I have found a great WWII website which has a simply formatted timeline of the various events during the War which makes a great quick reference. Click on it to see what is going on in the world outside of New Jersey during the War years!
January 1942
1 W=R TH New Years Day Ted Gast called on us this evening. He is stationed at Camp Dix. I saw him off on train at 12:20am (Friday). Bob got in at 7:30 this AM. Andrew [DeBoer his cousin] called to wish us Happy New Year.
2 W= R F Took 5th Deg. Init. at 12:30AM (Sat.).
3 W=C SA Snow at night
I must work 6 hrs. overtime next week & thereafter. Will try it by coming in an hour earlier.
4 W=S SU
Shoveled snow with Gramp this AM.
5 W=F M
Got up at 5:45am & left the house at 6:30 for an extra hour of overtime each day this week. This is our 24th wedding anniversary. I got N 24 red roses at Fagan’s.
6 W=F TU N is 47 years “young” today.
7 W=F W 16deg 10deg below at Flanders.
Maran asked me to collect barrels in 9 places. N & mother had words again today.
9 W=F Fri N & her mother had another word battle.
10 W=F SA 12 deg Am still reading Morals & Dogma.
11 W=F SU 8deg Wrote letter to AMORC about picture of Jesus not recd by me.
12 W=F M Trustee’s meeting.
14 W=F W
N went to First Aid class. She also is going to a course of lectures on nutrition.
15 W=C TH
Heard talk by Cecil A. Poole, Supreme Sec. of AMORC at NYC Chapter Rooms in company w/ Pat, Scotty, Haack & Charlie Searles. N was at a dinner or card party at NYC. Robt. stayed on thru evening & heard an advertising & marketing forum at his school (Pace Inst.). That makes 3 of us in NYC on individual errands.
16 W=F F
Charlie Searles brot me his book The Laws of Psychic Phenomena by Dr. Hudson. Started reading same.
17 W=F SA N went to a function at Girl Scout Cabin.
18 W=F SU
N prepared a pkg containing a shoe bag for Ralph which Mrs. S made for him. Attended R. C. in Westfield. Heard Mrs. H talk on headquarters.
19 W=R M
Took N to Dr. B. for treatment for cold & arthritis, etc. Purchased auto use stamp. N ordered bal of coal contracted for from Weimars.
20 W=F T N feels better.
22 W=F TH Bob recd letter from Ralph yesterday.
23 W=F F Recd AMORC envelopes today which were addressed to Mrs. V.
24 W=F SA N & I attended movies.
25 W=C SU Hail at night.
Took folks & N for a ride. Started reading Paul Brunton’s latest book, The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga.
N had Goerke’s painter make an estimate on painting for our kitchen, pantry & bathroom. They want $38 for 2 coat gloss & $45 for one coat Nu-Enamel job.
27 W=C T
Attended Fin. Committee meeting at Ryan’s. R. J. Goerke will paint kitchen, P & bathroom on 2/9.
28 W=S W
Took N & Mrs. F to Red Cross 1st aid class. Recd picture of Jesus today. Talked to Fenstermaker for about 1 hour.
29 W=F TH
N & I met Mr. Mueller of Eliz. Con. Gas Co. by appointment & looked at gas stoves. We bot a Magic Chef CP-37201-13 gas stove to be installed 2/11/42 after painters complete painting of kitchen, pantry & bathroom 2/10/42. Painting to start 2/9. R. J. Goerke Co’s painters will do work using 1 coat Nu-enamel.
31 W=R SA Ralph did not show up for Webber’s wedding. [Webber was a childhood friend.]
February 1942
2 W=F M
Called Philip H. Harrison & Co. requesting new service contract for G E CO. refrigerator. OK send check & request for renewal or extension. Bob went to Pace Institute today to register for spring term & to get books. N paid tax bill. [Scroll down at this link to History of Pace Institute to see what it was when Bob went there, a business school.]
3 W=F TU
Mr. J. A. Gordon had a heart attack yesterday. Perry is still out sick. This is the 3rd week of working at 7:30am instead of 8:30.
4 W=C W N is attending 1st aid course given by Red Cross. She recd 55% in first written test.
5 W=R & S TH N wrote letter to folks in Portland.
6 W=C F
PAR has been out sick all week. Perry was sent home by Co. doctor today. He has been off for almost a week with cold & Grippe. Sent in form to AMORC voluntarily increasing my monthly dues 50cents for the duration of the war.
8 W=F SU
Prepared bathroom & Kitchen & pantry for painters who are to come tomorrow.
9 W=F M
Painter started kitchen & pantry today. Board of Trustees meeting. Started working 1 ½ hr. in AM and ½ hr at night for 3 such days each week. Recd letter from mother to N.
10 W=C TU Painter finished job here today.
11 W=F W xxx Our new Magic Chef gas stove was installed today. N gave $50.00 to painter for doing bathroom, pantry & kitchen.
12 W=F TH Lincoln’s Birthday Worked all day
13 W=F F
F. E. Krick had another attack at work today & was taken home. Went to library to return The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga which I finished reading.
14 W=F SA N & I played cards at Putnam’s
15 W=S SU Attended R. C. meeting in Westfield. Took Mr. H. back with me to Newark.
16 W=R M Overtime 2 ¼ hrs.. Trains late due to fire in Jersey City. Singapore fell to Japs yesterday.
17 W=C TU Took N & folks to see show under W E Co. auspices at Mosque Theatre, Newark.
18 W=F W Worked 3 ¾ hrs. this evening to 9:30pm.
19 W=F TH Recd letter from Ralph who has had sore throat, earache, etc. Now better. Burma Road has fallen to Japs.
20 W=F F 8 to 12 degF
Jap or Nazi Subs have been shelling Aruba Island off Venezuela Coast. A dozen tankers have also been sunk in our waters. Australia has been bombed 3 times by Japs. Ans. 5th Deg. Exam. Mr. J. A. Gordon died of another stroke today.
21 W=F SA N wrote letter to Ralph. Cold windy weather all week.
22 W=F SU
Visited Gray’s undertaking parlors in Westfield where I viewed body of John A. Gordon this early evening.
23 W=F M Washington’s Birthday. Worked all day & 2 ¼ hrs. overtime.
24 W=F TU
Talked with F W Bradley of Michigan Bell at Detroit. He called me on phone about Flint job. Thiefuls called AGD from Detroit on Lansing job. Studied R C T-6 M-1.
26 W=F TH J. E. Peterson dead at 49 years of age after long illness.
27 W=C & S F Wrote birthday card to Jennie.
28 W=C SA Recd jury data form to fill out.
March 1942
1 W=C SU Finished reading The Law of Psychic Phenomena by Thomson Jay Hudson. A very fine clear, informative book. (Borrowed from Chas. Searles.) Filled out jury card.
2 W=C M 2 ¼ hrs. overtime
3 W=R TU Fenstermaker took me to Elizabeth depot is AM
4 W=C W 3 ¾ hrs. overtime.
Recd letter from mother. Mr. Reese F. Clifford is works manager since first of month. H C Beal went to Broadway. H W Ryder is in hospital with a hernia.
6 W=R F Burma is in Jap hands.
7 W=F SA N & I to Park Theater after supper.
8 W=F SU Beautiful weather! Helped collecting pledges for church. Took folks & N for ride.
9 W=R & high wind M Overtime 2 ¼ hrs. Missed Trustees meeting.
10 W=F TU Started & completed 1941 Income Tax Report. N & Folks went to Shelley Ave. School
11 W= F W Overtime 2 ¼ hrs. Got new car plates at Kearny today.
12 W=F TH Turned in inc tax report to Newark office after notarization at Kearny.
13 W=F F Overtime 2 ¼ hrs.
14 W=R SA Prepared answers to exam questions on 3rd mon of 6th T. Degree.
15 W=C SU
Took part in R. C. New Year ceremony at Westfield this eve. assisting Mr. Hershfield. Mr. Wier called me on phone & at house telling me that Mr. Anderson of our block, who is Sr. Warden, wishes me to serve as a Jr. Warden with Mr. Wier. I accepted the job.
16 W=R M overtime 2 ¼ hrs.
17 W=R TU
I canvassed 6 of my neighbors in our block regarding info. to be used by Air Raid Wardens. Gave this info on cards to Mr. A. J. Wier. Had talk with him in which I brought out the R. C. & their work. [What a salesman he was, you will note he does this fairly often!]
18 W=C W
Attended meeting at Alex Hamilton Jr. High School of Air Raid Wardens of the 10th ward. Our District is 6 and our Block no is 12. Mr. Anderson took Joe Calabboro, Wier & myself to this meeting. Was sworn in as an air raid warden. MacArthur flew to Australia from the Philippines to take over supreme command of the S W Pacific area. There is a considerable A.E.F. in Australia.
19 W=C TH Overtime 2 ¼ hrs. Called on Mr.& Mrs. Thachcherberg[?] for information on air raid procedures.
20 W=F F
Recd telegram from Ralph this AM saying he planned to arrive with his girlfriend Sally Jo tomorrow. Bob & I changed rear left tire on car as it was flat. N attended party for Mrs. Koepchen.
21 W=R S
Ralph & his girlfriend Sally Jo Kilgore & 3 boy friends arrived here today. [Other than going to FL to her father's orange groves & maybe to visit our cousin Kay & Aunt Nancye in Tampa, this was probably mother's first trip out of VA and certainly her first trip to a big city. We are not sure when this picture of mother was taken, but it was obviously a favorite, it was in dad's desk drawer when he died in 1995. It is no doubt from when they were dating or early married.]
22 W=C SU
Ralph & Bob & Sally Jo went to NYC. Saw it from top of Empire State Building. Had birthday dinner for him today. N baked a cake and made homemade ice cream. Finished reading An Outline of Modern Occultism by Cyril Scott.
23 W=C M Took 6th degree initiation & studied 4th m. early this AM. N started nutrition class.
24 W=F TU
Wrote for list of R. C. recommended books. Mrs. Heywood was elected the new Regent of the DU. N will remain Regent until end of May.
25 W=F W
J. L. Scott is to start working for W E at 195 Broadway next Monday on priority work. R. C. is giving dinner for him tomorrow in Roselle. Overtime 2 ¼ hrs.
26 W=F TH
Attended R. C. farewell dinner for J. L. Scott. Lieske brot me home & also took me. Hershfeld to Eliz. Mrs. Haack & Mrs. Scott also dropped in at end. Party broke up at 9PM (17 present with the ladies.) We all gave a testimonial talk.
27 W=F F Overtime 2 ¼ hrs.
28 W=C SA
Authorized deduction of $18.75 per mo. starting April, 1942, from my salary for purchase of Series E US Savings Bonds, $25 maturity value after 10 years. Those present Friday were: J L Scott; Hershfeld; Gotberg; Hall; G F Lieske; C Searles; Tutt; I. L. Thomas; H Kline; Ed Straffin; Vander M; R R Winklepleck; Chas. Pollack; Talcott; Gray; Hansen; W F Haack & later Mrs. H.
29 W=S SU
Attended Wardens meeting at Anderson’s at 8 with 7 present. This was the 1st meeting and we were organized.
30 W=C M
N to nutrition class. Took N to Coop store in Roselle for wheat germ & whole wheat flour. Wrote Easter card to folks.
31 W=C & R TU
Charlie Downer was given a 35th anniversary dinner at Eliz. Carteret Hotel this eve. I was not present.
April 1942
4 W=C SA
N has started baking delicious cookies & breads, etc. & putting wheat germ in them and in breakfast dishes. [I learned about wheat germ from grandpa; he used it regularly the rest of his life, if nothing else, adding it to his breakfast oatmeal, I remember the jar in the fridge; I add it to nearly all baked goods, waffles & pancakes, the jar still looks the same as I remember it in their kitchen!] Bob took N & folks to Newark after he had car inspected.
5 W= SU Easter Sunday
Recd telegram from Ralph. Bob took folks & N for ride. I attended 2nd meeting of air raid wardens of our block at Anderson’s.
6 W=F warm M
Asked George & Arnold Hansen to become air raid wardens. They, that is George, accepted for both.
7 W=F 84deg TU
Pat & I & Otto Edelman and Mr. & Mrs. W F H attended lecture on Electronic Microscope by a Mr. Smith at an AIEE meeting in auditorium of Jersey Bell Tel Co., 540 Broad St., Newark.
8 W=F W Took church monies of mine to Skidmore.
9 W=R & S TH
Snowed all day with temperature near 32deg. Sleet in evening. Bob went out with Tommy Decker who leaves tomorrow for Harrisburg, PA & then for Pacific coast for 7 months training as a flyer. Had letter from Ralph & Sally Jo. Ralph is in bed again with a sore throat. N & I wrote him a joint letter.
10 W=R F
Attended ARP meeting at Shelley Ave. School for Dist 6. N attended entertainment for soldiers at YMCA & assisted therein.
11 W=R SA N brot home some Theosophy booklets from her hairdresser.
12 W=F SU
Met at Anderson’s. Had test blackout for Dist 6 from 9:30 to 9:45. Very good results on our block. Andrew [DeBoer] & family were with us for 2 hours.
13 W=F M
N attended convention of NSDU at NYC. She stayed overnight (Monday). Attended my last Trustee meeting of 3 year term [church]. Had long session to 12:00PM.
14 W=F TU N called & said she would like to stay another night at Penn. Hotel.
15 W=F W
First official night blackout at 10 to 10:15pm. Performed my position as warden. Rec'd armband and whistle from Anderson. Went to library w/ N. N got back today from convention.
16 W=F TH
Bot bracket type can opener & installed same. (Dazey Senior Can Opener, Dazey Churn & Mfg. Co., St. Louis, MO). N had Crown Appliance Co. put a new belt and new rubber rolls on our ABC washing machine.
17 W=F F
Apparently Hjorth overheard some of my comments this AM to IHP regarding the “fearless one”. I am not sure that he did. Put up screens downstairs which Dad washed & took storm windows down & up to attic.
19 W=F SU
Mother S is 70 years old today. N baked cake for her yesterday. Mrs. Haack brot a box of candy. I took them & N for a ride to see Normandi on its side [was this a ship that was in the harbor in NY perhaps? It would likely be Normandy or Normandie.] Attended R. C. meeting at which Mr. & Mrs. W F H officiated & Mrs. Hershfeld assisted. I had a small part of lighting candle & incense. Japan was bombed in several places yesterday by us or Allied bombers. This was 1st time so far that Japan itself has been bombed.
20 W=C M N & Dad attended a Woman’s Choral Society offering at 1st Presby. Studied R.C.
21 W=C TU
Studied R. C. again. Finished reading The Voice of the Silence translated by H P B.
22 W=F W Put sand pails in attic.
23 W=F TH
Signed contract for next season’s coal & coke deliveries by Weimar Coal Co. per Charles Haus. Attended meeting for ARP wardens at Jeff. Subject, high explosive bombs.
24 W=F F N & I visited the Haacks in order to find out about Martinism.
25 W=F SA
Bob washed car today. Today, tomorrow & Mon. marks a period of registration for all men between ages of 45 & 65 years. Recd letter from mother who is in hospital again for 2nd eye operation.
26 W=F SU
Took A J Weir down to old City Hall where we both registered after standing in line 1 ¼ hrs. (Mr. Weir drove on 2nd visit. I drove on 1st visit when the lines were too long & we left.) [This was known as the "old man's draft" as it was a way to register, and count, the men who weren't already registered with a draft board.] Took AJW & George Hanson to see a typical air raid block warden’s equip. He was Mr. Stanley of Aberdeen Place. [This sentence about Mr. Stanley doesn't make sense, but this is how it reads.] It appears I and the 2 others were appointed a committee at last Monday’s meeting from which I was absent. Agreed w/ the M. D. Whitman & Co. painters to paint & paper upstairs (3 rooms) and to paint downstairs 3 rooms incl. up & down hall. We selected paper. The price was $88. Closets are also to be painted but not radiators. Cleaned all upstairs windows & put up screens.
27 W=F Mon
Attended air raid practice block 6 & 12, Dist 6 meeting at Anderson’s. Recd letter & pictures from Jennie; mother is in room 345 at Good Samaritan Hosp. in Portland. She had 2nd eye operation on 21st of April & J said she was doing fairly well.
28 W=F TU
Worked overtime 2 ¼ hrs. Prepared upstairs bedrooms, hall, upper & lower, living room, dining room & sun parlor for painters & paper hangers who are due tomorrow. Disconnected 3 radiators upstairs.
29 W=F W
Painters started in upstairs today, 1 man finishing 2 rooms. Took folks to Springfield for pansies. [Those of you who know me well know I have been collecting and studying Wedgwood English ceramics since I was a teenager, and am now a Wedgwood dealer. In researching something for my Wedgwood blog I learned that on this day the Nazis demolished a well-known train, the engine being named the Sir Ralph Wedgwood, in an air raid over England. The train was named for the first Baronet Wedgwood. I was fortunate to be the guest in the home of the 3rd Baronet Wedgwood, Sir Martin and his wife Lady Sandra a few years ago on a Wedgwood trip to England. The first Sir Ralph Wedgwood was involved in the train industry and you can read all about it in Wikipedia, but here is a photo of the train wreck, showing Sir Ralph's name on the side of the engine. ]
30 W=F TH Painter reached downstairs to l r. Worked overtime 2 ¼ hrs.
May 1942
1 W=F F
Worked arranging things for painting & paper hanging. Collected funds for ARP service.
2 W=F SA xxxxxxx
Bob beat rugs today for N & other cleaning work. We recd a special delivery letter at the breakfast table from Ralph in which he informs us he is to be married the 5th or 6th of June in Bristol, VA. Helped N with cleaning of Bob’s room.
3 W=F SU
Helped N clean and etc. Finished putting 3 bedrooms back in shape after painting & papering job which was completed yesterday.
4 W=C M
Met with other wardens at Anderson’s & then at school for instructions about test tomorrow night. Much of our money is collected ($3 per family) and equpt bot. N got her first war ration cards for sugar at Shelley Ave. School.
5 W=F TU
Attended ARP meeting at Anderson’s & took part in a communication “alert” at 9PM. N had house back in order again with Mary’s help.
6 W=C & R W
Teddy Gast [Grandpa’s half first cousin, the child of Hilda Vander Meulen Gast who was grandpa’s father’s half sister. Teddy was 2 years older than dad.] called on us about 11:45. Bob had to get him by bus as our car had a flat tire. Mended & put up porch screens. Fixed a new cord in floor lamp.
7 W=R TH
Teddy left around noon for Ft. Hancock. Had the [?] repaired by Keller...maybe the car tire?
8 W=R F Developed nose cold today.
9 W=R SA
Recd by registered mail my first Defense Bond 4/1/42 (due 4/1/52) from Fed Reserve Bank of NYC. I bot electric alarm clock (Telechron) for mother & dad Salmon today.
10W=F SU Mother’s Day
Painted spare room radiator with aluminum bronze & wrote letter to Ralph re his wedding.
11 W=F M
Attended ARP meeting at Anderson’s. Bob gave mother a beautiful hydrangea plant w/ 3 large & 1 small blossom 2.5 feet tall. Ralph sent a bouquet of red roses yesterday.
12 W=F TU
Attended ARP talk & picture at Elizabeth Carteret Hotel given by a Mr. Scott, a native of England & New Zealand. Arnold Hansen was also there.
13 W=F W Very Warm
Put up side door screens. RAP was interviewed yesterday at tube shop on Hudson Street in regard to his qualifications for a job in Tube Shop Production Department. Got my gas ration card today for 3 gals a week (“A” card).
14 W=F F
Wrote card to Uncle T for his 83rd birthday. Bob brot home ice cream for us at night. Gramp made $10 working around in the neighborhood this week.
16 W=R SA Rained during night. Bob & Mrs. S had a word battle today.
17 W=C SU
Worked on yard, hung pictures, etc. Trimmed 2 hedges. Mrs. Vogt came over & N showed her the rooms. Bob wrote Ralph.
18 W=F M
N wrote Ralph & Mrs. Moore [Elizabeth Kilgore Moore, mom’s eldest sister with whom he roomed.] I wrote to Jennie and mother about Ralph’s coming marriage.
19 W=C TU ARP alert from 8:30 to 10:30pm on our block.
20 W=C W
Took N to a card party w/ Mrs. Fuller at Episcopal Church opposite PO on Broad St. Called at Anderson’s to view work already done on cart.
21 W=R TH Worked at Anderson’s putting a rubber tire on front wheel of emergency cart.
22 W=R F
N received a gift from her NSDU friends today in the shape of an appendage for her Regent’s pin. [Wish I knew what this was as I have the pin but w/o any “appendage”. I am wondering if grandpa just didn't realize that it was a different pin. There is a Chapter Regent pin, normally owned by the Chapter, then when one leaves office she gets an "Ex Regent pin". He mentions this twice, so perhaps he forgot he had already written it a few days earlier? Confusing. I proudly wear her NSDU insignia to include her Ex National Officer pin, insignia & ancestor bars. I have not yet served as Regent of my Chapter but will so I can also wear her Ex Regent pin someday!] Cleaned furnace & took down pipe.
23 W=C SA Bob rec'd a special delivery airmail letter from Ralph enclosing a check for $15 to help defray Bob’s transportation to Bristol. Connected pot stove & cleaned stove & furnace pipes.
24 W= F SU Took N & folks to see iris beds in park at Plainfield. Painted grate.
25 W=F xx M
Recd card from Teddy Gast. N & I bot our bus tickets for Bristol, VA today. Recd letter from Margaret [his sister] and pictures of her new house.
26 W=F xx TU Naomi recd a part of Ex Regent’s Pin as a farewell gift from the Elizabeth, NJ Joseph A. Cannon Chapter NSDU which she served for over 3 years from 1939 to 1942 [as Regent of her chapter]. Mrs. McMillan gave Ralph a check for $10 for a wedding present. Bob borrowed Mrs. McM’s suitcase for trip to Bristol. N recd letter from Sally Jo’s sister Mrs. Elizabeth Kilgore Moore.
27 W=F W
N & I & Bob went to Newark & bot wedding presents of silverware for Ralph & Sally Jo who are to be married 6-6-42. Bot them a Rogers Brothers 1847 “Eternally Yours” pattern 52 piece service for 8. [This was silverplate which was our “good” silver until the 1950s when dad bought mother a set of sterling, then the EY became our “everyday” flatware. We had it for many many years and this is the first I remember knowing that it was g & gpa’s wedding gift to mom & dad. I have a piece of it which I bought at an antiques shop when I spotted it once and recognized the pattern right away.] Loaned Bob some money to buy his brother a wedding present. Rec'd 1942 sticker for car from plant today. Sent card to June, 19th birthday; sent card to Ralph re: our trip.
28 W=F Th F S Bradley called me twice from Detroit this PM.
29 W=F F
N sent 1 suitcase & 1 pkg silver (52 pcs) by Railway Exp. today. Went to Roselle for haircut today. Bob left on the 11:35 bus for Bristol, VA this evening.30 W=F SA HOT! Decoration Day! Worked at plant all day. Terrifically warm!
31 W= C & R SU
Took folks out to Bobrink & Atkins in E. Rutherford for rose plants, etc. They did not have Golden Climber rambler rose. Will have some in last week of Sept. Put new cords on 2 lamps & fixed another.
June 1942
1 W=R M
N & I left about ½ hr late at 2pm for Bristol, VA. Bus broke down at Elkton [MD] and we were transferred 3 times arriving 3.5 hrs late at Washington.
2 W=F TU
Arrived Wash. 1AM & left at 3AM for Bristol. Bob, Ralph & Sally Jo met us at Bristol. Ralph took us to Kilgore's in evening.
3 W=F W
Ralph’s license in Tenn. 42 (5-10198). N & I had supper at Moore’s. N attended engagement shower for Sally Jo.
4 W=F TH
Tom Stepp, Ralph’s roommate, got up a stag party for Ralph at his Boss’s house. About 30 fellows gave him a check for $54.85 and he won $10.00 at poker. Elder Kilgores gave us dinner party at restaurant. Bob & I to show in afternoon.
5 W=F F
Ralph, Bob, Sally & I had lunch together. Mrs. Moore [mother’s sister & dad’s landlord] had 23 out for [rehearsal] dinner at “Tall Timbers” [Uncle Pat & Aunt Elizabeth’s country home]. Met Baptist pastor there. [Rev. J. B. Thomas, 1st Baptist Church who married them & was the family’s long-time Minister. The Minister of this church presided at Sally Jo’s funeral in 1995.]
6 W=F xxx SA
Ralph & Sally Jo Kilgore were married between 10:30 & 11:00am at First Baptist Church chapel in Bristol, VA. Ralph & Sally left almost immediately after the wedding for the Smokey Mtns [oops a typo on the photo - dad was ready, and mom's pal in this photo is her maid of honor, Pauline Christian]. Ralph & Sally got a pkg from mother V and a telegram from Mother & Dad S. Mrs. Moore & others taxied us back & forth between the various points. Bob left at 4:35pm for home. [Link here to see Grandma & Grandpa as proud parents of the groom, here to see Bob & Pauline & here to see the whole group.] [In one of the newspaper accounts it says Mother's grandmother, Mrs. G W Kilgore, was in attendance at the wedding, but she was not living, it was mother's step-grandmother who was there.]
7 W=F SU
N & I left for home at 9:30am. Moores took us to depot & breakfast. Bus got into Washington an hr. & ½ late. Left Washington on 12:30am bus for home.
8 W=R M
N & I arrived Eliz at 9am at Rte 25 & E. Jersey St. Went to Newark in car to claim our 3 pcs of baggage. Got 12 Sat. Journals [the local newspaper which had the announcement of their marriage, no doubt to send around to the family].
9 W= F TU
Back to work again. J. L. Scott came back to W E Co. again last week having failed to make good at 195 Broadway.
10 W=F W Rec'd 17 developed pictures today.
11 W=R TH
Recd letter from mother. She can see much better now that both eyes were operated on to remove the cataracts. She is wearing strong glasses. Dad V only wears glasses when he reads. Bob started working today for the Intl Metal Ref. Co. at Carteret. I started reading Paul Brunton’s The Secret Path.
12 W=R F Bob quit job after 2 day’s work.
13 W=C SA
Bob took N shopping. 500,000 marched in 11 hr. parade in NYC. [Go here to see actual movie footage of the parade! Here is part 2 of the movie - floats, marchers, bands, etc.]
14 W=C SU
Worked in yard all morning & part of PM. Teddy Gast called shortly after 4pm & came over. Took him riding & then after something to eat we took him to Summit to his Aunt’s house. Dad started watchman’s job in Pat [Paterson?] today & yesterday. He works Sat. & Sun. only for $8 per week. Ted Gast was in the parade yesterday.
15 W=F M
Bob got job at Kelly Press today & starts tomorrow. N mailed play suit to Betty Moore this evening. [Betty was Kert’s & my first cousin, mother’s niece, daughter of Uncle Pat & Aunt Elizabeth.]
16 W= C TU
N ordered 1st delivery of coal. Recd 1 ton pea coal for pot stove. Recd 2nd US Bond. Bob started work at Kelly Press Div. of Amer. Type Founders, Inc. Recd letter from Sally Jo.
17 W=R W Got good & wet coming home.
18 W=F TH
Finished reading Brunton’s The Secret Path. Up at 5:30am for reading & meditation. Recd 2 ½ tons Koppers coke & 1 ½ tons pea coal.
19 W=F F rain in evening Alma & Hazel [Adams] were here for tea this afternoon.
20 W=F SA Bot pair brown safety shoes 11-D at Safety store, metal toes.
21 W= C & R SU
Took N & mother S to dad’s place of work. Also called on Lieske’s new home. Trimmed vine on chimney. Father’s Day. Rec'd summer weight bathrobe. Dad worked again. Oregon shore shelled by sub.
22 W=R at night M
Scotty & I are walking together at noon for the last week, ever since he got back from 195 Broadway.
23 W=F TU
Recd letter from Prud. Ins. Co. of A. re gov. ins. against War damage to property. Went to library.
24 W=F W
Bob went out for gas at 6am for 6 gals. Recd new auto ins. pol. from Howard. Sent 1 set of pictures to mother. Read card from W. C. Finck re war ins.
25 W=F TH To library for J. L. Scott
26 W=F F
Bob’s 1st pay day at Type Founders. [Grandpa's friend from work, A J Weir, was a personal friend too & on this day Mr & Mrs. Weir sent a wedding congratulations card to dad & mom who were married earlier this month. I found that card in a scrapbook of Mother's which has been packed away, in my possession since I was in the 8th grade. In my recent move I decided to read the scrapbooks again and found a treasure trove of "stuff" to use for this diary blog! The Weirs lived at 239 Browning, I didn't realize how close they were, g & gpa lived at 189; the card was addressed to 924 Windsor Ave., Bristol, TN. I don't believe Mother ever told me they lived on the Tennessee side! Bristol is a twin city and the TN side is normally taboo to died-in-the-wool Virginians in our family!]
27 W=R SA
Signed 3 copies of request form for War Ins. recd from W. C. Finck. Finished reading The Way of Power by L. Adams Beck.
28 W=F S No news. N wrote letters one to mother V & one to Jennie.
29 W=F M AGD is on vacation for 3 weeks. Attended air raid warden meeting at Anderson’s.
30 W=F TU
Recd letter from mother. Was on Post duty 8:15 to 9:30pm. Levys moved into new home today. Demonstrated our new ARP cart this eve.
July 1942
1 W=R W N & I visited Pattersons. J L Scott got card from Mrs. Haack. She recd “FRC”.
2 W=R TH N’s hairdresser gave N copy of The Beacon for April, 1942.
3 W=C F Took N & folks to Washington Rock. Heard J B C was hurt on nose in bus accident going to see his son at Camp Dix.
4 W=F SA Worked at plant all day for 1st July 4th since I have been with W. E. Co. Read The New Image by Bragdon.
5 W=F S Read The Way of Power by Beck. Read most of day.
6 W=F M rain at night
Bob sent request for salary due to Carteret. Pastor Ryan called in eve. & retd books I had loaned him in Dec. Read Pagan & Christian Breeds by Edw. Carpenter.
9 W= F TH Recd card from Ted Gast. Called at Library for An Exp. With Time by Dunne for G L S & Winkie. Took 5 books back.
10 W=F F
Bob got check for $12.24 from Carteret. He came home not feeling well & I took him to Dr. Block who gave RX & put him to bed today & tomorrow. Recd new gas rationing book of stamps today good for 48 weeks. #F-409739-F of 7/10/42.
11 W=C & R SA Bob in bed all day with a cold.
12 W=F SU Bob gave me a fine new white handled Century shaving brush for my coming birthday.
13 W=F M Sorted out junk metal & old rubber [no doubt in his basement workshop.]
14 W=F TU Hottest day of year. Hottest day since 1936. Recd Index to 5th & 6th Degree.
15 W=F & cool W
Recd 3rd govt. bond. Went to Library.
16 W=F TH Recd 1st letter from Ralph since his marriage.
18 W=C & R SA Took N & Bob, Dad & mother S to Asbury Pk. The blackout and dimming of lights is rather odd along the coast from Highlands to A. Park. Recd nice letter from mother V. Oscar R. had hemorrhage.
19 W=F 100deg hottest this year SU Studied monographs.
20 W=F M Another hot one.
21 W=F TU Sent bday cards to Aunt Hilda & cousin Evelyn. Sent letter to mother.
22 W=F W
Finished reading A Primer of Higher Space by Claude Bragdon, a very profound little book. Eliz. Lib. Went to bed early. Woke at 12:00 & read til 3AM; am doing this quite often.
23 W=F TH Letter from Sally Jo. Ralph has had throat infection again. She had a cold.
24 W=F & C F Putnams here for evening.
25 W=F SA Took N for drive. Took Bob & Betty Ferguson to town. J L Scott on vacation in Poconos.
26 W=C SU
N & I, Bob & Deed had dinner at Long Valley Inn then drove over Scholley’s Mtn to Hackettstown & to Andrew’s [deBoer] trailer at Lake Hopatcong. We all had one ride & then Bob got another in Andrew’s speed boat.
27 W=R M
I started N & her mother & dad arguing over broken screen which I discovered & repaired. Recd final tax bill.
28 W=R TU
To bed early. Called various people in regard to air raid wardens whistle sigs.
29 W=R W
Had fingers printed at Alex. Hamilton School for Air Raid Pre. Service. [Obviously he didn’t get his card, see 3/18, until after this day.]
30 W=C TH N recd a letter from Mrs. Pat Moore & one from Ruth F[ifield, her Aunt].
31 W=R F Went to Library.
August 1942
1 W=F SA N had birthday (20 yrs.) dinner for Bob. Miss Betty Ferguson was a guest. Started my vacation today. Bob took Betty to party.
2 W=C SU Started reading Harmonicas of Evolution by Florence Huntley. Bob took N & mother to Radio City.
3 W=F M Beautiful weather! Went to Kresges to order a frame for picture of Jesus for Pastor’s study.
4 W=C TU Started staining garage roof. Recd card from Margaret [his sister].
5 W=C W Stained garage roof.
6 W=F TH Finished staining roof. Bob & I visited the NY Technical School of NJ at 784 Broad St. (14th floor Broad-Market Bldg) to get data for Bob about Signal Corps work & enlistment. Recd letter from Pat w/ lib card as reqd & a birthday card from Uncle T. Recd card from Imperator Lewis.
7 W=F F We spent day with Mr. & Mrs. Obgoertel at their new cottage at Lake Parsippany. Had good time. Bob worked. N & her folks & I went. They invited us to come for some fishing next Tues. or Weds. Haertel called about Olson’s party.
8 W=R SA Started painting of garage. Recd package of 3 pairs of socks from mother, also letter. Uncle T & Aunt Hilda sent cards. Margaret also sent card. [His b’day was the 7th] Bob took N to Regent.
9 W=R SU N & folks had “words” again. We slept most of day it being so dark & rainy this AM.10 W=R M Attended Gus Olson’s party (40th co. anniv.) at Hurricane Rest. at 49th & Broadway, NYC at 7pm. 49 others present. He recd a fine camera. Had quite a floor show. Drove in to JC [probably took the train from Jersey City into NYC. The 4 images of The Hurricane are from www.tikiroom.com, which also tells us that the restaurant is now defunct.]
11 W=F TU N & I & Dad & Mother S. spent day at the Obgoertel’s [sp?] cottage at Lake Parsippany. Dad & I went fishing from 3 to 7pm. We caught only small catfish, 1 bass & a few sunfish. Had lobster dinner. Dad & I bot a fishing license apiece. Recd a big can of cookies which mother V made & sent to me for my birthday.
12 W=F W Bot wheelbarrow. N & I paid several bills. Brot Bob home from Type Founders.13 W=R TH Sent order for 1 subscription for Saturday Evening Post to Curtis Pub. Co. for Bob as a birthday present to Gramp. Performed 7th degree initiation ceremony from 12 to 1:00am.
14 W=C F Went back to work. Drove in to depot. Mailed report of initiation. Recd U S Bond Series E issued 7/1/42. On Thursday 8/13 I fin. reading Harmonies of Evolution by Florence Huntley. Got whistle sigs from Mr. Stanley of 38 Aberdeen Rd. Also called Joe Kaiseman.15 W=C & humid SA Went to library. Bob went to NYC to find out about Signal Corps work & schools, etc. Started reading Tertuim Organum by P.D. Ouspensky.
16 W=C SU Worked cutting hedges & cleaning beds, etc.
17 W=R M Recd A Student’s History of Philosophy by Arthur Kenyon Rogers. Also picture of Jesus (both for my birthday), the 1st from the folks & the picture from N. Also recd article The Secret Symbols of the RC.
18 W=F TU Unheralded blackout of NJ & PA this evening at 9:35 to 10pm. I was sleeping at the time.
19 W=F W Bob’s boss said it was OK for Bob to leave early, say at 4:30pm each day, in order to go to school for signal corps work.
20 W=F TH Picture of Jesus arrived properly framed from Kresges (Newark). I and Pastor Ryan hung it in Church study in the dark.
21 W=C F Bob called Eliz. Moore in Bristol regarding Ralph’s delay in answering his letters. Sally Jo, then, called Bob (us as Bob was out) after 12am & said Ralph was in Florida on business.
22 W=R SA xxx Took N & folks to pottery (Capital Concrete & Pottery) on Route 25 near Cloverleaf. Took Bob to movie in Union. Bob signed application to join U S Signal Corps at U S Tech College of NJ in Broad Market Bldg.
23 W=R SU Started to paint garage again but had to quit due to rain. Bob took N to Radio City. [Remember the movie "Bullit"? I saw it at Radio City, along with a Rockettes performance, in October of 1968, what a treat!]24 W=F M Recd 6 beautiful hankies and 2 small ties from Ralph & Sally. Dad got a shirt. Recd letter from Sally.
25 W=F TU Took Bob to Dr. Block for a cold. Block signed on N & my own OK for Bob to join Army. Bob got his release from Draft Board 7 in Old City Hall. ARP alert at 8:15 to 9pm.
26 W=F W Recd letter from mother V. Bob got his notification for exam for Army Signal Corps at Newark.27 W=F TH Mosquitos are “eating us up” right in the house. Many mosq have been bad as a result of the recent heavy rains. Wrote letter to folks.28 W=C F Bob & I went to Community Theatre in Morristown this evening.29 W=R SA Bob went to Newark & passed the Army physical test OK. He is to appear Thurs. for swearing in ceremony.
30 W=F SU Bob took N & Deed to see Muellers in Millington. Mrs. M was not home. Had psychic experience last Friday during cathedral contact period. Saw town, old fashioned & wooden wheeled cart (2 high wheels) & face of Uncle T.
31 W=F M Studied RC lesson. Scotty had Pat & I notice the “cool” effect near his chest.September 1942
1 W=F TU Had my haircut in Roselle for 3rd time. Bob called for me at 7pm. Bob got his questionnaire today.
2 W=F W Bob had 4 couples to dinner here in honor of some of his boy friends who are leaving for the army, etc.
3 W=F TH Hot Bob stayed home from work today in order to be sworn in at P.O. Bldg in Newark around 12:30pm.
4 W=F F Mailed card for Margaret’s wedding anniversary.
5 W=F SA Took N & mother S to movies @ Elmora.
6 W=F SU Painted west side of garage 1st coat.
7 W=F M xxx Ralph & Sally Jo were at the door a little before 7am. There was an air raid alarm real at about 2:40am. I went out but it was over before I got out. Bob took Sally Jo, Ralph, N & the folks to Cranbury Lake and Lake Hopatcong in my car. They saw Andrew’s trailer & car but he and his family were attending races in the lake. Ralph has a new job which he will commence next Monday at Deland, FL. with Babcock Aeronautic Co.
8 W=C TU Ralph & Sally Jo left at 9:30am for Bristol & then FL where he will work anew. Had 1.5 hrs. ARP alert.9 W=R W Bob sent in his questionnaire to draft board #7, Elizabeth, NJ.
11 W=C F Did not feel so good last night, had a sore throat & fever. Took a treatment and some of Bob’s med from Dr. Block for his cold. Had a heavy fever & was very warm & sweated much under blankets during early morning hours.
12 W=C SA N & I attended Alice Putnam’s marriage to Mr. George Shaffer at 3rd Presp. Church at 8pm. Feel much better
13 W=F SU Beautiful day! Painted last part of first coat of white paint on garage.
14 W=F M Recd card from Sally Jo from Bristol which they left 9/11/42 for FL. Bob started NY Tech College of NJ evening class at Broad Market Bldg., Newark. Recd picture of Jesus framed from Kresges, Newark today & hung it in my room.
15 W=__ TU Sent for 4’ x 6’ Old Glory flag to New Process Co. We all voted (except Bob) for the Republican Primary slate. Trimmed hedge yesterday & today. Dad went to occulist & he advised him to go see Dr. Block or another doctor.
16 W=F W Bob learned at school that he will have to be in the class which meets on Tues & Thurs from 6:30 to 11pm. Recd card from Sally Jo.
17 W=F & C TH My throat still irritates & causes me to cough. Bob started Tues & Thurs 4.5 hr class this evening & got off at 4pm.
18 W=R FR Recd letter from Sally Jo from DeLand, FL where Ralph is to work. Dad was examined by Dr. Block today & found he had a double hernia & some sugar in the blood. Dad recd a new pair of bifocals today at $13.00. He went to Dr. Stein for glasses. Bob does not like his job & wishes to quit & do office work somewhere. Some line draftsmen are not working tomorrow due to scarcity of work.
19 W=C SA Recd 4’ x 6’ American flag & pole & bracket today from New Process Co., Warren, PA. Also recd E pin from Army-Navy for excellence of production as a Co. E flag flown from Co. staffs today first time.
20 W=C SU Discovered a blown fuse in circuit 2 (in kitchen & dining room). Spent most of day eliminating trouble which was a grounded wire in basement. Tom Willing helped me out. He discovered the grounded wire. Did not go to Scout dinner near Bonnie Burn as planned. Called Patterson. Bob worked most of day.
21 W=C M Made out and mailed my draft board Army occupational questionnaire. Disposed of a lot of old junk & Ralph’s old bike which he gave to Carl F. Mrs. Haack called today & asked N & I to her house Friday for Initiation into Martinist Order.
22 W=F TU Bob to school in Newark. Air raid alarm. All radios off air for about ½ hour. I was on my beat from 8:15 to 9:30pm. Wrote letter to folks.23 W=F W Recd long letter and snaps from Jennie. Recd new passes & button with photo of myself on it today. Bob wants to change jobs. Does not like present one.24 W=F Th Bob went to school.
25 W=F F xxx N & I were initiated into “The Martinist Order” by Mrs. H at Fanwood.
26 W=C & R SA Recd letter from mother. Bob tried unsuccessfully to get radio code practice material. Bob applied for job at selling at Bamberger’s Store. He is to go back this week Weds.
27 W=R SU Finished cutting hedges. Ted Gast called for ½ hr. around noon. Bob took him to Route 25 where he got a ride back to camp. Reconnected & repacked 3 downstairs radiators.
28 W=F M colder Attended air raid wardens' meeting at Anderson’s. Went to Lib. Bot 3 new radio tubes for my set.
29 W=F 30deg TU Another block insp. tonite, 8 to 9:30. Bob to school. Took 2 library books to Scotty. WFH stated that no meeting we be held of M.
30 W=F 40deg W Heard a Tiger Flyer, AVG, 23 years old speak at plant. Bob took N to movies. Started cleaning & painting Bob’s radiator.
October 19421 W=F TH Started work on oscillator sets for Bob for code practice.
2 W=F F Had an air raid alarm between 9 & 10 that lasted 25 min. N completed her “cloak” today. Worked on radio sets for Bob.
3 W=F SA Bob & I went after a wall lamp for his room & batteries. Tried unsuccessfully to get 2 telegraph keys for code work.
4 W=C & R SU N & mother to movies. Painted Bob’s radiator alum. color. Put up new side wall lamp in Bob’s room.
5 W=R M Wrote order for books to AMORC.6 W=F TU Mr. Anderson “planted” an incident up the street next to Whittow’s. I carried the message to Anderson’s. Had a regular ARP test 8 to 9:30pm. Sent letter to AMORC req. books.7 W=F W Talked with Mr. Dombrow the installer on Peoria job by phone this noon. Started reading Fragments of Truth by Richard & Isabella Ingalese. Put monographs in letter file. Scotty joined NYC by initiation tonight
8 W=F Th Mended cords
9 W=F F Mrs. Ralston, Sr. & Jr. were over to spend afternoon w/ N.
10 W=F SA Wrote card to dad for 78th bday, also 1 card to A. DeBoer.11 W=F SU Worked all day locating a ground on circuit #2 at lp. at left of sideboard in dining room. Bob worked at plant today.
13 W=F TU Started furnace. Bob borrowed tel key from Mr. Carl Mueller.
14 W=C W Andrew called up today regarding golden wedding.
15 W=R TH We recd letter from Ralph. N & I went to National Bros. where I bot a 2 pants suit at $40 & 1 suede jacket for myself.16 W= R F studied R. C. lesson & X.
17 W=R SA Borrowed WE Co. 2-A pole changer key from J. N. Peterson this eve. Bob to party.
18 W=F SU Bob & I attended annual get-together of 12 eqpt. men at Lions Camp in Watchungs. Had turkey dinner between 2 & 3. Left at 5pm.
19 W=F M Finished reading of Fragments of Truth & started History & Power of Mind. Recd new 2 pants blue suit from National Bros. Sat.21 W=R W Bob & I started code practice on our 2 oscillator sets. Started reading Andrea’s book The Mystic Way.
22 W=F Th Helped N to make collars for our Order [Martinist].
23 W=C F Recd form from Jury Commission to fill out which I did. Mrs. Block called for sub. to “United War Fund of Eastern Union Co.” Recd letter from Prudential regarding war damage insurance. Wrote letter to folks in P. with check.
24 W=C SA Recd letter from Prudential on renewal of mortgage for another period of 10 years instead of 3 as at present. Bob used car to take Miss Ferguson out.
25 W=C SU N & I & Bob & mother S went to Bobink & Atkins for roses & “mums”. Got 2 golden climbers & 3 mums. Finished reading The Mystic Way by Raymond Andrea.
26 W=R M N & I attended 1st meeting of Fanwood Hepted of Martinist Order at Haack’s
27 W=F TU Was called to a wardens’ meeting at school at 7:30pm. Wrote letter to Mother & Dad for their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Wrote letter to Prudential Ins. Co. enclosing War Damage Ins. Policy.
28 W=F 34deg W Bob wrote letter to my folks & sent them $5 for anniv. gift.
29 W=F TH xx Recd announcement of my parents’ coming Golden Wedding Anniv. (50th) on Nov 3rd next.
31 W=C R at night SA Recd letter from mother & dad. Finished reading History & Power of Mind by Ingalese Sunday at 5am. Halloween again.
November 19421 W=C SU Bob took N & her mother for a ride.2 W=R at night M Had 2nd meeting of Fanwood Heptad, N & I attended. Recd occult body chart from Haack.
3 W=R F in latter part xxxx TU Folks in Portland [this picture is their 'official' 50th anniversary portrait] are celebrating their Golden Wedding tonight by a party. Sent them a telegram of congratulations. [In looking over this I don't think the portrait picture is their 50th wedding photo, they look younger in it than in the pix I have that were taken on the day of the anniversary. It's still a great portrait of them, but I don't think it's from this day. I'm leaving it here until I find where it might really belong.] Recd pamphlets “Rosicrucian Essays” and “Absent Healing.” Signed an application for a 10 year extension to loan [mortgage] to 1/1/53. We all voted today. Dewey was elected Gov. of NY State. Sent Prud. check to cover charges for renewal of mtg.
4 W=F W Took N to Dr. Block as she has had an attack of neuritis for the last 3 days. Returned book to library.
5 W=F Th N made appointment with dentist Dr. Franklin. Fin. reading Tertium Organum by P. D. Ouspensky. Bob & I had to use car to depot this AM.
7 W=F SA Fin reading Historic Significance of ? Mystery of Money by Emmet Fox. Went downtown shopping.
8 W=C & R SU Puttied garage windows. Put cover on chair for N. Made aura box.
9 W=F M N & I attended 3rd Heptad meeting at Haack’s. Had blackout of 20 minutes duration while there. Bob fell asleep with a light on during this blackout.
10 W=R TU Had ARP terrain exercise 8pm to 9:30pm. Recd letter from mother & dad about their golden wedding. They had a fine celebration – 40 guests.
11 W=F W Armistice Day Wrote cards to Aunt and Uncle Jennie & John, Hilda & Martin, Theake, and to Andrew DeBoer about Salmon’s golden wedding on 23rd this month
12 W=F TH Saw icicles on station roof this AM. Recd dinner tickets for tomorrow night. Fixed my reading lamp and flag pole.
13 W=R & S Fair & cold at night F N & I attended Telephone Pioneers dinner & dance at Hotel Commodore Grand Ballroom. We had table 67 with Mr. & Mrs. Stevens, Paul, Flicek & Lee. Had a good evening. Lost my commutation ticket at the ferry house in NY.
14 W=F Freezing SA Put anti-freeze in car. Got 1 gal. of it at Sears.
15 W=F SU Washed lower front windows. Washed storm windows & put up same. Painted garage windows green. Cleaned & painted radiators in our room an aluminum color. N prepared her “M” notes. Made out tire record for U S Govt.
16 W=F M N & I met at Haack’s again. N went to dentist Franklin.
17 W=F TU Painted aura box. Tried to fix kitchen clock but was unable to find trouble or reason for its losing time.
18 W=F W Bob & N went to jewelers in Newark & bot presents for Frances Adams’ wedding, also Xmas present for Ralph & Sally Jo. Also they arranged for a dinner at Chanticleer Inn for folks’ 50th wedding anniversary next Monday night. N is arranging a tea for 20 for Monday afternoon in honor of the folks’ Golden Wedding.
19 W=F TH Gun was placed on west tower of T. A. shops above Tel. Exch. at plant today. Flagpole there was removed.
20 W=F F Beautiful mild weather. Bob delivered his & our wedding presents to Francis Adams who is to marry the Crane boy Sunday.
21 W=R S Recd letter from Aunt Jennie. Bob had car headlights (upper portion) blacked out with paint at Kellar’s.
22 W=F SU xx Railway Express picked up my spare tire today & gave me receipt for same. It is a Firestone 6.00-16 & will be pd for by govt. check. Put other tube in spare tire as present one has slow leak. Connected radiator in our room. Called for Bob at 3:30. He dressed & went to Francis Adams’ wedding.
23 W=R M xxx Mother & Dad Salmon celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary today. The house was full of “mums” (flowers) when I got home. Went for Bob at Type Foundry & we dressed & went for supper to The Chanticleer at Milburn, NJ. Mother V. sent folks $5. Recd pictures of Mother & Dad V’s wedding today from Jennie. Folks received many cards & gifts. N had many here at tea this afternoon.
24 W=R TU Recd Section 4 from Mr. Haack for N & I to read.
5 W=R W We heard nothing from Ralph or Sally Jo for the folks’ golden wedding. Neither did they remember my folks’ golden w. on the 3rd of this mo. Bob did. [Looks like Dad was in the dog house big time, but Bob lived right there with them, he couldn’t forget!]
26 W=F TH Had Thanksgiving dinner of ham, etc. at home after Bob got home at 4:30. He got out at this time as he had to work. I went after him in car. Performed aura experiment unsuccessfully.
27 W=F F Bob borrowed car for an entertainment in Plainfield. Recd card from Ralph.
29 W=R SU Wrote letter to Mother & Dad V & sent 3 clippings, 1 for Jennie & 1 for Marg & 1 for the folks. The clippings covered the wed. anniv. of Mr & Mrs. S.
30 W=F M N & I attended M. meeting at Haack’s.
December 1942
1 W=R TU ARP exercises called off due to rain & storm.
2 W=R W Am reading Seven Years That Changed the World by Wing Anderson. [This book was published in 1940, 1942, 1944 and again in 1970 it appears. The title changed to "...World 1941-1948". For those of us baby-boomers interested in the subject of our own demographics, this might be a good book to read!]
3 W=F 20deg TH Went out to Roy Winklepleck’s home & conducted aura exp. with his box. Saw my aura.
4 W=F F Started working on raw material stock breakdown for pneu. tube equpt. for Buttolph & Shallenberger.
5 W=F SA Bob took me to Elmora Theatre. Bob got a 10cent per hour increase in pay (now 75cents per hr.) last week.
6 W=F SU Mended lamp for N. Fixed hall door knobs & front bell. Patched some of openings in floor of front hall. Finished reading “7 Years” by Wing Anderson.
7 W=F M End of 1st year of war for US. Anniversary of attack by Japs on Pearl Harbor. N attended funeral of Mrs. Harris & so was not present at our M. meeting.
8 W=F TU Air Raid Patrol duty 8 to 9:30pm. Bob & N had argument w/ Mrs. S again.
9 W=S W 2nd snow fell today (an inch or so). Took Bob & N downtown after supper & called on Judd Havens & Andy Weir at E. Genl Hospital. AJW is recuperating from a bleeding ulcer of stomach & Judd had an operation preliminary to cutting off lower part of large intestine. Met Mrs. Havens & her son. Also Cappy Ricks.
11 W=C F N attended Girl Scout affair on Vista Ave. Wrote Xmas cards for far west. Bob & girl friend borrowed the car & went to “Chanticleer”. Fin. reading Mental Poisoning by Lewis.
12 W=S SA Recd letter from mother V with $5.00 in it for N & I. Bob went shopping.
13 W=S SU Took 3 pictures of snow scenes around house. Bob worked to 4:30. Finished reading Out of the Crucibles by Henry W. King (NYC Chapter Library-J L Scott). Wrapped 2 pkgs for Ralph & Sally Jo & 1 for Gladys Zinn Gibson.
14 W=C M N & I attended M meeting at Haack’s. Recd box of fruit (oranges & grapefruits etc.) from Ralph & Sally. Sent 2 pkgs to them by express.
16 W=C W Recd letter from Jennie. Bob bot door chimes. Bob got pictures of himself for Xmas gifts & they are very good.
17 W=C TH Wrote bal. of Xmas cards.
18 W=C F Bob & I went to Marsh & Son in Newark & bot a watch for Bob (a Milo 7 jewel wrist watch) for $14.95 our price. Bob bot a $1.00 Xmas tree. Recd Prel. 1943 tax bill. Wrapped one of Bob’s pictures for folks. Bob is giving it.
19 W=C xxx SA Started new work with Ed. G. Conrad-1180- [department #] this AM. It has to do with priority ratings. Mr. Winklepleck is to become assistant to Mr. Alden, Manager of Central O. Div.
20 W=F SU down to 0 Worked on wagon for hauling groceries from store.
21 W=F M N & I started out for Haack’s but when we got to Cranford our radiator boiled over & I had to take 1 gal of alcohol. We turned & went home & missed meeting. N has cold.
22 W=R TU Recd letter from Ralph.
23 W=C W Judd Havens died this morning at Eliz. Genl Hosp. Recd 1 ¾ tons K. coke & 1 ton pea coal mixed from Weimar’s. I completed a little cart to haul groceries in yesterday. Bob went out with a pal in eve.
24 W=C TH Darlon was assassinated in Africa. Rob stayed at a boy’s house all night last night & Gene Gauch brot him home this AM. Wrapped pckgs & when Bob came home from school early we all unwrapped our gifts. We all had a pleasant time. Bob was very good to us all.
25 W=F F Xmas Beautiful mild weather, almost 55deg. Ralph was not with us this Christmas for 1st time. Bob went out with a date in eve. Recd Walt Whitman’s poems as Xmas gift from mother. 27 W=C SU Installed door chimes (NUTONE) in dining room. Bob gave us these as a Xmas present. Have been bringing Bob home every Sunday, he works to 4:30.
28 W=R M Read early this AM from Morals & Dogmas by Albert Pike as I have been doing quite a bit lately.
29 W=R TU N wrote letter to Sally & R & I added a page or 2.
30 W=R W Bob took car to Newark. He brot home ice cream for us as he has done on many occasions.
31 W=C Th Took N & folks to Elmora Theater where we stayed from 8:15 to 12:30 & saw the new year in. Bob went out with Betty, next door. He came home at 5am Friday.
About this Vander Meulen family blog
My grandfather died in 1978, leaving me his diaries and genealogy notebooks. I have spent over 2 years reading & in many cases re-reading the diaries through, although I have read parts in the past, and trying to decide how to share them. The blog format emerged as the best way to share. I hope family members are enjoying seeing the lives of my grandparents through grandpa's eyes as well as seeing how they fit into the world around them. If you think you may be related to us PLEASE email, I am willing to share information and love to correspond. PLEASE feel free to add comments - use the comment utility at the end of each post for asking questions, requesting information, or just saying hello! Before you get started, please go to the LABELS on the right side-bar and to the General Information posts to understand how this transcription of the diaries is going to be formatted. 1/1/2011 - my first typing of 2011 - the diary transcription has taken on a new dimension since I began in December, '09. I've discovered many things in my possession which I can use to illustrate the diaries, to say nothing of the magic of the Internet to add details and photos of the people, places and events that filled grandma & grandpa's lives. As I've said often, I now have to live to be 100, and be healthy, so I can finish! World War II years are almost finished, then it's back to grandpa's chronological jottings. There will be something for everyone, so I hope you are all enjoying reading as much as I am enjoying posting. Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar
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