elmora Radio Service at their request. Refrigerator maintenance man called but did not have a ? wire to do repair job so promised to call next Monday or Tuesday. He complained because of my use of a wire in the control box which I had added to replace a broken one some time ago.
4 W=F SU Beautiful cool day. Worked in garden. Put up pole bean poles (20). Wrote letters to Bob & Ralph. N made cookies to send to Ralph tomorrow.
5 W=F M
N & I went to Park Theater & saw “Shine on Harvest Moon” & “Falcon Goes West”. Checked on radio set at Elmora Radio Service shop. Recd Acker’s letter to AGD from AGD today. He wants me to return it via Miss Haines.
6 W=R TU xxxx
Overtime 2 hours. “Invasion of Europe” started shortly after midnight early this AM. It had been postponed 24 hrs. Recd letter from Sally. [This was dad & mom’s 2nd wedding anniversary.]
7 W=F W Cut hedge on one side.
8 W=F Th
Overtime 3 hrs. Paul Naef took me to Elizabeth. Recd card from Sally. Recd bond for Bob yesterday.
9 W=F F
Sent for Barnes’ Work Methods Manual $1.75 plus postage, to John Wiley & Sons Inc. NYC. This is to be N’s gift to me for Father’s Day. Sent birthday card to Aunt Jennie, sent card to Dad for Father’s Day.
10 W=R SA
Recd 2 letters from Bob. We all wrote a joint letter to him except Dad S. Fred E. Sheppard loaned me his copy of “One Hundred and One Famous Poems”.
11 W=F SU
Worked all day in yard & garden. Trimmed 2 hedges & cleaned beds. Planted Winsall, Marglobe & Rutgers tomoatoe plants which I raised. Planted some more corn. My pole beans (planted last Sun) are up. N wrote Ralph & also Sally. N sent card in regard to “101 Famous Poems with a Prose Supplement”.
12 W=F M Planted corn. Recd letter from Ralph. N prepared 2 pkgs for Bob’s birthday.
13 W=F TU Overtime 2 hours. Andrew called N. Have battery on charge at Piersen’s Station.
14 W=C & R WRecd letter from Bob. Wrote to Ralph. Dad saw launching of a destroyer at Kearny Federal shipyard. [Federal Ship Building & D. D. Co. of Kearny, NJ launched the USS Wallace L. Lind,(DD-703) destroyer, Hull # 703 on 14 Jun 1944, she was stricken 4 Dec 1973. I would imagine this is the destroyer our great-grandfather Salmon witnessed being launched.]
15 W=C TH
Overtime 2.5 hrs. Recd card of Westminster Abbey from Bob. Recd 2 extra bonds subscribed & paid for in 5th V[ictory] drive.
16 W=F F WARM Addressed pkg for Ralph. Recd letter & pictures from Sally. [As I was looking for something else, this phrase caught my eye because of the name, Alice author grandpa read often: "June 16th, 1944: New Age leader Alice Bailey decries the "Autonomous Territory of Sitka" saying during a rally in Los Angeles, California, that the Jewish people "take what they want, to see to it that their children get the best of everything available, no matter what the cost to others"; they "blame the non-Jewish nations for their miseries"; and, "The Jew needs to recognize his share in bringing about the dislike which hounds him everywhere." Guess more research on her might be in order!]
17 W=F SA
Recd 6 letters from Bob. Also recd a copy of Work Methods Manual by Ralph M. Barnes. Bought new battery for Ford from Sears Roebuck & Co. Also bot lawn chair. N wrote letter to Bob.
18 W=F SU Shower late evening.
Worked in garden from 8am til 6:30pm. Took N & mother S to Morristown for ride. Bot flowers, planted squash, corn, beans, pears, carrots, parsley & onions.
19 W=R M Showers all day & storms.
Recd two letters from Bob & 1 from Ralph. Ralph is in Hospital due to after-effects of typhoid injections*. N Wrote letter to Weber & Heilbroner, NYC for identification chains, check # 162 dated today. Planted 6 geraniums & 13 lettuce plants. Went after radio set but found store closed. Sent check to John Wiley & Sons for Work Methods Manual $1.75 plus 7cents postage, N’s Father’s Day gift, she paid the $1.75. [*This is an important statement. Dad always said that he “got sick” at Basic Training and was in hospital so got behind his class. When he got out of the hospital I think he must have had to go back to the beginning, joining the class behind his original one. I just assumed he had some sort of flu or ?...but reading this tells me he was sicker than I realized, due to the typhoid injection. The fact that he was delayed in finishing Basic Training ended up changing his service from here on, meaning that just as he was on the verge of being sent overseas the War was over and he never had to go overseas. As Kert says, if he hadn’t had that reaction to the inoculation, dad could have gone overseas and been killed and we’d be nowhere!]
20 W=C XX TU
Overtime 2 hrs. Recd letter from Bob. Wrote to Bob. Brot Stromberg Carlson radio set back from Elmora Radio Service. N went to Red Cross meeting after supper. Bob is now PFC.
21 W=C W First day of summer. A big Jap naval battle is impending west of the Mariana Islands. Yanks are in the streets of Cherbourg. I painted lawn chair this evening. Falkenhein died. N & Mother S were at a party on Elmora Ave. given by Bess Hoff.
22 W= F TH Overtime 2.75 hrs. Recd letter fro Bob (P.F.C.)
23 W=C F Some rain in evening. Recd 2 letters from Bob both after June 6th. He is still in England. Folks recd letter from Sally Jo. AMORC ad which N placed with Elizabeth Journal yesterday appeared in paper today under Personals with one line missing.
24 W=R@ night SA
Put in request to Mr. Harry Billerbeck to have Ralph’s name entered on Elmora Roll of Honor. Recd 2 letters from Bob. [On this date Bob sent this card to dad at Sheppard Field; Bob's return address is APO NYC so we don't know where he was. He says: "Dear Ralph, Visited London recently and had a nice time. I saw all of these buildings. Will write later. So long, Bob." This card shows the censor's stamp. On the same day he mailed a card to mom, in Bristol, "Dear Jo, Visited London recently and had a nice time. Will write you a nice long letter real soon. Love Bob"
25 W=R in AM SU
Yanks take Cherbourg. Reds take Vitebsk. Had 1st kohlrabis today. Also picked 3 heads lettuce & qt. of peas. Replanted beets. Tied tomatoe plants. Thinned corn plants. Weeded. Adjusted lawnmower. Read Balmy’s letter to Deed & Gramp.
26 W=F M
Hoed garden. Recd 2 letters from Bob & 1 each from Jo and Ralph. Am reading Decipleship in the New Age by Alice A. Bailey
27 W=F TU Recd another letter from Bob. Overtime til 9, 3 1/4 hrs.
28 W=F W
Recd 2 letters from Bob. Hoed garden. Took N & Mother S for a little ride. Dewey nominated by GOP convention.
29 W=F TH Shower at night. Overtime 2 hours.
30 W=F F
Mailed Elizabeth Journal of 6/23/44 containing AMORC ad to San Jose. Recd new policy on car in Trinity Universal Ins. Co. thru Mr. Howard of American Underwriting Agency. Did not receive pay check today – something very unusual. Picked sugar or shell peas, pear & kohlrabi. Hoed garden. Picked beetles off beans (Mexican bean beetles).

July 1944
1 W=F SA

Recd letter from Bob. Paul Naef started 2 wks vacation. Had first meal w/ edible pod peas & some more regular peas, also kohlrabi. Hoed garden. Picked 5 lbs of green string beans. Killed more Mexican bean beetles.
2 W=F SU
Beautiful weather! Hoed in garden. Picked another 5 lbs of yellow wax beans. N canned 4 qts of beans, 2 of each kind. Also had beans for dinner. We took a ride out to Lake Hopatcong where we arrived at Andrew’s [the deBoers] trailer at Lee’s Landing at 3pm. We had dandy trip around lake in his Kris-Kraft speed boat. Put new Sears battery in car as old one was again dead (an Atlas).
3 W=F M Wrote Bob. Recd a letter from Bob.
4 W=F TU a little shower in evening.
Fourth of July. Was home all day. Trimmed ivy vine on chimney. Gave chair 2nd coat. Mended 2 chairs for lawn. Hoed tomatoes. Wrote Ralph.
5 W=F W Recd letter from Bob & Ralph.
6 W=F TH Very hot! Overtime 2 hrs. Recd letter from Sally.
7 W=F hot F Overtime 2 hrs. Another scorcher. Recd 2 letters from Bob.
8 W=F Hot & humid SA
Started 2 week vacation this evening. Recd 2 letters from Bob. Hosed lawn in back & side.
9 W=F Hot! 90deg F SU
Watered lawn again. Cut grass all around garden. Trimmed lawn. Went to Howard Putnam’s marriage at 5PM at Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Jersey St. in Roselle. He married a relative of the Hansens. George & Arnold were ushers as was Alice’s husband. Took mother & N for ride in evening. We stopped to chat with the Peerys.
10 W=F Hot! MWent to PO & Sears. Returned old Atlas battery & got paint (2 gals white). Watered garden & lawn. Recd magazine from Ralph.
11 W=F TU Hot! Recd 2 letters from Bob. Started puttying windows. Recd 12 gals Cabot’s Creosote stain from Kosberg. Had car washed & greased.
12 W=F W Hot 100deg F
Started staining roof. Took folks for drive in War. Park in evening. Hot & dry. Need rain badly.
13 W=R TH
Rained a little early this AM. Recd letter from Ralph as did Deed & Gramp. Puttied upstairs windows & stained roof.
14 W=F F Cooler! Bastille Day for Frenchies. Stained roof again. Took N & Mrs. Fuller to Mrs. Mason, Hazel’s flat.
15 W=F SA Finished staining roof of house. Recd free invite to ATF Picnic on 8/6/44.
16 W=R SU
Storms in afternoon. Small amt of rain. Planted muskmelons & pumpkins. Thinned out corn. Picked peas, lettuce, peppers, cabbages & broccoli, carrots & Swiss chard. Watered garden again this AM.
17 W=F MStarted painting house. Went to Inspection station & had car inspected. Car was passed OK. License plate light is out. Recd “E” Bond # Q479351681E for Bob.
18 W=F TU Recd 3 letters from Bob. Started painting of west side of house.
19 W=F W
Took Mrs. Davis, Dad & Mother S & N to Nina Obgoertel’s place at Lake Parsippany where we spent an enjoyable day. Ed Hoff & his folks were there also, Mrs. Fuller & Mrs. McMillan. Carl was not at home. Hoed garden, tied up tomatoes some more & planted more peas & muskmelons. Have 81 tomato plants.
20 W=R TH Showers in AM & one at evening. No letters. Painted & puttied. Roosevelt was nominated again for 4th term by Dem. Conv at Chicago. Attempt was made on Hitler’s life by bomb explosion. There are signs of an internal upheaval in Germany.
21 W=C F
Recd letter from Sally w/ pictures of Ralph & Sally. Painted & puttied. Planted more seeds in garden. Sent birthday card to Aunt Hilda [Evelyn's mother, see below, my great great half aunt.]
22 W=F SA Painted all day. Recd letter from Ralph.
23 W=F SU Stained front & side porches & eaves of roof.
24 W=F M
Back to work. Mr. Henise has been promoted to Div. Chief Unit 7. Recd letter from Bob. N bot “E” Bond today for Bob. Watered garden & lawn. Picked first tomatoes.
25 W=F TU
Sent card to Evelyn G (Mrs. John R. Mott) for her 38th birthday. Recd 2 letters from Bob. Overtime 2 hrs. [Evelyn's daughter is our cousin Carol Mott Goodrich with whom I am in contact & whose goregeous van der Meulen Wykstra pieces you see in the lefthand section.]
26 W=F Hot W XX
Gladys Zinn & her new “boy friend” called for an hour or so in evening. Picked 2 qts. peas, 2 heads lettuce, 1 cabbage & 1 tomatoe for N. Sprinkled garden & lawn. Planted some more parsley
27 W=R Hot, rain @ 4:30pm TH Overtime 2 hrs.
28 W=F FRecd letter from Ralph from Sheppard Field, TX. Picked beets, peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, lima beans & lettuce. Took N four places tonite in car.
29 W=F Hot SA
Mailed my desk key to P. Naef at plant. Start 3rd week of vacation. Recd let from Bob.
30 W=F slight rain at night SU
Picked first corn, also picked lima beans & tomatoes. Took N & Mother S to see “White Cliffs of Dover” at State Loew Theater in Newark. Good. N wrote letter to Ralph.
31 W=F hot, humid. M Continued my painting job where I left off a week ago. Recd letter from Bob in England. Folks slept in boys’ room tonight because of painting of windows in their room. [On this date one of dad's friends sent him a card at Sheppard Field. Ed says: "Hi Pal, Having a swell trip. We spent Sunday in Amarillo & we eat in train stations, Good Luck, Ed" The card is a Fred Harvey restaurant card, not surprisingly.]

August 1944
In looking for elucidation of various August, 1944 happenings, I came upon a long web entry with a lot of detail of what was going on this month. Surely Bob was aware of some of this since he was attached to Bradley's HQ. Thought I would include the link for anyone who might be interested in a long read! Go here
1 W=C TU Hot & Humid!

Painted on top of east side of house. Bob entered marshalling area in England [added in later in tiny writing between lines.] Hosed yard & garden. Got a new rope for my 34’ extension ladder today. Recd 2 books from John Wiley & Son, Inc. for 10 days approval. (Statistical Adj. Of Data by W. Edwards Deming & Materials & Processes by J. F. Young) Bob spent his 22nd birthday in England.
2 W=R W
Recd 2 letters from Bob. N to Miss Hendricks for hairdress. Painted on east side until rain came. Wrote letter to Dad V.
3 W=R THSlight rain today. Mary did not show up. N did wash & scrubbing. Painted 4 front upper sashes today. Worked in garden, cut 2 hedges & trimmed bed edges in back yard. Picked tomatoes, Swiss chard, beets, carrots & last cabbage. Also peas.
4 W=F F Very hot & humid Record heatSpent day with N & folks at Obgoertel’s cottage at Lake Parsippany. [Again added in under last line of today’s entry the following:] Bob landed Omaha Beach France. [This is the day that Anne Frank was captured by the Gestapo.]
5 W=F SA Small rain at night. Painted & picked veg. N canned 7 qts beans, pole & reg.
6 W=R SU Rain at nightN & I & mother S went to Atlantic Highlands and brought back 1 bu of peaches for canning. N wrote to June. I painted on east side of house down to green belt. Had corn again for dinner, also beets, carrots & broccoli & tomatoes.
7 W=F Cooler! M
I am 51 years old today. Attended H. Spencer Lewis Chapter of AMORC at Newark at 8:15pm. Recd $5 from N & $4 from folks for birthday. Back to work again today. I now find Boeck Dept. Chair & Ferguson Sect. Ch. I report to both & P Naef is in another dept, 9812, with a dept chief from Queensboro. Recd letter from Sally & from Dad V. Also cards from Margaret & Ralph M. Lewis.
8 W=F TUOvertime 2 hrs. Recd letter with check for my birthday from Jennie. She sold 2 of her houses for cash. Called Billerback regarding Ralph’s name on Honor Roll. He said it would be placed there soon.
9 W=F W XXX Beautiful weather!Went to work on 6:33 train from Elmora today. Got there at 7. Also worked at night 2 hours. Met Hozafel on train in AM & Scottie in PM. Conference at 10AM.
10 W=F Hot 96deg THContinued conf on AN/APA-16 project in Souder’s office. Started writing Minutes. Picked beans, Swiss chard, corn & tomatoes. Picked Jap beetles from corn. Recd let from Las Vegas, Nevada where he [Ralph] will receive further training. Took work home.
11 W=F 100deg F Took work home, overtime 2 hours.
12 W=F 101deg F, SA
Mr. Lobdell called to borrow $5 which I let him have until next Sat. We invited him to Sun. dinner on the 20th
13 W=F HOT! SU
Painted N E corner of house down to green band. Picked 1/3 bushel tomatoes. Picked several quarts of limas, pole beans, wax beans, & green string beans & 15 or 16 ears of corn. Sprinkled garden & yard. [On this date dad sent a postcard to mom from Las Vegas: "Darling, The USO passed out these cards enroute somewhere. I didn't have an address there so couldn't send these free & I couldn't get any stamps. I have written two letters and sent one wire so far. We saw a lot of these deer at one of the towns we went thru. Say hello to everyone. Lots of love, Van." He did mail this for free because by the time he wrote it he had a return address, Pvt R F Vander Meulen, LVAAF, Las Vegas, Nevada. His service # is written after his name, also a requirement for free mailing. This was sent to mom at her mother's home in Bristol.]
14 W=F M Hot humid!Worked overtime 2 hrs. Recd 1 ½ tons coke & 1 ton pea coal today. Rec Uncle Theake’s watch and chain from Dad V acknowledging receipt of watch. [Kert I believe this may be the watch you have. At one point grandpa had a pocketwatch he loved, and he accidentally left it in the men’s room at work and it was taken. This will turn up in some year, I remember reading it. Since grandpa was the only male and he and Uncle Theake had been close in NY before they went to Portland & visited him after he & grandma lived in NJ, I suspect great-grandpa felt grandpa should have it. Uncle T never had children.] N canned Sat, Sun. & today- has over 70 quarts ready.
15 W=F Hottest day on record. Hot Humid! TU XXXN canned 7 qts tomatoes. We moved around in the dept again to give P Naef’s new organization room. Overtime 2 hours. Invasion of So France between Toulon & Nice. [go here to read much more about this] Bob must be in France somewhere because of a 3 week break in correspondence.
16 W=F Hot & humid, shower at night. WAttended 2 conferences today and acted as secretary of each. Took work home & worked till 1:00AM. Recd 6 page letter from Ralph who is now in Las Vegas, Nevada. At home overtime 2 hours.
17 W=F Hot! Humid 90% Record heat & humidity last 16 days THRecd letter from June S. Took work home & worked to 1:15 AM. CRF took me home. Overtime 4 ¼ hrs. (includes 1 at home). N canned 10 qts. tomatoes today.
18 W=R in early AM F XXXConference in Pease’s office in AM. Had conf with Stove & Rhinlaub in PM. Recd paper pass today (blue). Recd 2 letters from Bob from France. Also a card from Ralph from Las Vegas, Nev. Took work home (2 hrs OT at home). Picked ½ bushel corn & ½ bushel tomatoes. Also picked beets & carrots. Hoed garden & cut corn stalks.
19 W=F cool SAN canned 9 qts. tomatoes & 8 qts of peach preserve today. Received 1 letter from Bob from England & 1 from France. He is in Bradley’s 12th Army Group now at Headquarters. [By September HQ was in Luxembourg; if you Google ‘Bradley’s 12th Army headquarters’ or similar topic, you will find a great deal of information about this month’s activities, locations, etc. in which Bob was involved in some degree or other. Kert, you may know specifics that Bob told you over the years?]
20 W=F SU Beautiful weather!
Painted back upper portion of house. Picked corn. Worked until 2AM on AN/APA Project. Lobdell did not show up. [Remember, he was invited to dinner today, & owed grandpa $5 due to be repaid today!]
21 W=F M To bed early. Recd 2 letters from Bob.
22 W=C TUOvertime 2 hrs. Mr. Bocock had CRF, Hansen & myself at his desk this AM to tell us that Pete & Ken Statler would not be with us but would be transferred to another project. I am Engineer & Hansen Asst. Engineer from now on. Recd 2 letters from Bob, wrote to him.
23 W=C W XX
Recd another letter from Bob also one from Army Chaplain (Baptist) from Ralph’s Las Vegas camp, stating a desire to meet Ralph. [This is funny, WHY would a Chaplain contact an adult soldier’s FATHER to say he wanted to meet the soldier??? Very odd.]
Watered entire garden & lawn. Ferguson, Hansen & myself were in an all day floor plan conference today in office 201 (Johnson’s). Paris was reported liberated by Free French forces today. [Website calendar says liberation was the 25th, so perhaps the beginning of the liberation was on the 23rd.] Also Marseilles had fallen. Success in meeting allied ? in all sectors. Romania joins allies. [Google the date or see the website I linked to at beginning of the 1944 blog transcription for more info about today- From Wikipedia - “After the tide of war turned against the Axis, Romania was bombed by the Allies from 1943 onwards and invaded by advancing Soviet armies in 1944. With popular support of Romania's participation in the war faltering and German-Romanian fronts collapsing under Soviet onslaught, King Michael of Romania led a coup d'état, which deposed the Antonescu regime and put Romania on the side of the Allies for the remainder of the war.” Apparently this latter mentioned coup happened today.]
24 W=F TH Overtime 3 ¼ hours.
25 W=F FRomania declares war on Germany. Germans in France are fleeing to Rhine. Picked tomatoes, Swiss chard & beans & beets. Recd 2 letters from Bob.
26 W=F SA Recd letter from Ralph. To bed early after watering lawn & garden.
27 W= F SUTrimmed Wisteria vine. Put green band on house (2 ½ sides) with Cabot’s Callophakes Green (Bay Leaf). Picked corn & tomatoes. Worked on company work.
28 W=F M Took work home. Recd 2 cards from Ralph.
29 W= C& R slight rain in AM TUOvertime 3 ¼ hrs. Jack Mann took me home. Recd box of printed personal paper with envelopes from Bamberger [Department store]. So did N. [I still have letters written to me by grandma on that stationary or that which was ordered later in the same style I should stay, she used it for years.]
30 W=F W Overtime 3 ¼ hours
31 W=F TH
Overtime 2 hours. Recd 2 letters from Bob & 1 from Sally from Las Vegas, Nev. Worked on company work till 2:00AM.

September 1944
[In 2006 I was working on a magazine review for a Boston Wedgwood Society newsletter and discovered the whole issue of the 9/44 magazine was normal, just like it would have been in any other year! Somehow that didn't compute, so my article ended up being about the issue of the magazine, read that the "home front" in 1944, instead of the Wedgwood article. Click here to read the article. Little did I know in 2006 how I would feel about the subject 4 years later!]
1 W=F FPicked corn. Small showers in PM (late). Sent Margaret [his sister] 6th wedding anniversary card. Worked on Co. work til 2AM.
2 W=F SA Hot! 90deg & humidity above 90
Received a letter from Bob & Ralph also a card from Sally. To bed early. N is canning fruit
3 W=F SU Hot! 92deg & humid
Sprinkled lawn & garden, painted house. Picked tomatoes & corn. N made applesauce & tomatoe juice today.
4 W=R M Small amount of rain
Labor Day. Painted house. Sprinkled lawn & garden. Took folks & N for drive to Basking Ridge & Morristown. Worked on co. work.
5 W=F TUOvertime 3 ¼ hrs. Jack Mann took me home. Earthquake shocks (3) were reported for early this AM. Belgium liberated by British & Canadians who are also in Holland. Nearly all France is free and Yanks are in Germany. [Be sure to see the website I referenced at the beginning of 1944 for timeline of events.]
6 W=F W
Picked ½ bu tomatoes & corn. Also Swiss chard. Signed signature card for Prudential & mailed it back to them.
7 W=F TH Overtime 2 hrs. N made 6 qts of tomatoe juice.
8 W=F F N & I attended movie at Ritz.
9 W=F SA Recd letter from Bob. Took company work home. Wrote letter to Ralph.
10 W=F SU Beautiful weather!
Painted house. Picked vegetables (last of corn) etc. & watered garden. Worked on co. work until 3am.

11 W=F M
Took work home. Picked ¼ bu tomatoes
12 W=R TU
Overtime 2 hours. Took work home. First rain this afternoon for a great while. Everything has about browned up & dried out. Have had a 2 month drought with the exception of a couple of small rains. Recd letter from Bob. [The first rain mentioned here was due to the hurricane forming off the east coast. Go here to see a short article from the History of the US Coast Guard about a ship accident this date which was caused by the hurricane, and the injured ended up in a hospital in Elizabeth, NJ! Interesting little sidelight. I found it when looking on-line for the painting by Lorenzo Harris, see the 14th.]
13 W=R W Rained hard all day.
Car parked under Elmora Ave. JCRR underpass was 2/3 under water. Sewers did not work properly. Some leaks appeared in our roof but not serious. Had thunderstorms. Recd 9 page letter from Ralph. Sent Bob’s new address to ATF [American Type Foundry where he had worked before the War] for the annual Xmas package. Did company work at home. C R Ferguson’s boy called them from Camp Kilmer last night.
14 W=R THNone at plant were allowed to work overtime due to approaching storm of great intensity. This storm hit us during late afternoon and was of 50 to 80 mile per hour velocity. It was greatest we have had since some years back, when the New England area was so badly hit. Due to terrific drive of rain, leaks appeared in our roof. Power first failed at 6:30 & then intermittently & finally remained off all night. Romano took me home yesterday & today. Clothes were soaked thru. [As you have seen in the war years and will so in other years, the family often took a trip over to Asbury Park at the shore. Thanks to grandma, we have photos of the damage by this hurricane to the Boardwalk at Asbury Park. She saved this folder which was published by a man, Lorenzo Harris, who watched the 'blow' at the Park and sketched scenes. He stayed as long as he could until forced to evacuate by the U S Coast Guard. Harris later turned those sketches into a large painting which is reproduced on the back of this folder. I didn't scan it, it is too large for my scanner but suffice it to say it shows the horror of the strong winds, waves and breaking up of the buildings. Turns out Harris is a really interesting fellow, click his name above to go to a short bio of him. Go here and here to see the panels of the folder, which was printed to be folded and mailed and cost 15cents. I found this recently (5/2011) and since we are having such awful tornadoes in the midwest, bad weather was on my mind, so I thought it appropriate to link to this pictorial record of this bad storm.]
15 W=F F
The big blow is over with a $20,000,000 loss in NJ. 500 trees were down. Park Avenue was entirely blocked with fallen trees as were many other streets. Power was back on between 8 & 9 this AM. Worked overtime 2 hrs. Streets had been cleared for traffic by evening in most cases.
16 W=C SA
Saw Fergy’s boy at plant today. He is on a stopover of about 3 weeks on his way to the Pacific area. He is in Signal Corps (tho not in same group) in France about same length of time as Bob. Bob is still there as far as we know. Took folks out to see storm damage.
17 W=F SuWorked in garden. Transplanted kohlrabi & Chinese cabbage plants. Andrew & family called at 8PM on way home from shore to see storm damage there. N had a severe pain in her right arm all day.18 W=C M xxBig conference of Bureau of ?? rep & Bell Lab plus local this afternoon in Souder’s office on AN/APA-16 project. Recd letter from Bob. Recd new credit card from AMORC for $1.75. Rev Ryan sent in his resignation notice Sunday to be effective Nov. 1st, 1944. He is going to East End Baptist Church in Pittsburgh. Took work home.
19 W=R TU
Overtime 2 hrs. Took work home. Sent storm papers (2) to Ralph. Loaned $10 to Jack this evening to help him entertain some outside suppliers rep.
20 W=C W
Many homes are still without electric power & telephone service. Service crews from other states (PA, OH, etc.) are helping out. Tree trunks & stumps litter the street sides.
21 W=R TH Overtime to 9PM. Rode home with Jack Mann.
22 W=F F Took work home. Worked to 1:30AM.
23 W=F SA To bed early, up again from 2:30 to 5AM
24 W=F SU
Worked on lawn. Trimmed both hedges, cut & reran roses on trellis. Worked on company work. N & her mother went to Elmora Presbyterian Church for 1st time. [Grandma attended the Presbyterian Church in Berwyn as a girl; we find her baptized in the Baptist church after she & grandpa met.]
25 W=F M Recd letter from Sally
26 W=F TU Overtime 2 hrs.
27 W=F W To bed early
28 W=R TH
Phil Gibbons took George Hansen & me home. Recd letter from Bob, still somewhere in France.
29 W=F F Took work home
30 W=C SA
Took work home & worked on it. Recd letter from Ralph. Mr. Ryan will take up a new pastorate in East End Baptist Church in Pittsburgh on Nov. 1st. He resigned last Sun.

October 1944

1 W=F SU
Beautiful day. Worked in garden in AM & painted in PM. Picked carrots, beets, beans, kohlrabi, turnips, tomatoes, Swiss chard & tampala. Had chicken dinner plus vegetables. Wrote dad for birthday on card. Wrote for 2 copies of “Unto Thee I Grant” to AMORC using $1.75 credit plus 75cents ($1.25 ea).
2 W=F M Recd letter from Bob. Took work home.
3 W=C TU Overtime 2 hrs. Recd letter from June Marcinkovich [his niece].
4 W=C W N & I saw Bing Crosby in “Going My Way” at Regent. Wrote letter to Bob.
5 W=C TH
Recd another letter from Bob dated on 9/10/44. N & I went to McManus Bros. & purchased 2 chairs & 1 maple finish table for sun parlor.
6 W=F FWorked overtime 2 hrs. Recd long letter from Bob dated 9/23/44. He states censorship has been removed to a certain extent. P L Gibbons was taken home sick by co. nurse this early pm.
7 W=C SA 83deg a record. Took work home. Have a slight cold coming on.
8 W=F SU Beautiful weather!
Painted east side of house. Picked turnips, peppers, last limas & some tomatoes. N & Mother S made Xmas packages for Bob.
9 W=F MRecd letter from Bob. He has sent 2 pkgs. home. Took work home. N is house cleaning. Recd 2 chairs & table for sun porch from McManus Bros.
10 W=F TUOvertime 2 hrs. Read a letter from Bob & 1 from Ralph. Put moth-proof clothes closet together.
11 W=F WRecd card from Sally who is visiting her brother & sister-in-law [Charles & Sara Kilgore] at San Diego, Cal., while Ralph is training at Indian Springs for 1 week. [Las Vegas Army Air Field (LVAAF) was eight miles northeast of Las Vegas and was the town’s local airport before the war. Las Vegas, at that time, was not the place it is today. In 1940, Las Vegas had a population of just 8,422, thanks mainly to the building of the Boulder Dam. It was little more than a dusty desert town although it did have two hotels on the highway and traditional gambling spots in the bars and small hotels clustered around the railroad station, which served the entertainment needs of servicemen during the war.
The airport was taken over by the Eastern Training Flying Command in December 1941, as a training field for aerial gunners, the first of its kind in the United States. But one thing the Army Air Force insisted on was that the large and legal red light district be shut down for the duration of the war. By 1944, LVAAF was training gunners at a rate of 25,000 a year. [Dad was here to train to be a gunnery instructor, which were in short supply at this time.] Along with Basic Magnesium Inc, in nearby Henderson bringing thousands of war workers to the area, it is safe to say that Las Vegas made the most dramatic change of any city in the nation during WWII and by 1950 it could claim a population of over 28,000.]
12 W=F TH Overtime 3 ¼ hrs.
13 W=R F No news
14 W=C SA Ralph’s name has been added recently to the Elmora “Roll of Honor” at Elmora Ave. & Westfield Ave. Jean Klump called on N for a long visit this evening. Went to Sears for alcohol [antifreeze for car]. Met Butzback there. Took wool to Mrs. Mc Millan.
15 W=F SU
Did not paint. Weather was clear but cold & windy. Took N & mother S to Asbury to see storm damage. Worked on Company work yesterday & today.
16 W=F M 32degRecd letter from Bob. He has been promoted to Technician 5th Grade T/5. A below freezing frost felled my tomatoes and pepper & bean plants. Picked ½ bu of green peppers for storage in attic. Worked on company work.
17 W=F TU Overtime 3 ¼ hours. Ferg took me home.
18 W=F W
Recd letter from Ralph. He received 96 in his final test at Indian Springs. Out of 125 eligibles for teaching, he was one of only 15 who were chosen after interviews. He now gets another 5 weeks training at Laredo, TX. He then has his choice of schools.
19 W=F Th Overtime 2 hours.
20 W=R FMailed form to War Price & Rationing Board # 24-20, City Hall, Elizabeth, NJ requesting new “A” coupons for gasoline. Wrote letter to Bob. Also received our first pkg from him. It contained 2 brooches, 1 bracelet & 4 bottles of perfume from France. Mac Arthur has invaded The Philipine Islands. Ralph’s address is now SQDN 6 Class 44-46 LVAAF Las Vegas, NEV.
21 W=R SA Went to bed early. Recd telegram from Ralph asking for $15.
22 W=F SU
Got beets, carrots & Swiss chard from garden. Painted lower back of house. Wrote letter to Ralph. N wired him $15 yesterday. Put alcohol in radiator of car. It is proof against –20degF per check I made.
23 W=F MLeft watch with jeweler & watch repairer Thomas on Elmora Avenue. Ready next Mon. or Tues. Norman M. Hurley has moved to 613 Monroe. [It turns out that this home was down the street from one later owned by the family of our cousin Pat Pastushok, small world department! Thanx for sharing Pat & John!.]
24 W=F TU Overtime 2 hrs. Recd new gasoline rations.
25 W=F WSaw “Wing & A Prayer” at Ritz. Recd copy of The Light of the Soul by Alice A. Bailey thru Lucius Pub Co., NYC at Mrs. Hendrick’s request.
26 W=F TH
Overtime 2 hrs. Recd letter from Ralph. Learned that Mr. Adams’ wife, the former Miss Collet, was formerly Bob’s teacher at Victor M. Ravlag School.
27 W=R F
Mrs. Putnam was our guest for dinner this evening. I took car to station this AM and drove her home from depot. Recd letter from Bob who is now somewhere in Luxembourg. [Bradley’s HQ had been there since September.]
29 W=F SU
Painted back of house. Took poles & supports down in garden. Transplanted 3 rose bushes for mother. Fixed my reading lamp at chair. Took work home this evening.
30 W=F MTook N to Mrs. Hendricks & Skidmore’s & 2 wool knitting customers. N paid Mrs. Hendricks $3 cash for “The Light of the Soul”. Worked on company work in evening.
31 W=F TU Beautiful day & evening. This is Halloween again with a beautiful full moon. N went to Dr. B today. We recd Bob’s package of souvenirs today. There were several war relics, bayonets, trinkets and post card views. Also foreign money. Bought 2 tickets for myself & N for the Pioneers dinner on 11/10. Also bot 2 for Mr. & Mrs. Patterson. He paid Parsons for my ‘Reader’s Digest’ subscription, so he owes me $3. Overtime 2 hours.
November 1944
1 W=F W
Mailed ticket to I H P. Asked AMORC Supply Bureau to refund my credit of $2.50.
2 W=F TH Overtime 2 hrs. Home with Jack Mann. Received two letters from Bob.
3 W=F FRecd 2 letters from Bob “somewhere in France” telling of his promotion to T/5 or Corporal. Recd one from Ralph still at Las Vegas, Nev., with Jo. Took work home. ¼ hour late due to heavy fog.
4 W=F SA
20 minutes late due to another heavy fog. Recd letter from Dad. He has been visiting a doctor & had xrays taken. He must remain off his feet as much as possible. He has sold his house for $4500 cash if the deal goes thru. He has accepted a deposit of $225. Took work home to do tomorrow. Was signed up for a Motion Economy Course.
5 W=F SUWashed front lower windows & storm windows. Put up same. Cut down spirea bushes on east side of porch. Hazel & Alma were with us in evening. I called for them & brought them back. Rob is sick in bed. Did work which I brot home.
6 W=F M
Started evening class in circuit theory for radar equipment such as AN/APA-16 project taught by Mr. Powder. Classes are held Mon., Wed., & Fri. from 5:45 to 7:15 for 3 weeks. Came home with Anderson.
7 W=F TU Election Day!
Voted before going to work. Voted for Roosevelt & the straight Republican ticket with that exception. N & folks voted for Dewey. Took work home. [This surprises me – I’d have thought grandma would have voted with grandpa!]
8 W=F W2nd evening class session. Started Motion Economy School today and every Wed. & Friday at 2 to 4PM for 6 weeks or 12 sessions. Recd letter from Bob and one from Aunt Hilda. Bob sent snaps of himself & friends.
9 W=F TH Recd telegram from Ralph stating he is leaving tomorrow for Laredo, TX.
10 W=R FRecd card from Ralph who had gone to Boulder Dam by hitch-hiking. Pat took N & I to [Telephone] Pioneers dinner at the Commodore Hotel. He picked N up at house & myself at highway near plant. Mrs. P was also along. Had good dinner & entertainment. Attended Motion E. class this afternoon. Missed my circuit class this evening.
11 W=F SA Took work home for tomorrow. Recd letter & card from Bob. [On this day dad writes to mother, who was in Bristol w/ her mother, from Ogden, UT: "Darling, Just left Salt Lake City. Is now 10AM. Had 45 minutes there. Next stop Ogden for 1 3/4 hrs. (where he obviously mailed this card). Will eat in town there. Due in Denver tomorrow AM and have 7 hr. layover there. Will keep sending cards along the route. Don't know yet whether you got home ok. All my love. Van"]12 W=F SU
Dug up most of carrots (1/2 bu). Went to Pig Roast at Log Cabin (16 of us). Bill Weiss & Charles Weiss took me over. Did a lot of company work today & evening. Beautiful weather.
13 W=F MTo school 2 hrs. in evening (AN/APA-16 data). Wrote Thanksgiving card for Dad. Recd letter from Sally Jo who is back in Bristol, VA. Ralph is in Laredo, Tex.
14 W=F TUOvertime 2 hrs. ? Adams took me to Morris Ave., & Orchard St. bus from there. Recd letters from Bob & Ralph. Bob sent 2 m.o. for himself $100 & 1 for $50 for us all for Xmas. Ralph also returned m.o. for $13 to apply on loan of $15 from N, but letter did not have a m.o. in it. Worked on M. Ec. Course lesson assignment. Ordered copy of 101 Best Poems today for $1 from Newark Book Exchange. Also ordered Baird’s Book on Reading for $1.50. Ordered 4 tickets for W. E. Company’s new picture show at Elks auditorium on 21st entitled “Heritage for Victory”. Recd details of new hospital plan. Mr. Svikhart is our temporary boss during Mr. Bocock’s absence in Chicago. [On this date dad wrote this card to mom from San Antonio: "Tues. AM, Darling, Arrived here this morning and have until 7PM tonight. Have already visited the Alamo and this famous Buckhorn Saloon. Will probably arrive Laredo late tonight. Will write letter tomorrow. Love, Van."]15 W=R WTo Motion Economy Class this afternoon 2 to 4. To AN/APA-16 data class this evening (2 hrs). Recd letter & cards from Ralph who was on his way to Laredo, Tex. Took work home. Signed withholding certificate for Co. for Income Tax purposes.
16 W=R THRecd telegram from Ralph also 2 cards. He has reached Laredo, Tex safely. Studied Mot. Ec. Course problems & lesson reading.
17 W=F F
To Mot. Ec. Class this aft. To circuit class this evening. Recd 2 cards from Ralph.
18 W=F SA
Recd 2 cards from Ralph & a long letter from Dad & Jennie. Recd check for $2.50 covering my credit in full with AMORC.
19 W=F SUWashed 8 radiator valves in gasoline. Inspected lamps on car (front head lights). Took folks & N out for a 50 mile trip on Rte 28 to New Brunswick, etc. Left Dad at his work place. Wrote letter to Bob, N did also.
20 W=R M
Recd another letter from Jennie & Dad in which was a cashier’s check covering dad’s $1,000 gift to us. He recently sold his house for $4500 cash.
$4500. cash
225. commission
4.95 Govt Tax
42.50 Title Ins.
$4227.553000. to children
400. to Andreina Van Beek
$ 827.55 bal30.04 tax refund
$ 857.59 total in bank U S National of Portland, Ore.

Jennie, June & Selma all sold their homes recently also. Dad V is living with Jennie [grandpa’s sister] at 7117 S E 30th St. Phone = Sunset 8087. Dad has $1300 ins. per Jennie’s letter of 11/10/44. Dad’s house was already resold on time basis for $6150. Attend circuit class this evening. Subscribed for 1 “E” Bond in 6th Loan Drive. Will also buy one more each month.
21 W=R TUTook N to see “Heritage for Victory” at Elks Auditorium, a picture commemorating the 75th anniversary of the W E Co. Not so good! N deposited check from dad in checking account & directed W E Co. to purchase 6 A T & T Co. stockshares today. She also got Dad’s Will from box and mailed it to him by registered air mail letter special delivery, return notice requested. This Will was requested by Dad in letter recd yesterday.
22 W=C W
To Mot. Econ. Cl at 2 to 4. To circuit class at 5:45 PM. Recd letter from Jo and 2 from Bob.
23 W=F TH Thanksgiving Again!
Had splendid chicken dinner. N baked a pumpkin pie. Took folks out for a ride after dinner. Studied Mot. Econ. Course. Requested 6 month subs to R. C. Digest for P L Gibbons. Wrote letter to Jennie & Dad.
24 W=F F
Attended M. Ec. Class in afternoon. In AM our group got together & selected a job which we are to simplify after a 2 hr. search. Went to circuit class this evening. N had party here for D of U [NSDU].
25 W=F SA
Recd Blair’s Manual of Reading and 101 Famous Poems from Newark Book Exchg. Recd letter from Union Co. Trust Co. giving details of A T & T Stock purchase on 11/21/44. Took work home.
26 W=F SU
Took folks for drive this aft. Sent Xmas card to Bob. N also wrote to him & to Ralph.
27 W=R M Attended last session of circuit class this evening. Andy took me home.
28 W=F TU
Worked overtime til 9:00PM. Mr. Bowe took pictures (movies) of our selected project today before development.
29 W=R WAnother Motion Ec. Class this aft. (7th meeting). Recd letter from Bob & a Bristol paper from Sally with Ralph’s picture in it.
30 W=C THRecd letters from Bob & Ralph. Attended Mr. A. E. Robinson’s 35th W E Co. anniversary party & Mr. Otto Edelman’s retirement from service at Elk’s Club. Had a swell evening, got home after ten. Mr. Edelman recd a beautiful scroll & Mr. Rob a plaque, each bearing the names of their many friends’ well wishes.

December 1944 [Click for an overview of the War this month.]
1 W=F Cold! F
Department party this eve. Did not go. Recd receipt from Jennie for Will which I sent to dad. Sent for 8 pr. stockings to New Process Co., Warren PA. (John L. Blair, Pres.)
2 W=F 26 to 30degF SA
N & I went shopping. N bot me a wallet and a Stetson hat for Xmas. Recd letter from Jo. Jeanne Klump called on us in evening.
3 W=F Freezing all day. SU Wrote letter to Jennie & Xmas card to dad.
4 W=F M
Recd cert for 6 shares of A T & T Co. stock. Sent Jennie & Marg. Xmas pkgs. Requested a lesson binder for 10th Degree monographs. Ordered a book on Inspection Tables from Newark Book Exch., each. $1.50.
5 W=F TU
Overtime 2 hrs. Sent for Index of 10th degree & “10th Degree Supplemental Monographs”, $1 & $1.60 resp.
6 W=F W
Recd 4 letters from Bob, 3 pix of himself taken on the Continent. 1 picture (group) with him in a group of 4 taken in England. Also recd 1 letter from Ralph. Jeanne K called again in evening to show us the bracelet Bob sent her. Took work home.
7 W=F TH
N & I bot living room chair at McManus. Bob is paying $40 on it as his share of a Xmas present for us all.
8 W=R F
Recd letter from Bob. To bed early. Earthquake in Japan. Motion economy class. [Earthquake may have been a tsunami, go here to read a scientific paper on the subject, but scroll down past all the graphs, there is a NY Times article and further down more contemporary information.]
9 W=C SA
Wrote card requesting copy of “Basic Math for Engineers” by Paul G. Andres, Hugh J Miser, & Hain Reingold to John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NYC.
10 W=F SU
Worked on co. work. N & Mrs. S went to see Mr. Mott. Wrote in on N’s letter to Bob.
11 W=R M Recd let from Bob describing his Thanksgiving Day dinners.
12 W=R & S TUTook N & Flossie Fuller to Hotel Winfield Scott for DAR meeting. Heard Hon. Donald McLean speak on Congress & Constitution. N arranged w/ Nina O for Xmas dinner at Winfield Scott. [The general manager @ Winfield Scott was Nina’s husband, a friend of grandma & grandpa, referred to before.]
13 W=F WSaw “Wilson” picture at Elmora. It was very good, a great portrayal of a great president. [St. Louisan Vincent Price was in the cast. One website says this movie wasn't released until 1 Aug 1945! There is also a site where one can see it in streaming video - wouldn't that blow grandpa's mind!]
14 W=F TH
Our Motion Economy group analyzed our recent film of an operation on a part.
15 W=F F
Forgot to go to Motion Econ. Class. Recd “Sampling Inspection Tables” from Newark Book Exchg. Worked 2 hours o/t. Recd letter from Ralph. [This is the date on which musician Glenn Miller's plane was lost and never found. You can go here to read the story, but bookmark this page, there is more coming, because there IS more to the story. Stay tuned. 6/21/11]
16 W=S SA Phil Gibbons is going to work for Bocock at Passaic.
17 W=F SUTook folks for ride to Somerville & return. Took Dad to work. We found Xmas pkg from Sally & Ralph on our back porch when we got back home. Also recd “Mathematics for Engineers”. Addressed Xmas cards.
18 W=C M
Snow in evening. Recd letter from Bob w/ 2 snaps of him. Worked on Motion Economy Course project. Recd card from Fla. from Mrs. Cahill.
19 W=F TU 3” of snow during night. Worked 2 hrs. overtime.
20 W=F WRecd letter with several snaps of Bob & his pals. Repaired left hand hot water faucet in wash bowl n bathroom. Recd card from Margaret with $1 apiece for N & I for Xmas.
21 W=C ThRecd Xmas card from Mae Cahill. N & I took our old living room chair & ottoman foot rest to Mary Nelson’s home on Elizabeth Ave. in the Port.
22 W=F 10deg FSaw “The Song of Bernadette” at Elmora Theatre after supper. Very good. Recd nice long letter from Jennie with check for $5 for both of us. Also recd letter from Sally. Attended last formal class session in Motion Economy Course. Next week is presentation week.
23 W=C SA Snow flurries
Home at 3PM as office let out at 2:30. Had ride home w/ George Hansen & Fitzsimmons in the latter’s car. Took N & her mother to see “The Song of Bernadette” at Elmora. I saw it yesterday. Recd 2 letters from Bob with some more snaps. Letters were dated 12/10/44.
24 W=C SU
“Twas the Night before Xmas”, etc. We all examined our various Xmas gifts after dinner. I recd a swell billfold, & paper fold & reminder from N. Also a hat. Recd suspenders, Yardley’s Shaving lotion from Dad. From Deed I got Wordsworth’s Poetical Works, nuts & candy. From Ralph & Sally a set of shaving soaps, lotion & powder. Bob sent me a box of delicious candy (N gave it for Bob.) N received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Bob & Deed a poinsettia plant. N recd a poinsettia plant also from Hazel & Rob [Adams- in places I see his name spelled Robb; learned recently that Robert was his middle name, still trying to figure out where they fit in the family tree but did learn a bit recently which I'll share eventually.]
25 W=R M Merry Christmas!Wrote Bob as did N. We 4 had dinner between 3 & 4 at Winfield Scott. We stopped at Carl & Nina’s apartment on 8th floor. Took Dad to work. Read whole Gospel of Matthew.
26 W=F TU
Overtime 2 hrs. Recd card from Bob. Recd cards from him also for Deed & Gramp & N & several friends & neighbors. Recd card from Jennie with pictures of her house & of Dad. Recd letter from Ralph.
27 W=S W xxx
Recd the following tel. collect from Ralph from Laredo, Tex. (Night letter)
“Dear Folks. Our delays [I suspect this means they had delays in getting to their next assignment, dad on his way to more training, & he had probably planned to go home during that time] have been cancelled and am awfully sorry. Still expect to leave Friday but destination unknown at present. Instructors are greatly needed. Will wire destination soon as known. Don’t write until you get my next wire. Letter follows. Love, Ralph”
We sent Ralph a N. L. wishing him a safe voyage & sending him our love. N is very much upset today. Recd Xmas card & short notes from June & Reika [his nieces, Jennie’s daughters].
28 W=F TH
Recd enlarged copy of snap shot of Bob today from him. N also recd 3 prs. of gloves & German soldiers’ badges, etc. during last few days.
29 W=F F “Graduated” from Motion Economy Course @ WE this afternoon. O/T 2 hrs.
30 W=F SA Worked full day.
31 W=F SU
Last day of year. Went to bed at 1PM. Had chicken dinner today. A. Hitler is supposed to have made another speech at 12:05 midnight tonight (Our time 7:05PM). [I could not find evidence of this speech on-line.] Cleaned walks & took snow off porch roofs. Also took down remaining screens. Wrote a page in N’s letter to Bob. [His last act of 1944, writing to Bob.]

[After reviewing 1944, it appears that grandma & grandma spent most of the year anticipating and responding to letters from Bob and Dad. Note how much overtime grandpa & his colleagues worked, no doubt meeting goals oriented to the war effort. Grandpa spent little time on many of his other activities, note not much AMORC meeting activity, less entertaining, no travel on vacation. Gas was rationed of course, so he took public transportation to & from work a lot, or car-pooled. His Victory Garden obviously took up a lot of time in the planting & growing seasons. Grandma certainly knit a lot, she earned a certificate from the Red Cross & a pin from DAR for her war-time knitting for soldiers. A little work was done on the house, grandpa spending his vacation painting, staining, etc. But it’s a different year’s activities than we have seen so far and what we will see in the future and earlier past. Life this year was far more streamlined - work, farm, worry about the boys and do it all over again for the most part. Note the lack of comment about the fact that it’s New Year’s Eve, and the fact they didn’t do anything. He did say he went to bed at 1PM, MAYBE he meant 1 AM, OR he went to bed at 1PM then got up later which would not be unusual for him. Kert & I often comment on how grandpa would record some earth-shaking news and the very next sentence is something terribly mundane & unimportant. This year is an example of how Americans who were not directly involved in the War spent their time during the terrible days of the war years. What else could they do? We think it’s odd that they carried on their mundane activities, but their lives had to continue, their children had to be educated, their homes tended to, their jobs accomplished. Life had to move on but we can see that the War did change the lives of those at home, even if the diary only tells part of the story. What a shame grandpa didn’t save all those letters home from dad & Bob but he has left us such a treasure with what he DID save.]

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