I have found a great WWII website which has a simply formatted timeline of the various events during the War which makes a great quick reference. Click on it any time you want to see what is going on in the world outside of New Jersey during these years! Dad is going to turn 20 in March, 1940 and Bob, his only sibling, is two years younger. They lived at 189 Browning Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ & Grandpa is an electrical engineer at Western Electric working on the refining of long distance telephony. Remember to check the bottom posts for abbreviations etc. The earliest posts are always at the bottom. I have found another great website which is a video and stills, a great overview of the 40s in words and pictures. I recommend viewing it to set the stage for what's to come in the 1940s.
Because I am not starting at the beginning & going in chronological order, you don't get all the background - once I have more years finished, it will be easier. During these years Grandpa was busily learning about and participating in the Rosicrucian order & there are many references to this. I did not realize that many Rosicrucians also are members of more traditional church communities, but I asked a Rosicrucian friend because Grandpa continued to be closely associated with the local Baptist Church & I was surprised. You will get a sense of just how much Grandpa was involved in as you read...the church, the Rosicrucian Order, his community, the family, and of course he had a career. Some days he accomplishes so much AFTER he gets home from work, I don't know how he has time to go to work each day! Another observation is that he doesn't put much of his opinion in these diaries, just the facts, but if you read carefully, and note what is underlined (which is in Italics here), you'll find out what is important and how he feels about things. I remember knowing how he felt by the twinkle in his eye or the tone of his voice, those reading a cold hard printed word don't have that advantage!
Grandpa spent his whole working life, after a couple of early jobs, at Western Electric. To understand the activities of the World War II years, you might want to go here to look at the history of Western Electric. Specifically, scroll down this document to the bold heading Hawthorne, where grandpa started out after leaving Portland, OR to seek his fortune in Chicago, then to the heading World War II to read an overview of the company in the years of the War; grandpa talks about his various projects & assignments a lot, so this helps put it in perspective. Additionally if anyone gets really 'into' the history of WE, here is a more indepth document, a pdf file which can be downloaded, being a book about the WE history. It says an early government contract had to do with the Signal Corps, and now after reading and transcribing the War Years, I must wonder if this isn't how Uncle Bob found out about the Signal Corps and why he joined that particular branch of the service - if any of his girls know the answer to this, I'd love it if you'd share.
1/1/2011- I was just speaking with a dear friend of mine who lived in the same area of NJ as grandma & grandpa for most of her adult life. During the summers of 1940 & 1941 (Carol is pretty sure of these dates) she worked in the Payroll Department at WE Kearny plant. There is no doubt in my mind that she must have processed grandpa's pay information at some point, & even if she didn't it's nice to think she did. She told me that since she was under 21 her employee ID badge had a green & white striped border, indicating that she was a minor. And her area was not allowed overtime. She also remembers taking the train back & forth to work, once finding herself in a train that was sent to the siding to allow the passing of a train ferrying German POWs -she and others got off their train to get a closer look to hopefully "thumb their noses" at the Germans! This is the same gal whose picture is on the reverse side of the newspaper article announcing Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary's wedding. Talk about a small world! Carol & I became friends at a national meeting of the National Society of New England Women in VT; when sitting next to one another she told me she was from NJ, I asked where, she said she'd raised her kids in Westfield, but had then moved to Hope, in NW NJ, when her husband retired from his business. We've been fast friends since. She is my "GO TO person" when I need a New Jersey history or geography lesson! Thanks Carol!!!
W=F JAN 1 1940 M cold 20deg New Year!
Spent day at home. Boys came in at 5:15 AM from parties. Bob, Dad [George E. Salmon, grandma's father who lived with them], N & I played Bridge.
W=F JAN 2 1940 TU 20deg xxx
Rec'd 1st AMORC lesson today. Rec'd proxy to sign from Elmora Trust Co. Ret'd same signed. Ralph went to his place of prospective employment today & arranged to start tomorrow. Rec'd a letter apiece from Dad & Mother. Installed a new latch & striker on icebox. Got them from Phillip Harrison & Co. in Newark this noon. Rec'd 1st copy of US News in new magazine form. ["Jan 5, 1940 The United States News changes format from a newspaper to a magazine. The publication is billed "the Weekly Newsmagazine of National Affairs." The first issue contains 52 pages–a substantial increase from the newspaper's original 16." from a website.]
W=F 1-3-40 W
Ralph went to work for 1st time today for $18.00 per week. He works 9 hours but gets paid overtime for 1/2 hr. per day. He is off Sats. He looked up a room close to plant today.
W=F 1-4-40 TH
1st night school session on toll X-bar (#4 Toll Svc. Sys.) Got cards for N's anniv. & birthday.
W=C 1-5-40 F
Our 22nd wedding anniversary today. The whole Fenst[ermaker] family called on us. Bob bot ice cream. Rec'd income tax forms.
W=C 1-6-40 SA
Took N [who did not drive] to Mrs. Ives etc. & shopping. Went to Lib[rary] & procured Vols 1 & 2 of Rosic[rucian] Library & 2 histories of Egypt. N is 45 years old today.
W=F 1-7-40 SU Read Vols 1 & 2 of Hist. of Amenkotep of the 18th Dynasty.
W=F 1-8-40 M
Stayed in all day and did not go to work due to a cold in my head. Attended Board meeting at church & acted as sec. pro tem. Rec'd letter from Uncle T[heake]. [His father's brother who with his wife, Aunt Dina, lived in Dunkirk, NY.]
W=F 1-9-40 TU
Still home. Cold better. N went to an affair at Hotel McAlpin today. Studied X-Bar lesson.
W=C 1-10-40 W
Back to work. We spent evening at Adams'[Hazel & Robb, cousins of grandma]. Went to library & got The Mystical Life of Jesus which I started to read.
W=C 1-11-40 TH
Attended X-Bar lecture at night school by Elmer Crane. Have a bad cold.
W=R 1-12-40 F Fin reading The Mystical Life of Jesus by Lewis.
W=R 1-13-40 SA
Car would not start, so had it taken to Manuel & Madey. Put new ball in flush tank in basement. Fixed garage apron by lowering same & also cut about 3/8" off bottom of right door on east side. Cards at F[enstermaker's -neighbors] in eve. Putnams & Robbins there too.
W=R 1-14-40 SU Letter to AMORC
W=C 1-15-40 xx M
[Church] Fin. Comm. met at Skidmore's. Ralph got his first pay check today. Rec'd a nice long letter from Jennie w/ clippings of Rieka's [her daughter, his niece] wedding. Recd bal of my coal today (1 ton pea & 2 1/2 tons coke).
W=F 1-16-40 TU
Went to Library. Visited Mr. C E Tirney who is sick. Brot car back home after repairs by Marwel & Madey. Valves were reground, new dist., etc., batt chgd. Rec'd letter from Aunt Jennie [his step aunt, daughter of his grandfather & 2nd wife Jennie]
W=S 1-17-40 15deg W Studied x-bar lesson.
W=C 1-18-40 18deg TH Attended class in X-bar Toll Telephony.
W=F 1-19-40 16deg F Attended b'day party for Mr. Heywood w/ N
W=F 1-20-40 10deg SA Shopping w/ N. Wrote letter to AMORC. N went to Lib.
W=F 1-21-40 20deg SU Studied x-bar lesson.
W=F 1-22-40 M
Rec'd Mon # 4. Wrote letter to Jennie. [Mon # 4 = an AMORC lesson, monograph]
W=F 1-23-40 TU
Recd copy of Constitution & Statutes of the Grand Lodge of the AMORC. Read same. Took N to D of U [NSDU] meeting. Called on Mrs. F[enstermaker the nabor] regarding a purchase I am making for her.
W=F 1-24-40 30deg W Mr. Haack let me have Unto Thee I Grant. I started reading it.
W=F 1-25-40 TH
X-bar class. Finished reading the marvelous book Unto Thee I Grant life's economy.
W=F 1-26-40 SA
Pd bills & went shopping w/ N. Mailed dues to AMORC. Visited Super A & P market in Roselle Park. Composed letter to Master of my class. Loaned car to Bob for DAR Dance at Essex House in Newark. He took Hunter girl. Mr. F & I solicited overdue pledges this afternoon [for church].
W=F 1-28-40 SU Ralph spent much of yesterday & today in study.
W=F 1-29-40 M Recd letter from Mother. Wrote to her & dad.
W=F 1-30-40 TU
Studied X-bar lesson. N went to Macy's Women's Club party at NYC. Robbins called in eve.
W=F 1-31-40 W
N is not feeling well. Has pains in her hips. Ben Merkle has been out of a job since 1st of year.
W=F 2-1-40 TH
X-bar class session. Bob went to dentist today and had 1 x-ray taken. He has 3 cavities.
W=F 2-2-40 F
Borrowed R. C. Manual and R. C. Forum which I will read over weekend.
W=F 2-3-40 SA
Bob has the Grippe [flu]. N called Dr. B[lock] 2 times for him & he sent RX to Danzig's D. S. [drug store where dad & Bob worked off & on]. Ralph worked on lessons & skated. [Dad is a student in aeronautics at Casey Jones School in Newark]. Marvin & I helped address Easter letters at Church.
W=F 2-4-40 SU
Took mother & dad [his inlaws the Salmons] for trip around Port Eliz. Read R. C. manual & forum.
W=C 2-5-40 M Recd AMORC lesson. Attended [---] lecture at Eliz Carteret.
W=R & S 2-6-40 TU
Bob was home all day yest. & today. Took N to Flag presentation at Armory. Col. Dudley reviewed his command. N is feeling bad w/ the Grippe.
W=C 2-7-40 W
N went to Dr. Block. His chauffeur took her back. She is in bed w/ a very bad throat condition. Will sleep on couch. Dad went after Dole 2-B vacuum vari-vent valve to Eliz. Hdwe. Co., but they did not have same & said they could obtain it for $2.75.
W=F 2-8-40 TH
Waited until Dr. B. came to see N. He said she was quite a lot better. After getting up & getting Bob's & Ralph's breakfasts & shopping at A & P I drove in to plant. Bob went to Dr. Sussman & has 2 cavities to fill in 2 front upper teeth. X-bar Toll class met. N recd a nice lot of flowers from Alice McMillen.
W=C 2-9-40 F
N feels better but is still in bed. Mrs. Willing called on her in eve. Joe Louis successfully defended his crown against a fine S. A. fighter.
W=R 2-10-40 SA
Went to lib & shpping for N. Started reading Peace, Power & Plenty by Orison Swett Marden.
W=F 2-11-40 SU
Went to church & ushered. Took walk in afternoon. Called on H--- to return copy of "Fortune" which N had borrowed. Called on Kocpcheris to see how Cora was. Also on F's to see how Mrs.
F is getting along. N was up today. She read Dr. Hudson's Journal yesterday, "Lloyd C. Douglas". She will also read The Nazarine.
W=F 2-12-40 M
Attended Trustees meeting at church. Recd instructions for my initiation [into AMORC].
W=F 2-13-40 TU xxx
N went to Dr. B and he wants her to have an xray taken of her right kidney tomorrow at 9am. Had my initiation into 1st Deg. AMORC this evening. Signed Neophyte Great Oath.
W=S 2-14-40 W
Took N to Dr. Merriman, a kidney specialist, recommended by Dr. B. He took xrays & used instruments on N to find condition of kidneys. Dr. B talked to N after rec. Dr. M's report. Her kidneys are dropped and twisted. She must wear a belt. Went to work on bus 12 & JCRR from Newark. Got to plant at 1:30pm. Sent in report of Initiation. Bob & I each bot N a nice heart shaped box of candy for Val. Day.
W=F 2-15-40 TH
No x-bar lesson tonight. Terrific snow of yest & last night ended today. Snow had drifted quite high in places. Dad earned $3 shovelling snow.
W=F 2-16-40 F
N & I went shopping at A & P supermarket after supper. Ralph got home very late with plenty of liquor.
W=F 2-17-40 SA
Took N to Dr. Irving Lerman, kidney specialist. His inst. for N are 1-Bed must be inclined or raised 1 ft at foot end. 2-Girdle with pad must be worn & put on each day before arising. 3-Drink only 2 cups coffee a day. 4-Gain 8 to 10 lbs in weight. She weighs 148 now. 5-Rest 2 hrs. during day. 6-Drink lots of water, 7 or 8 qts. Saw Bob on his way to Union Co Trust Co & back in front of Levy's.
W=R & C 2-18-40 SU
Took N & 3 of her lady friends to Washington's Birthday service at old First Church (Presb) in Newark. Rev. Foulkes presided.
W=R 2-19-40 M Studied R. C. lesson
W=C, R & S 2-20-40 TU Started making out my Income Tax report.
W=F 2-21-40 W John Ware called for Ralph in PM.
W=F 2-22-40 TH
Washington's Birthday. Ralph left at 5:15am for Wash. with Webber family. Bob, Dad & I drove out to airport intending to let Bob get his first ride but no flights for pass. were being made. Read our church constitution (as revised) a few days ago. Let Mr. Higbee see copy. [6/2011-in reading gpa's diary for the summer of 1964 when he, Kert & I were visiting grandma & grandpa, I noted that dad went to visit Henry Webber. I knew the name was familiar, they were chums in school, and perhaps neighbors. I believe we see him in other entries besides this. I thought it was interesting that 24 years later, he visited no one when back in NJ except family and Henry Webber.]
W=F 2-23-40 F
Took dad to Armory to hear Hoover talk on Finns. Went to Lib. & brot home 4 books.
W=F 2-24-40 Sa
Fixed bed so mattress is in a slant down position from front to rear. This was ordered by Dr. Lerman as an aid to placing N's r kidney in an upper normal pos. again. Finished reading A Message from Arunachala by Paul Brunton. What a book, what an author and what new insight it has given me on the path.
W=F 2-25-40 SU N & I to church. Took N & folks for ride out to Fanwood, etc.
W=F 2-26-40 M
Loaned A Message from Arunachala to Scott today. Studied lesson & performed experiment of concentration.
W=S 2-27-40 TU Took Miami job home with me.
W=C 2-28-40 W
Bob drove Drug Store truck this eve. I. H. Patterson asked me about R. C. today.
W=C 2-29-40 TH X-bar class.
W=C 3-1-40 F Finance Comm meeting at F. Hubeny's home.
W=R 3-2-40 SA
Took N to Dr. Lerman & then shopping. Had card party here in eve. Mr. & Mrs. Putnam, Mr. & Mrs. F & Mr. & Mrs. Dean Robbins.
W=R 3-3-40 SU
Attended C. Van Orden's funeral at Elmora Presb. Church yesterday. It was a Masonic one. Mr. Putnam & Mr. Hafley were also there as were Haack & Scotty & Winklepleck [these are men with whom grandpa worked who were also part of his Rosicrucian circle]. Bob took mother to Regent [theatre].
W=R 3-4-40 M Studied R. C. [Rosicrucian] Lesson.
W=C 3-5-40 TU
Fin. reading Discover Yourself by Paul Brunton. N attended a DU meeting in NYC with Mrs. McMillan. AGD & I met Mr. Stahl of Pac. Tel Co. & Lindquist of Hawthorne. All had dinner together at Co. expense.
W=C 3-6-40 W
Ralph recd a letter about his work from Casey Jones School. Loaned Discover Yourself to I H Patterson. Scotty returned A Message from Arunachala.
W=C 3-7-40 TH
Recd books ordered from AMORC. Haack returned book on personal magnetism.
W=C 3-8-40 F Completed Inc. Tax report. N saw Gone with the Wind.
W=F 3-9-40 SA
Turned in Income Tax Report @ PO. Ralph borrowed car to go to Casey Jones. N & I & mother S to Elmora movies.
W=F 3-10-40 SU
Bob came home with liquor on his breath this AM & Ralph came home @3:00am. Finished reading A Hermit in the Himalayas by Paul Brunton.
W=F 3-11-40 M 22deg last night
Very cold weekend. Made 2 pieces of lead stick together by pressure & turning yesterday. Trustees [Church] meeting. We adopted budget presented by Fin. Com. of which I am a member. Recd my 1940 auto plates today UW19F.
W=F 3-12-40 TU 15 deg
Sent b'day card to mother for her 76th birthday. R. C. lesson. Recd 2 tons of Kopper's coke & 1/2 ton pea coal. [I need to research this- they went through a LOT of coke & coal for a family over the years, but I don't have a clue as to how much burned in what amount of time.]
W=F 3-13-40 W
Finished reading The Apochrypha by Edgar J. Goodspeed yesterday. N went to Dr. Block today about her kidney condition. N bought new curtains for upstairs today.
W=R 3-14-40 TH
X-bar class. [WE class relating to his then-current engineering project.]
W=C 3-15-40 F
Bob borrowed car to take Connie Loesser to Prud. dance in Nwk. Recd my auto pass. & sticker.
W=S 3-16-40 SA
Took N to Dr. Lerman & paid bills & shopping. Dr. L thinks N should have an operation to put kidney back in place. Mr. Zimmerman, our neighbor who is moving at end of month, gave me his work bench. Dad took care of his furnace for this day & tomorrow. Ralph came home at 4:15 this am after drinking at Colonial Arms. The damn fool! [Grandma & grandpa imbibed in a glass of wine here & there, but rarely to not at all hard liquor. I do not remember their having a moral issue w/ alcohol, I think he just felt dad & Bob stayed out drinking, and no doubt driving, too much! There are other references to this subject in earlier & later years, but I do believe it is the only occasion I have seen a "cuss word" in his whole writing!]
W=F 3-17-40 SU
N & I attended church. Studied R. C. work. Fin reading The Book of Jasher. Put new 1940 plates on car & put in 2 new lamps. Ralph drove truck all day for drug store.
W=C 3-18-40 M
Wrote letter to R. C. Study period. Sent m.o. for $1.75 to AMORC for year's sub to The Forum.
Ralph did not go to school.
W=F 3-19-40 TU
N bot new grey spring coat w/ broad shoulders [right in style!] today. Ralph wasted whole evening.
W=F 3-20-40 W
Spring of 1940 ushered in at about 1:24pm. Attended prayer meeting & church nominating comm. meeting at church.
W=C 3-21-40 TH
Attended last session (10th) of X-bar course (toll). Gene Conners arrived home last night. Went to library to renew Discovering Yourself for Scotty.
W=S 3-22-40 F [Dad's 20th b'day]
Snowed heavily this AM but was all gone around noon time. Ralph took Gene to Meadow Brook in my car. Bob had holiday.
W=C 3-23-40 SA
Ralph borrowed car again. N & her mother had another serious set-to. [Dad told me that living at home with TWO other generations in the home was terrible. It is one reason he was always looking for a room or apt. near work or school, and also why he left Casey Jones - to get away from the home situation according to him. I always thought perhaps grandma & grandpa were at odds w/ one another because of the situation, but from reading the diaries, I see that frequently Great Grandmother Salmon was involved, so perhaps it was that mother/daughter thing - sad because they had always been very close!] Bob brot N. 13 carnations (white). Ralph gave mother money. Recd letter from mother. Recd workbench from Mr. Zimmerman as he is moving.
W=F 3-24-40 SU 12 deg
Very cold Easter! N & I went to church. Bob took N & I for ride in our car. Ralph at Gene's all day. [This and earlier reference to "Gene" may have been Jean, a girlfriend.] Finished reading Lemuria-The Lost Continent of the Pacific by Wishar S. Cerve. Mailed letter w/ dues (m.o.) for R. C.
W=F 3-25-40 M
Cold again. Took N to Dr. Lerman for report on pictures taken Sat. Studied R. C. lesson.
W=F 3-26-40 TU
Bob took N to Winfield Scott & back. Loaned Lemuria to WFH. N attended Woman's Guild Board meeting at Mrs. Webb's home, also Board meeting of D U.
W=C 3-27-40 W
N was out all day. Bob drove truck for drug store after supper. N was installed today at DU meeting as Regent.
W=C 3-28-40 TH Am reading Cycles of Life by H. S. Lewis.
W=C 3-29-40 F
We are receiving quite a bit of new work at the plant. Studied Cycles of Life.
W=C 3-30-4- SA foggy Bob got home at 3 & Ralph at 4 this morning..
W=C 3-31-40 SU
N & I to church in AM. Took N & folks to Asbury Park in afternoon. Ran into thunderstorm just out of AP on way home. Ralph brot 1931 Ford car into garage, a roadster.
W=C 4-1-40 M
N shopping for clothes. Helped out w/ addressing of envelopes at church. Dad went to Elmora Assoc. meeting. Recd nice long letter as per usual from Jennie [his sister] w/ 3 snaps of her & a new "boy" friend.
W=F 4-2-40 TU
Took N to Dr. B. for report & advice re fallen right kidney (also slightly twisted). He wants her to go on a laxative diet, continue belt for time & use med. He claims operation, while rather simple, was not required at this time. Had my first ride in Romano's new Plymouth this AM.
W=C 4-3-40 W Rainy
Attended Pr. meeting & Nom. com. meeting. Called Mr. Robbins about Treas. & Bd. of Deacons job. Brot book Discover Yourself back to library.
W=F 4-4-40 TH Wrote letter to AMORC about my lessons.
W=F 4-6-40 SA
Had tooth pulled by Dr. Rudolph Sussman (upper eye tooth). (Crown came off about 2 weeks ago.) Had car inspected. It passed OK. Andy Wier had another hemorrhage. Called on Mrs. Wier. N & I attended card party at Robbins.
W=F 4-7-40 SU
Took folks all around in Summit. Pledged for another year at church. I ushered at church this AM.
W=R 4-8-40 M
Bd of Trustees met at church. I went w/ Fenstermaker. Arranged w/ Howard to make out a policy on Ralph's car.
W=R 4-9-40 TU
N & Mrs. Haywood left for Harrogate, TN for DU convention & annual conclave. Took her to train, she left at 6:53pm.
W=F 4-10-40 W Recd first copy of Rosicrucian Forum Recd x-bar booklet, @ 35cents.
4-11-40 TH
Working on chart of the 'cycles'. Finck sent over renewal pol. for 3 years in Traveler's Ins. Co. $2500 in household articles (Fire ins.).
W=R 4-12-40 F
Went to store after supper to buy meat, etc. Snow storm at night. Bob worked at drug store.
W=F 4-13-40 SA
Paid bills, met Haack & gave him a lift home. Borrowed Tide Tables from Whittmans.
W=C & S 4-14-40 SU
To church. Bob, the folks & I had dinner at Coach & Horses & then ride to "Seeing Eye" place. Coldest April 13th on record yesterday. Bob & I got N from 9:35pm Washington train. Also Mrs. Haywood. N had good time. [The hotlink to Coach & Horses restaurant is a full page of the 3/8/43 issue of Life Magazine, but it shows a photo of two gals eating at Coach & Horses, just scroll down a bit. If I can find something better, I'll add it as a link somewhere else that he mentiones this rastaurant, one of their favorites obviously!]
W=C 4-15-40 M
Studied R.C. lesson. Lee & Gwen Hafley called [this means came to visit] this eve. Haack borrowed my tide tables.
W=C 4-16-40 TU
Pat borrowed Liber 777. Goza borrowed The Secret Doctrines of Jesus. Mr. Haack returned Elbert Hubbard's Scrapbook.
W=C 4-17-40 W Pat ret. 777. Fin reading The RC Forum.
W=C 4-18-40 TH
Rode home from sta with Ralph. [These comments about transportation are included because they illustrate the times - gas rationing, etc. Grandpa went to work by bus then train at times, sometimes driving in, sometimes walking to the bus, etc.]
W=R 4/19/40 F Mother S is 68 yrs. old today. Worked on cycles.
W=R 4/20/40 SA
Had appintment with Sussman for cleaning lower teeth. He is also working on Bob's teeth. Went out in late afternoon & called pledges for Huberry & Skidmore. Had very encouraging letter from AMORC.
W=R 4/21/40 SU 40deg yest & today. To church in AM. Collected pledges.
W=C & R 4/22/40 M
About 34deg last night. Took N to Mrs. Ives to North Ave. & Broad St. [Grandma did a lot of knitting & I think these might have been deliveries or pick ups of yarn and or finished goods.]
W=F 4/23/40 TU
I H Patterson & I are eating together at noon times lately & we certainly get a kick out of our common R.C. experiences. Goza, Scotty, Haack, Searles & Winklepleck are also R. C.s.
W=R 4/24/40 W Wrote letter to AMORC. Pushed Ralph's car this AM.
W=C 4/25/40 TH Took N & mother to movies.
W=F 4/26/40 F
Bob & Ralph are going to Washington & Fredricksburg, MD tomorrow morning early in Ralph's car.
W=C 4/27/40 xxx SA
N & I went down to Natl. Bros. where I bot a new top coat. Boys left at 2AM. Ralph accident.
W=F 4/28/40 SU
Went to church. Then drove folks & N to Trenton where we had dinner. Came back home on east side of Delaware R as far as Lambertsville. Bob showed up just after midnite alone. He reported Ralph had had an accident to his car Sat. night & had to wait for repairs. So Bob & Howard Weber came home on train from Wash.
W=F 4/29/40 M
N sent $25 to Ralph by tel. I sent telegram also. Dad started cutting lawn & painting of screens.
W=F 4/30/40 TU
Ralph got back this AM. We filled out report for Amer. Auto Ins. Co. dated today. Dad painted some more screens. Ralph now owes me $5 & to N $20. money advanced because of accident. Signed contract for delivery of next season's coal (6 tons of K coke & 3.5 tons pea.) with Mr. F E Carter, representative.
W=C 5/1/40 W
Rain in late PM. England seems for the moment to be losing against the Nazis in Norway.
W=R 5/2/40 TH Loaned R C Forum to Scott.
W=F 5/3/40 F Reviewed R. C. lessons yest & today.
W=R 5/4/40 SA
To dentist. Cleaned front upper windows & put up screens. Dad had painted all screens 1 coat on outside this past week. Helped N clean our room & move furniture around to new locations.
W=F 5/5/40 SU
Ushered at church. Took N & folks to Plainfield & North Plainfield & to Meadow Brook development. Prepared letter for mother for Mother's Day next Sun.
W=F 5/6/40 M Attended Bd of T meeting at church.
W=F 5/7/40 TU Studied last lesson (12th mono) of 1st Degree. Bot 6 hoses at Ruzicka's.
W=C 5/8/40 W
Cleaned 4 windows & put up screens on same on 2nd floor. 1st thunderstorm of season in late PM.
W=F 5/9/40 TH
Had conference w/ Helligas & Machlan of B.T. of PA on Allentown tube job.
W=F 5/10/40 xxx F
N & I attended annual church dinner & meeting. Germany invades Holland & Belgium.
W=C & R 5/11/40 SA
Turned in report of $46 for damage on R's car at Elmora. Cleaned windows & put up screens. Fixed side door bell. Went to dentist this afternoon. He is working on a cavity in right upper molar.
W=F cool 5/12/40 SU Had fire going. Bob took folks to Summit. I worked edging beds in rear yard.
W=F cool 5/13/40 M
Attended org. meeting of Bd of Trustees of Church. Scotty returned Forum & Book of Jasher. Recd 1/2 ton of pea coal today.
W=F 5/14/40 TU
Nazis cut Holland in two parts & have reached the sea at Rotterdam. Took N & Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Huff & Miss...... to Richfield Pk. anniversary meeting of a chapter formed a year ago. Loaned Secret Doctrines to Scotty. Goza ret same to me this AM.
W=F 5/15/40 W Initiated into 2nd Degree.
W=C 5/16/40 TH Fin. Committee met at Mr. F's
W=F 5/17/40 F
N went to preview of Lillian Russell's picture at St. Moritz Hotel in NYC today. She & I did our shopping in eve at A & P.
W=C 5/18/40 SA
Put up some more screens. Dad cleaned 2 windows & painted 5 back porch screens. I put pot stove in operation & cleaned furnace. N went to Jr.[?] Convention to Hotel Woodworth in NYC. Sent in answers on 1st Deg. Also sent picture of N to folks & to Jennie.
W=F 5/19/40 SU
Washed windows & put up more screens. Took folks to park & to Watchung Res. Sky Top & Blue Mtn. estates.
W=C 5/20/40 M Recd let from Mother. Attended spl finance comm. meeting.
W=C & R 5/21/40 TU 1st mono[graph] of 2nd Deg[ree] Sent letter w/ m.o. for June dues.
W=R 5/22/40 W
N & I went to McManus Bros. & selected some new stair carpet. Recd Secret Doctrine of J from Scotty & loaned same to Patterson. Pressed 2 pair trousers. [Funny that grandma didn't ever do much ironing. For much of their married life they had someone who came in to do ironing.]
W=R 5/23/40 TH
Mr. Kraft & I called on about 10 people for addtl. pledges or new ones. No luck. Ralph had run in with N again at supper time.
W=R 5/25/40 SA
N & I bot a Sellers kitchen cab. at R. J. Goerke Co., store. Price $50. Our new stair carpeting from McManus Bros. was laid today.
W=R 5/26/40 SU Fixed new linoleum for pantry shelves. Bound ends of green rug.
W=R 5/27/40 M
No news. Studied lesson. Ralph had some one run into him in Nwk this AM. He did not get his name as he ran away. He blew out Ralph's rear left tire & damaged rear left fender & running board.
W=C 5/29/40 W
N & I went to Elmora to shop but found A & P store closed. Living room rug was returned this aft after being cleaned & having a new fringe put on. The new Seller's kitchen cabinet came also. N helped collect Red Cross funds in bank.
W=F 5/30/40 cold 53deg! TH Decoration Day
Cleaned floor of living room & placed rug. Relocated electric clock in kitchen. Cleaned furnace pipe. Ralph worked today but will be off tomorrow. Bob worked at store.
W=R 5/31/40 F
Had worst rain storm in years last night. Buses were running in our street. Helped N with her wreath laying yesterday at Civil War Soldiers Monument at Winfield Scott Hotel.
W=F 6/1/40 SA Cleaned car w/ dad.
W=F 6/2/40 SU
Polished car w/ dad. Dad & N & I went to Cedar Brook Park in Plainfield to see iris in bloom. Gene Connors is in Hospital w/ an appendix operation.
W=F 6/3/40 M 87deg - 93 in sun
Took mother, dad & N out to see iris again. Gave dad some money for clothes. Had R. C. lesson
W=F 6/4/40 TU 90deg Bob brot home ice cream of which we all had a portion. Gene is better.
W=F 6/5/40 W 90deg hot
Laid carpet in dining room; also repaired basement outside door. Recd R. C. Digest.
W=F 6/6/40 TH Helped N with dishes.
W=C 6/8/40 SA
Went shopping w/ N. Ralph left for Virginia to see Jean Connors who is recovering from an appendicitis operation. [This is indeed the Gene we read about earlier.]
W=C 6/9/40 SU Showers at night. Took ride in Essex County Reservation. Bob worked all day at store.
W=C 6/10/40 M
Trustees meeting at Peets'. Italy declared war against Britain & France today. Nazis are 35 miles from Paris. Recd nice letter from mother V.
W=C 6/11/40 TU R.C. lesson
W= 6/12/40 W
N spent day at some woman's house at Shore. A group of ladies went with her. Had car greased & motor flushed at 13136 miles. Also had shock absorbers & steering checked. Bob went to Betty G's wedding last nite & to a Radio City studio visit.
W=F 6/13/40 TH 93deg in shade Adjusted brakes on car. Borrowed Mystics at Prayer from J. L. Scott.
W=F 6/14/40 F cool.
Took N & Mrs. Ives to City Hall. Got packed & ready for Eng[ineer]'s Outing tomorrow. Paris surrendered today to Nazis.
W=C 6/15/40 SA some rain @ noon.
Left at 8:30AM for Pocono Manor Inn. Arrived there about 11:45AM. Met the "boys" and registered in room 374 with my roommate Mr. Huer. Played 18 holes putting contest, shuffle bd & horseshoes after we had a good dinner. After supper I met Pat & we went to the show together in theatre. Pat & I took a walk afterwards & then we met Scott & he joined us for another walk. We got to room about 1AM. Many of boys, not all, made merry in the rooms. [Grandpa & his pals really were kind of prudish weren't they?]
W=F 6/16/40 SU
Up at 7:30. Took look from top of Inn. Had breakfast w/ Brubaker & Corbin & Kem. Saw Lone Survivor Contest. Took Pete L & George Huffman up to golf field. Had a fine dinner w/ Harvey Buland, Henry Nulf & Courter. Checked out at 2:45 PM & arrived home at 6:15 (90 mile trip each way). Mrs. Bess Flynn of "Today's Children" and "After 40" called with daughter & son to see Mother S who she met in Berwyn [before they moved to NJ].[This caught my interest so I Googled around. Here is another interesting article about the beginnings of Soap Operas! Great Grandmother Salmon was an amateur writer, I have one of her published manuscripts, & was an active member of The Berwyn Literary Club, perhaps where she met Bess Flynn? If you read this link, read down, there is a reference to Bess.]
W=F 6/17/40 M
For winning shuffle board game Sat. I recd a mdse gift cert for $3.50 from Outing Comm. good at W E Kearny Club stores. [the company store] Took N & folks driving in & around Short Hills after supper.
W=C cool 6/18/40 TU
N had another scene w/ her mother regarding a letter from Casey Jones School. She & Mrs. F. attended movie & saw "Rebecca". Recd letter telling of Ralph's absence from classes from Mr. Hartung [principal of Casey Jones School of Aeronautics].
W=F 6/19/40 W
Had heavy rain storm at 4PM. Am reading Glands- Our Invisible Guardians by M W Kapp, MD.
W=F 6/20/40 TH 60deg
Fin reading above book. Bot 2 shirts & 1 pr. pajamas for myself with my mdse gift cert of $3.50 plus .79.
W=F 6/21/40 F
Coldest 1st day of Summer on record. N & I took a walk after supper & also visited the Wiers. Bob went to shore w/ Dick after supper.
W=C 6/22/40 SA
Went to Co-Op store in Roselle for lb. of whole wheat germs. Bob took N to see a play in NYC & to dinner before that. They left before 12 & got back around 7PM. Went to Eliz library & performed favor for AMORC as requested. Mended mahogany rocker which mother S broke.
W=C 6/23/40 SU
Went to High Point Port Jervis, NY & Millburn, PA this PM. Left near noon & returned about 7PM after about 1 1/2 hr. out at dinner & at High Point. 150 mi. round trip. Aunt Hilda called this AM & N arranged for her to come Thursday all day. She is in Summit with a Gast boy[she was Hilda Vander Meulen Gast].
W=R 6/24/40 M
Finished rocker repair. R. C. lesson. Recd new policy of ins. on car. Also check for $5.20 refund from this year's ins. co. Recd letter from mother.
W=C 6/25/40 TU Ralph stayed home to do school work. Also yesterday.
W=R 6/26/40 W
Recd another letter from Mr. Hartung & the 1940 last 2 quarters tax bill. Bob spoke to me about his desire to get a car.
W=F 6/27/40 TH
Aunt Hilda & her son Ted [Gast] were here today & had dinner & lunch with us. Ted played & sang many songs for us.
W=R 6/28/40 F
Wilkie & McNary were chosen by the GOP at Phil. to be the standard bearers for Pres. & V Pres. resp.
W=C 6/29/40 SA
Paid bills. Bob & I drove out to Westfield where we looked at 1935 Ford that Bob would like to buy. N & I saw "My Son, My Son" at Regent. Bob & Ralph in after 3AM.
W=C 6/30/40 SU
The ants are with us again. Wrote letter to mother. Trimmed Boston ivy on chimney yesterday.
W=F 7/1/40 M
Asked about borrowing money from Credit Union & from Olson Bonding & Investment. Bob took N & Deed [family nickname for great grandmother Salmon, grandma's mother] to look at car in Westfield & got extension until Fri. Ralph is on vac from school for 2 weeks.
W=F 7/2/40 TU
Made out appl for personal loan on Elizabeth Trust Co. for $200 in order to buy Ford convertible sedan (1935) for Bob who will repay at once semi-monthly. Dave the druggist [for whom Bob worked off & on as a young man] will sign note & appl. with me as co-maker.
W=R 7/3/40 W
Bob took signed note & appl. to Eliz. Trust Co. & recd check for $200 - $12 =$188. Arranged w/ Mr. Howard for Ins. policy on Bob's car to take effect 7/5/40 at 12:01 AM to include fire & theft & 10/20 liability & $5,000 property damage. Pete Lieske has sent in his application to AMORC thru Charlie Searles.
W=C 7/4/40 TH 4th of July !
Took N & Miss Eckerson to wreath laying exercises at Soldiers & Sailors Mon. Took N & folks riding to Far Hills, Morristown, etc. Bernardsville.
W=F 7/5/40 xxx F
Bob took his loan money to Westfield & bot 1935 conv. Ford Sedan & brot it home. Mileage read 40,280. Car reg # NR-738. Mrs. F went to Eliz. Genl. Hosp. to have a tumor removed tomorrow.
W=F 7/6/40 SA Recd A Thousand Years of Yesterdays by H. S. Lewis & read same.
W= F 7/7/40 SU
I went to church & heard Mr. Smith preach. Pastor at Hightstown. Had a talk w/ Handeville. Took folks & N to Lake Hopatcong to see Andrew & Lida & the children [DeBoer]. Andy took us for a ride in his 60 HP Chris Craft speedboat in which he just won the trophy of the Annual Regatta this afternoon.
W=F 7/8/40 M Attended Trustees meeting. AGD is on vacation.
W=C 7/9/40 TU
Conducted Ex #1 at 12 midnight. Bob Peets was hurt in an accident at Shelley & Edgewood Rd. at about 5:40PM.
W=F 7/10/40 W Am reading Mansions of the Soul by Lewis. Borrowed it from IHP.
W=C 7/11/40 TH
Thunderstorms in eve. Had fire in basement in app'mt on Magie Ave. across from us.
W=C 7/12/40 F Started my 3 week vacation this afternoon after 5:15PM.
W=F 7/13/40 SA N & I went shopping. Later, after supper, we went to Putnam's to play cards.
W=F 7/14/40 SU
N went to see Mrs. F at hosp. again. Bob worked at Union Drug Store from 1 til 11:30.
W=F 7/15/40 M
Mrs. F. came back from Hospital after tumor operation. Had new fuel pump installed on car. Had spark plugs cleaned & reguaged & carburetor adj. at Manuel & Madey's. Sent 2 Metro. policies to Met. L. Ins. Co. in Eliz to have dividend accredited to premium.
W=C 7/16/40 TU
Left at 6:45 for Cape May & returned home at 7:30 PM. Went to Atlantic City & took Ocean Highway from there to Cape May. 4 toll bridges (70cents) N & folks along, had lunch at Cape May. New Ocean Highway was just opened last month. 162 mi going, 149 mi back.
W=C 7/17/40 W Ralph has been home since Monday doing his lessons.
W=F 7/18/40 TH Movie at Elmora by myself in eve.
W=F hot 7/19/40 F
N had 25 women here to DU card party. I brot 5 crippled ladies over in car & Bob brot them back home. Dad & I went to Regent. Got chairs & tables for N from Mrs. McM & Mrs. F. A bee stung me on left temple & caused me to break my left lens. Mr. Herman manager for Metro Ins. called.
W=C 7/20/40 SA
Met Mr. McMillan. Dad is cutting 3 lawns now beside our own. Mr. Evans & Mrs. Bass are now on vacation.
W=C 7/21/40 SU hot Fixed loose connection on rear left stop light.
W=F 7/22/40 M hot
Ralph still home & studying some. Fixed trunk support on car. Several errands for N etc. Ready to leave tomorrow.
W=F 7/23/40 TU
Up at 5:15AM, left at 6:40AM for tour of N E states. Crossed Hudson thru Holland Tunnel. Saw Newport, RI. Roses everywhere. We, dad, mother N & I, crossed 2 ferries at Jamestown & Newport. Reached Wareham, MA. Mileage 274. Rented 2 rooms for night.
W=C 7/24/40 W cool
Started at 6:15 AM. Went out on Cape Cod to Provincetown where Pilgrims 1st landed. Called the boys from near Chelsea, north of Boston at 7PM. Everything OK. Stayed for night in 2 rooms at 184 Hale St., Beverly, MA. "Ye Ancient House". It was N. G. [pretty sure that means no good.] Mileage 240.
W=C 7/25/40 TH
Started at 6:15 AM. Went to Gloucester, MA & Portland, ME. Stayed for night in a 2 room cabin at Bartlett, NH. "Mtn. Home Cabins" Mileage 207. Had to have a new generator put in car near Kennebunk, ME. Old one developed defective winding.
W=F 7/26/40 F
Left cabin at 6:45AM. Ran into a thunderstorm in mtns. near Crawford Notch, NH. Very hot in afternoon. I saw Lost River, VT. We all saw Old Man of the Mountain. Did not see Mt. Washington. Got as far as Warehouse Pt., CT. "Valley Vue Tea House" where we had 2 rooms. Bum, never repeat. Mileage 253
W=F 7/27/40 SA hot
Left 6:45 AM & reached home at 2:30 PM Mileage 170. Total mileage 1144. Gas= 65 gals @17.5 cents per gal. Total = $11.38 Oil 8 qts @25cents = $2.00 1 qt per 143 miles.
17.5 gals per mile. Total cost $59.61 incl. generator 5.00. (Dad & mother paid for 1 night's lodgings, $4) Found Bob home. Ralph went out to see Jean who is with her folks at a lake in north Jersey. Had worst thunderstorm since we have been here. Ralph has been home from work for 2 weeks now. Went thru NJ, NY & all 6 N E States.
W=F 7/28/40 SU Hot Rested up a bit.
W=F 7/29/40 M Ralph was home again. Worked some on his school work.
W=F 7/30/40 TU
Shower at evening. Took Mrs. F to Eliz Gen Hosp. for attention to her dressing left from her recent operation. Recd letter from AMORC.
W=F 7/31/40 W
Robb & Hazel & Alma [Adams] called last night . N & her mother had a set-to again. I took the Adams home. N & I went to W park, also spent some hours there this AM in R. C. studies. Ralph wasted whole evening.
W=F 8/1/40 TH
Bob is 18 today. N & I went to Whitman's ? yesterday for 1st time. Bot present for Jennie & Lee today & mailed it. [His sister Jennie & her 2nd husband]
W=F 8/2/40 F Beautiful weather.
N & I went to Asbury Pk & spent day there. Saw "Andy Hardy Meets Debutante" picture at Paramount Theatre. Bob slept at Nick's house.
W=F 8/3/40 SA Ralph took Jean to NYC in Bob's car.
W=F 8/4/40 SU
Beautiful weather the last few days. N had set-to again because of Ralph not studying.
W=F 8/5/40 M
Finished last monograph of 2nd Degree. Mr. AGD 's wife became ill during 2st week of his vacation & he had to take her home from VT & have a trained nurse for her for 16 days. Back to work again.
W=C 8/6/40 TU Hot! Performed home ex. no 1 at 12 midnight.
W- C 8/7/40 W
Am 47 years old ["old" crossed out and "young" written above] today! Boys gave me a porch or lawn chair. Recd a tie from Deed & Gramp, also a tel [telegram] from Jennie & Margaret. Fin. reading Mansions of the Soul.
W=F 8/8/40 TH Recd nice beach chair from N today for my birthday.
W=F 8/9/40 F N complains of pains in lower abdomen.
W=C 8/10/40 SA
Bob took his car over for insp. today. Had to clean lamps & have steering gear repaired.
W=F 8/11/40 SU Took folks to Park to see flowers. Finished reading Forum.
W=F 8/12/40 M Repeated 2nd Degree initiation. Performed 3rd degree Init. - Part 1.
W=R 8/13/40 TU
Went to J L Scott's home 33 Archibald St., Westfield, where I met Mr. Hershfield on 9th degree. R. C. Also present were Mr. Haack, Winklepleck, Brumbacher & Altfather. We had a very profitable evening.
W=F 8/14/40 W
Ans exam guestions for 2nd Degree. Reported on ex. 1 & 2nd Degree init. repitition. Dad S was 71 years old today.
W=C 8/15/40 TH Ralph got a $5 per week increase in pay.
W=C 8/16/40 F
Left watch at Hurley. Had busted main spring. Called on Lieckes but found them not home. Took N & her mother to Maurice's Drug St. in Union where Bob is working evenings & had ice cream. Ralph visited school again tonight but found class not there.
W=R 8/17/40 SA N & R had disagreeement. N & I & R in conference.
W=C & R 8/18/40 SU Took late ride
W=R 8/19/40 M
Ralph went to school again. To Library & got my watch back from Mr. Hurley. Had mainspring broken.
W=F 8/20/40 TU
Took 2nd step in 3rd Degree initiation. Sent folks to movie w/ N. Boys were out.
W=F 8/21/40 W 55% coldest in 6 yrs.
Stock market seat sold for $35,000, lowest in 26 years. N cleaned downstairs sun porch, living room & dining room this week.
W=F 8/22/40 TH
Mrs. Bass is back from Florida & called me to see their crepe myrtle bush which is in bloom.
W=F 8/23/40 F
N & I drove out to see Mrs. Karsch & Bill K at Bonnie Burn Santiarium. N & her mother went to see Bess Flynn at Radio City. [See 16 June, this would explain why Bess Flynn was in the area & went to visit great grandmother Salmon.]
W=F 8/24/40 SA
Wedding this afternoon next to Bass'. Studied & reviewed 1st Degree monographs. Very cool this morning. Bob came home at 10 to 4 this morning.
W=C & R 8/25/40 SU
Coldest weather in Buffalo yest. in 68 years. Took ride to Hackensack & GW Bridge. Studied R & C. Fin review of 1st Degree.
W=R 8/26/40 M
Finished 3rd deg. init. Wrote letter to report to AMORC. Ralph started working overtime.
W=R 8/27/40 TU
Sir Oliver Lodge died last week. Am reading The Gospel According to St. John.
W=C 8/29/40 TH N & I saw "All this & Heaven Too" at Regent.
W=R 9/1/40 SU
Ralph left last night for races at Syracuse in his car with the 2 Webber boys. Recd telegram from him this evening. Hansons across street had a fire in their car caused by backfire. Several pieces of the fire dept & 3 police patrol cars & many persons in cars & on foot appeared as if by magic.
W=F 9/2/40 M Labor Day
N & I & folks took ride to Peapack & Chester. Studied R & C M's of 2nd Degree.
W=F 9/3/40 TU
Ralph got back from Syracuse at 3:10AM. He went by way of Albany & had 2 flats & was stalled by rain & fog & detours on route 9W. Performed Home exp#1 for 3rd time. Also m-1 3rd. Broke the left lens of my glasses yesterday by sitting on same accidentally on bed.
W=F 9/4/40 W
Started reading Technique of the Master by Raymond Andrea, FRC.
W=F 9/6/40 F
Recd 1/2 ton pea coal from Weimar. Bill Karsh obtained 8 Autolite spark plugs for me at 40cents each. Mileage 15690.
W=F 9/7/40 SA
Fin reading Technique of the Master. N & I to movies. Wrote letter to Mutual Life Ins. Co. relative to reduction of my loan on policy.
W=C & R 9/8/40 SU Home all day - am reading Emerson's Essays.
W=R 9/9/40 M
Dad went to Fair. I spent all day at NJ Bell Tel Co. Eng. Bldg. at 540 Broad St., Newark on Atlantic City job. Went to Trustee meeting at church w/ Marvin F & Mr. Robbins. Bob bot 2 new tires today at $6.66 ea. Mileage 43400.
W=C & R 9/10/40 TU
George Strachan says he has cut out smoking too. Learned that Jennie's h is not all she expected. She is suing for divorce. [her short-lived 2nd marriage]
W=F 9/11/40 W Am reading Emerson's Essays. My battery is again weak in car.
W=F & C 9/12/40 TH Wrote letter to Jennie.
W=F 9/13/40 F
Big explosion yesterday near Dover St. powder works. [Excerpt from a personal history at http://www.landingnewjersey.com/portmorris2.htm -On September 12, 1940 the Hercules plant blew up with a horrendous explosion that killed 49, injured 200 and rocked Port Morris causing many of the windows in my school to break. The German Bund was active in America at the time and were suspected of sabotage (Editor: The eventual death toll was 51, no official cause of the blast was ever determined). One of the injured was my brother Anthony who was blown 50 feet into the air and landed on a hot bed of ashes with fire all around him. He thought he was dying and called out for help from our sister Dolly who had passed away the previous year, 1939. Suddenly he saw an opening in the fire and crawled through. He suffered burns to his face and elbow and had permanent damage to his ear. His picture being led away from the fire covered the whole front page of The New York Daily News on September 13, 1940. At age 5 my first memory in life was seeing him looking out the window of Dover General Hospital with his face all covered with white bandages]
W=F 9/14/40 SA
Had new Atlas battery XL17 $9.25 less $1.25 for chg. of old batt. Started putting in new brake shoes in Bob's Ford. Also greased front wheels.
W=C 9/15/40 S Fin brake job
W=F 9/16/40 M
Recd div. voucher form from Mutual L. Ins. Co. of NY & filled out same & returned it.
W=F 9/17/40 TU
N cleaned our room today for new beds. Had eye glass rivet resoldered by Goldings.
W=F 9/18/40 W National Guard units all over the US have been inducted into the Army. FDR signed the draft bill this week for all between 21 & 35 years old. Registration day has been set for 10/16/40. US swapped 50 old World War destroyers for air bases w/ England recently.
W=C 9/19/40 TH Loaned last Forum to J. L. Scott.
W=C 9/20/40 F
Played cards at F's. Mr. F. lost his position recently at the NYC Aquarium.
W=F 9/21/40 SA 92deg
Our twin bed outfits came from McManus today. Put them in place. Placed our bed in spare room for use of Dad & Mother S. Took N to Cranford on errand to printer.
W=F 9/22/40 SU
Adjusted Bob's brakes. Put up new lamp in bathroom with socket in base.
W=F 9/23/40 M
Ralph got $12 per week raise to $35. per week. We start working overtime 2 evenings a week at $2 an eve. of 3 hrs. (Tues. & Thurs.) [This was probably welcome extra cash, but would cut into grandpa's incredible schedule of doing more after work than most people do on a weekend day!]
W=C 9/24/40 TU
Worked overtime for 1st time this year & for a long time in fact, 2.5 hrs. @$2 for 2 hours. Came home via J. C. [Jersey City]
W=R 9/25/40 W Bob is getting ready for his week's vacation starting next Sat.
W=F 9/26/40 TH Worked 2.5 hrs. overtime.
W=F 9/27/40 F Brot home 6 gals oil for Bob.
W=F 9/28/40 xxx SA
Bot a suit at Natl Bros for $35. with 2 pr trousers. Bob left on his vacation in New Eng. states at noon.
W=F 9/29/40 SU xxx
N & I to church in AM. Took drive to Bound Brook & Chimney Rocks & Mastinville. Marvin F called from Muhlenberg Hospital in early evening & asked us to tell Mr. & Mrs. Willing that they had an accident on 29 at 7:05pm and were all over at hospital. Mrs. F. was only one hurt & she had her arm banged up again, the same which was recently operated on. Their car was in a 3 car accident. Another car ran into them in rear & pushed them into car ahead waiting for a red light. Tom took me along with them. He brot them all home from hospital after again visiting the wrecked cars (2 of them, the 3rd went away under its own power).
W=C 9/30/40 M
Will have to meet Mr. Bradford of Bell Tel of PA at Philly Wed. Duncan Elly called me in re his son Donald getting job at W. E. Co.
W=C 10/1/40 TU
Worked overtime 2.5 hrs. Arranged thru C L Searles to have Donald E call at W. E. Co. tomorrow AM.
W=R 10/2/40 W
Left for Phil. on 7:20 Pennsy train & got there 9:01 & met Mr. Bradford of Tel Co. at 1835 Arch St. Discussed Toll O Tube system w/ him. Left 7:00 & arrived back in Elizabeth at 8:27pm. Also met Mr. Esrey, A J (Plant) & W. Ch. Mr. Mullen. Donald Elly called at Western & saw Charlie S. He was not successful.
W=F 10/3/40 TH Worked overtime 2.5 hrs. I H Patterson took me home in car.
W=F 10/4/40 F
N was out & mother S made supper. Am reading The R. Forum current issue. Bob's airmail letter from Montreal reached us yesterday. Spoke to Mr. Elly abut Donald.
W=F 10/5/40 SA
Had car inspected. Brakes need adj. Adj'd brakes & greased front wheels. Took N shopping.
W=F 10/6/40 SU
Took folks & N out to see W E Co. plant. Ralph went to see a race in PA. A DeBoer & family called in eve.
W=C 10/740 M Studied R. C. lesson. Went to Pepins for 10lbs soap flakes.
W=R 10/8/40 TU Worked 2.5 hrs overtime.
W=F 10/9/40 W
Wrote letter to AMORC. Wrote letter asking Jewish Theo. Sem. for copy of Einstein's speech of 9/10/40. Wrote card to Dad for his birthday.
W=F 10/10/40 TH Worked overtime 2.5 hrs. Started reading I Believe.
W=F 10/12/40 SA 77deg in shade
Regular summer weather. Called at car insp. place but found it closed due to holidays.
W=F 10/13/40 SU Took ride with N & folks.
W=F 10/14/40 M Attended Bd of Trustees meeting at church.
W=C 10/15/40 TU Worked 2.5 hrs. overtime this eve.
W=F 10/16/40 W
Went out to Westfield Ford agency with Ralph. He wants to buy a new Ford sedan. Met Mr. Haines formerly of W E Co. before his retirement. Had car greased today.
W=F 10/17/40 TH Worked 2.5 hrs overtime.
W=F 10/18/40 F
N & I shopped at A & P Super M after supper in prep for trip to Pocono Manor tomorrow.
W=F 10/19/40 SA
N & I left for Pocono Manor at 10:30 AM. We reg for room 278 & after that took car for 33 mile drive to Buck Hill Falls & Sky Top. Then had supper & mixed w/ about 80 other WE Kearnians. We supped w/ Mr & Mrs. Haack & his new wife. We met L T Marks & family, Mr. F. P. Townsley & family, etc. N & I had a grand time.
W=F 10/20/40 SU
Snowed during night. We were up at 7:30 & had breakfast after which we drove 60 miles almost to Manch Church?? [hard to read]. Then had dinner & left at 3PM. Got home a little after 6. Yesterday we had our dinner at Stroudsburg, PA. Mileage at start of trip 15911 miles & at end....miles [he forgot to fill out].
W=C 10/21/40 M Had spat w/ N.
W=F 10/23/40 W
Learned yesterday that no more overtime would be required after tomorrow. Heard speeches by Roosevelt & Wilkie.
W=F 10/24/40 TH
Overtime 2.5 hrs. Returned I Believe to WE Co. Lib. without reading as I did not have time.
W=F 10/27/40 SU Started refinishing of upper hall.
W=F 10/28/40 M
Roosevelt visited Field. Sh. Bldg. Corp at Kearny this AM. R. C. lesson at night.
W=C & R 10/29/40 TU
Started reading The Technique of the Disciple by Raymond Andrea, F R C.
W=R 10/30/40 W
Signed contract for obtaining a new Ford car for Ralph at Hersh's (Harry).
W=C 10/31/40 TH
Harry Hersh called about car. Said all was set for Ralph to start buying car as soon as delivered (in about 2 weeks). Finished reading The Technique of the Disciple.
W=C 11/1/40 F
Sent card w/ money to folks in P[ortland] for 48th wedding anniv. on 11/3/40.
W=R 11/2/40 SA
Signed bill of sale for Ralph's car. He disposed of it to Roy Kellar. Recd & read discourse by Harvey Miles on Meditation, etc. N & I attended movie in Roselle Pk. Ralph made up with Jean Connors today.
W=F 11/3/40 SU
N & I & folks drove out to chrysanthemum show at Branch Brook Pk. The mums were beautiful.
W=F 11/4/40 M
Studied R. C. lesson & listened to Mr. Wilkie, Mr. McNary, Mr. Barbon, Mr. Al Smith, Mr. Martin & Mr. Dewey. All in favor of Wilkie for President. Bob drove his car in a Republican parade rally. He decorated it all over.
W=F 11/5/40 TU
National Election Day. Mr. Roosevelt was reelected President defeating Wendell Wilkie. Mr. Wallace is Vice-President.
W=C 11/6/40 W Did R. C. ex. Think Jennie's divorce case came up today.
W=C 11/7/40 TH Composed letter to R. C.
W=C 11/8/40 F cold A E R is going to Hawthorn Sunday.
W=F 11/9/40 SA
Took down upper screens, cleaned windows & put up storm windows. Went to library & read W. Wordsworth's Ode on Intimations of Immortality. Am reading Unravelling the Book of Books by Ernest R. Trattner. Made new cord for sewing mach. Worked in hall.
W=F 11/10/40 SU
Got hall ready for painting. Am reading The Dawn of Conscience by James H. Breasted.
W=R 11/11/40 M
Attended Bd. of Trustees meeting at Church. Took Mr. F. down & back.
W=R 11/12/40 TU Recd R. C. Mon 11 & studied same.
W=R 11/13/40 W N not well.
W=R 11/14/40
N & folks had fight & I had to be brot in to it. No supper was ready. Bob ate out.
W=C 11/16/40 SA Ralph bot new 1941 Ford super De L. sedan. Eng # 6073160. Shopping w/ N. Took Ralph & N to Ford place (Hersch Motor Co.) for signing of papers for car. Recd watch back from Hurley. Worked on hall.
W=F 11/17/40 SU Ralph took N & folks for 120 mile drive. Painted & papered upper hall.
W=C 11/18/40 M Fixed 2 pictures for N.
W=F 11/19/40 TU Got our Thanksgiving groceries etc. at A & P.
W=C 11/20/40 W Ralph had 1st adj. on car for 300 miles.
W=C 11/21/40 TH
Thanksgiving! Had turkey dinner here at home. Painted in upper hall.
W=F 11/22/40 F Ralph left here at 5 to take Jean to VA.
W=C 11/23/40 SA
N & I & Folks saw "The Howards of VA" at Regent. This is 48th anniversary of the folks' wedding.
W=R 11/24/40 SU
Bob took N & I & folks over new Raritan River Bridge & to Sayreville & So. River.
W=F 11/25/40 M
Ralph got back from VA between 2 & 3 AM today. Studied R. C. lesson. Had throbbing sensation in head.
W=C & S 11/26/40 TU
Snow & sleet storm started as I came home. Cont exp 3-1st time. Have been working for A E R again as our work has petered out.
W=C 11/27/40 W Cleaned things out of my room preparatory for refinishing it.
W=C 11/28/40 TH Fin reading The Dawn of Conscience.
W=C 11/30/40 SA
Worked on my room. Shopping & errands. Selected wall paper for my room w/ N.
W=F 12/1/40 SU Worked on my room. Bob in at 4:40AM; Ralph in at 4:00 AM.
W=C 12/2/40 M
Studied last mon. of 3rd deg. Signed Postulant's Plea. & wrote letter to Grand Master Kiimalechto.
W=F 12/3/40 TU
Bot Bob a Stewart-W South Wind Gas car heater guaranteed 6 months. It was installed by Foley Auto Parts today. I paid Peebles for it yesterday. Worked on sewing room. Recd wall paper this eve. Recd R C Forum.
W=F 12/4/40 F Worked on room.
W=S 12/5/40 TH
Took N & folks down to WE Kearny Club Sales room & bot N a Shaeffer fountain pen & pencil set for Xmas.
W=C 12/6/40 F My throat started feeling raw yesterday. Worked in room.
W=F 12/7/40 SA
N started trading at the new National Store on Magie Ave. Rec'd R. C. Digest. Worked in room.
W=C 12/8/40 SU Worked in room.
W=F 12/9/40 M
Stayed home in bed all day with cold in head. Had Dr. Block. Bob bot N a card table for Xmas.
W=F 12/10/40 TU
In bed again all day. Wrote letter to R. C. Bob is delivering his Xmas cards, stationery, etc.
Sent in questionnaire for District Comm.
W=F 12/11/40 W Back to work. N had her winter coat relined & shortened.
W=C 12/14/40 SA xxxxxx
Worked all day at plant for the first Sat. in a long time. N bot Dad a suit at Rogers today.
W= C 12/15/40 SU Painted & papered in sewing room. Ralph worked today.
W=R 12/16/40 M Wrapped xmas packages. Wrote letter to AMORC.
W=F 12/17/40 TU
N & I talked w/ Mr. Eric O. Schedin & arranged to have floor sanded in sewing room on Thurs. Sent renewal request for the R. C. Forum for 1 yr. Sent for the book Cosmic Consciousness by
Dr. R. M. Bucke.
W=F 12/18/40 W
Cleared room for sanding for morning. Finished papering early this AM (2:30). Signed letter of protest over erection of gas station in Elmora District for Ed Arnold. IHP is on vacation.
W=F 12/19/40 TH
Eric Schedin sanded sewing room floor & closet this aft. Ralph expects his plant to move to New Rochelle, NY soon. Robbie said AGD & I would not be reqd to work Sats. until job work warranted it. Filled out a request card for my Soc Sec Acct. status today. Recd card from Co.
W=F 12/20/40 F
Loaned Scotty my copy of Forum. Started varnishing of my room last night. Varnished bal of 1st coat.
W=C 12/21/40 SA
Brot a lot of food & toys, old clothes, etc. to a Polish woman at 80 Marshall St. Went to library to renew my card for 3 yrs. & to check book for J. L. Scott. Ordered Dole 2B vari vent vacuum valve at Roselle Pk. Hdwe. Co. Painted & varnished in sewing room.
W=C 12/22/40 SU
N & folks went with Ralph to New Rochelle NY to pick out a place to live for Ralph. Bob came in at 3:40AM this morning & Ralph later than that. I went to bed at 1:30AM. I painted. Bob had appointment w/ Mr. C Searles at 4:00PM at Cranford.
W=F 12/23/40 M Worked in room.
W=F 12/24/40 TU Bob got the valve I ordered Sat. at Roselle Pk. Hdwe. Store. Worked in room.
W=F 12/25/40 W Xmas!
Had a fine turkey dinner at home. Worked in room. Recd chair, mag rack, floor lamp, waste basket, tie, pocket book, desk lamp etc. for my Xmas. We all exchanged gifts last night. Ralph took us all out on Wyoming Ave. to see Xmas lights last night. Beautiful weather.
W=R 12/26/40 xxx TH
Ralph "soloed" for first time today. I cleaned windows in my room. [This is the first we learn that dad was even taking flying lessons! Either Grandpa was worried or he didn't approve, or didn't KNOW, else he would surely have mentioned it before!]
W=R 12/27/40 F N & I & folks were invited to Jean Connor's home by Mrs. C. this evening.
W=R 12/28/40 SA
Fin. painting of room & moved furn. back in place Sunday. Signed appl for Ralph's Student Pilot's certificate.
W=R 12/29/40 SU
Fin fixing up my room. It's a wonderful temple or sanctum or study and sewing room. Bob had appointment w/ Mr. Searles at 2:00PM.
W=C 12/30/40 M
Studied R. C. Dedicated my refinished sanctum in a simple desire that it help me serve to my limit and help me on the Path.
W=F 12/31/40 TU
Last day of 1940. Took N & folks to Regent to see "The N. W. Mounted Police". Got home about at start of New Year. Boys are out all night.
1 W=F W New Year's Day
Took N & folks out riding. Had beautiful view from top of Washington Rock. Grass is green. Destroyed all of my old checks & stubs, etc. Also a lot of my old bills.
2 W=S TH Cleaned out more old bills.
3 W=C F "Foggy"
Mr & Mrs. Putnam played cards with us this eve. N bot small lamp for telephone stand. Ralph worked all night last night he said.
4 W=F SA
Beautiful weather. Recd nice letter from mother & dad. Had appointment with dentist. Laid new rugs in my room. Trimmed door to room to fit over rug. Varnished chest of drawers in my room.
5 W=F SU
23rd Wedding anniv. N recd 12 roses from me from M. Fagan [florist]. Fixed telephone lamp.
6 W=F M
N's 46th birthday today. Gave N card & money. Recd my copy of Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Maurice Bucke, MD. Also Income Tax Blank & 1st lesson in 1st Temple Deg. (3rd M).
7 W=F TU
Recd Suspended Animation today. Installed Dole Valve on radiator in boys' room.
8 W=F W 19deg
Fixed Tidey Furnace Clock by oiling it with kerosene. Had appointment w/ dentist. Spoke
to G. Strachan about Order Tues. Gave him pamphlets.
9 W=F TH Spoke to P. L. Gibbons about joining AMORC.
10 W=C F Came down with [stomach flu].
11 W=F SA
Stayed in bed all day with a sort of intestinal influenza. Dept worked.
12 W=C SU
In bed half of day. Up this PM. Feel better. Am reading Cosmic Consciousness by Bucke. Dad received telegram yesterday from Jessie Archer telling of death of Pearl May. Wrote AMORC. Sent small likeness of myself taken 10 years ago.
13 W=F M -18degrees
Attended Trustee's meeting at church. Met Mr. Rahn today. Saw Mr. Dixon of Hawthorn Friday. E. Olson is celebrating his 35th anniv at Coach & Horses this eve with the boys.
14 W=F TU 15 deg
Studied R. C. lesson. Borrowed JLS's book Along Civilization's Trail by Ralph M. Lewis. Ralph went skating for 1st time this year.
15 W=C & S W snow flurries
Had another filling put in mouth by Dr. Sussman. Got library book for Mother from ....
16 W=R & severe sleet TH
Dad got some book keeping to do for Anderson, the painter.
18 W=C SA
N & I shopping. Did not work altho rest of Dept. (except AGD) worked.
19 W=F SU
Bob had his analysis of his abilities and aptitudes completed today & received a record of his notice and a full report.
21 W=F TU 20 degrees
Attended Finance Comm. meeting at F's. N & mother S to Jefferson H. S. for talk.
22 W=F W Patterson & his whole family sick w/ flu.
23 W=C TH
Mr. P. L. Gibbons cited to me this AM a strange case of "illumination" he had about a year ago while walking on a NY street. Talked to CLS about meeting at his home soon for a gathering of the "clan".
24 W=S Sleet F Finished reading Cosmic Consciousness by Dr. R. Bucke.
25 W=C SA
Took N to store. Painted bathroom radiator aluminum. A rep of P H Harrison & Co. called on
me this AM & checked over our G E Ice Box.
26 W=S SU Puttered around. [One of my favorite entries, for a man who worked day & night all his life, what a gift to himself to simply putter around on a Sunday!]
27 W=S M Studied R C. Loaned and received back several books from R C friends.
29 W=C W
Fin up at dentist. Talked to Rudolph S about RC. Ralph home in bed with Grippe. Dr. Block called.
30 W=C TH
We were informed today at plant that all must be finger-printed soon. Had ride w/ Rev. Koepchen this AM. Gene [Jean] called to see Ralph yesterday. Painted hall doorways with final coat.
31 W=F F
Ralph recd call from his boss about job in VA. Broke right lens of my glasses this eve.
1 W=F SA
N & I shopping. Hung pictures in my room. Painted in hall. Ralph hired out to Bristol Aircraft Corp. Will leave for Bristol, VA end of week.
2 W=C SU
Completed painting of hall except closet. Finished reading Along Civilization's Trail by Ralph M. Lewis.
3 W=C M
Gave a copy of The Sec. Her. to Mr. G and R. Sussman. N signed a service contract on our G E ice box & pd an annual charge of $9 for it.
4 W= F TU N was in NYC today. Gave G. S. a Sec Her.
5 W=F W Recd R. C. Digest.
6 W=F TH
Ralph made out his 1st income tax report today. Ralph plans to leave for Bristol, VA on Sat.
7 W=R F Were told that we work on all Saturdays hereafter.
8 W=F xxx SA
Worked at plant all day. We will work 6 days per week from now on until further notice. Ralph left at 1PM with 2 other men for Bristol, VA where he will work for the Bristol Aircraft Corp. (newly formed). Bob has been in bed now for 3 days with Grippe or cold. He feels some better. Met Peery today.
9 W= F SU
Took battery out of car & to M & M for charging. Placed rental battery in car. Took N & folks to Somerville & New Brunswick. N is suffering much lately from ear aches and corns & calouses on her feet.
10 W=F M
Trustee meeting at Church. N went to card party in one of hotels. Bob went back to work this noon.
11 W=F TU Recd letter from mother & card from Ralph.
12 W=F W
Lincoln's Birthday. Attended church bus. meeting. Loaned my Ros manual to PLG.
13 W= C TH Met Jack Holden of 510 Westfield Ave. at plant today. He knows Ralph.
15 W=F SA
N & I to movies. N recd first letter from Ralph since he went to Bristol. She also recd 2 telegrams & 1 card from him during week. Worked at plant today. H. S. Baker's dad died a day or so ago.
16 W=F SU
Took folks out riding. Charged batteries. My battery is back in car. N wrote to Ralph 1st time since his leaving us. Ralph is taking A. C. A. A. course at King College at Bristol. Car was last greased 10/19/40 at 15900 miles. Mileage is now 16529.
19 W=C W Wrote first letter to Ralph at Bristol, VA.
20 W=F TH
Called Mr. W. B. Panuel of So Bell T & T Co. at Atlanta, GA in re the Atlanta Pneu. Tub Add. per Judd Haven's suggestion.
21 W=C F We all had supper at Palace Chinese Res. Bob out most of night.
22 W=C SA
My battery was run down again & I had to have another rented one. N & I spent evening playing contract bridge at Putnam's.
23 W=F SU Took folks for ride to Summit. Worked on Income Tax report.
24 W=F M Wrote card to Jennie for her b'day on 26th.
25 W=F TU
Fin income tax report. W B Greenwood said N & I both need B-1 and should let refined foods alone. Should not boil food but bake, fry or roast it. Leave skins on foods as much as possible.
26 W=F W
N went to Dr. Block who prescribed B vitamins in sherry base [This I have never heard of but wish I had years ago - think I'll try it!!] Said she was OK. No signs of diabetes. Recd letter from Ralph who said he is coming home Friday noon for a visit.
27 W=F Th
Took N's watch to Hurley for new crystal. Repaired Silex coffee maker- electric.
28 W=S F
10 -12" snow but drifted. Ralph arrived from Bristol in his car w/ another man at about 1:30PM.
1 W=F SA
Had Jean Connors here for dinner this eve. [No wonder dad came home from VA so soon.]
2 W=F SU
Had my battery charged & put back in today. It was rechgd. free of charge. Ralph left for Bristol again today. Another of his fellow workers followed behind him in car.
3 W=F M
Western photo lab took picture of me for my coming 25 yr. anniv. Will appear in WE Kearnygram for May. Dad & I saw picture of appraisal work done in Nassau Co., NY by J. M. Cleminshaw Co. given under auspices of Elmora Assoc. at the clubhouse.
4 W=C TU
N went to NYC again to a society meeting. Hitler is moving troops thru Romania & Bulgaria to Greek & Turk borders. Completed income tax report.
5 W=F W 19degrees
Blackbirds are coming back. Saw some this AM. Had Income Tax Statement notarized at Western today. Applied for auto plates for 1941 today. PLG pleaded poverty in rejecting opportunity to join R. C.
6 W=F TH
Recd letter from Florida from Ruth F[ifield, grandma's mother's sister]. She says she is coming here on 10th & will stay 5 or 6 days. Sent $1 to AMORC for 10cents New Year Ritual. Bal to be credited to my account. Also sent Income Tax in to Coll. of Int. Rev. Newark
7 W=S F
Sent 3rd & 4th quarter 1940 tax bills to Prud. at their request recd today. Realized meditation's function today.
8 W=S SA A still heavier snow than last week fell during night. Bob met at Depot.
9 W=C SU Wrote letter & birthday card for mother's 77th birthday.
10 W=F M
Attended Bd of Trustees meeting at church. Did not receive my usual monograph. Recd wedding invitation for Selma Selberg's [his niece] wedding on the 28th of the month. Wrote AMORC.
11 W=R TU
Ruth Fifield came on 5:45 PM train at Newark from Miami, FL. Bob brot her to the house. Pres. R. signed lend-lease bill 1776.
12 W=S W Wrote letter to AMORC.
13 W=F TH
N went to NY State Convention of DAR. Took N & Ruth out to see Colville's and some friends of Ruth and the Coll? in Plainfield. Had ice cream at Jim's. Ruth & Mrs. S [great grandmother Salmon & her sister] went to downtown Elizabeth. Recd my 1941 auto plates & driver's license today.
14 W=F F
Took folks, N & Ruth for ride to Geo Wash. Bridge. The "gals" went downtown to NYC today.
15 W=C SA
Working every Sat. now. Went for Alma and Hazel in car & brot them to house to see Ruth.
16 W=F & C SU
Took Ruth & folks to Lake S., Summit, Lake Hopatcong, etc. Played Rummy in PM. Bob's tire blew out.
17 W= C 18deg very cold M
Ruth left at 10:53PM for home. Bob took us all down to depot.
18 W=F TU
Marvin F has been w/ Singers at the Port the last 2 weeks. He called on me this PM. N called on Dr. Block & recd diet of 1200 calories to follow for next 2 weeks. Has gained 5 lbs in last 2. She had a hormone injection.
19 W=F W
Went to library after supper but was unsuccessful in getting Swedenborg's book Divine Love. Bot card to send to F E Krick who is in bed w/ a heart burn or pain.
20 W=F TH
Turned in my pledge to church for coming fiscal church year to Skidmore. Recd R. C. New Year Ritual & literature. Gibbons let me borrow his copy of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass.
21 W=F F Went to Liberty Drug Co. of 126 Liberty St., NYC & bot 100 5 mg B1 tabs & also some for Pat. B1 was synthesized by R R Williams of Bell Lab, made by Merck Drug Co.
22 W=F SA xxx
Ralph arrived before 9:00AM, met me at gate at 11:45 & took me to Univ. Credit Co. office in Newark where I signed another note jointly w/ him on car. N had a party for him. Had a girl from vocational school help out from 5 to 9. Took her home. Ralph is 21 today.
23 W=F SU
To church in AM. Took N for ride in late afternoon to see Bell Lab at Murray Hill sect. of Summit. Ralph left about 4:14PM.
24 W=R M
Mr. Patterson called for me & took me to R.C. (Spencer Lewis) chap. in Newark, at 37 Wash. St. Witnessed New Yr. Service & inst of new officers.
25 W=C TU
N out most of yesterday & today. Studied quest on 1st Deg. Am reading "snatches" from Edward Carpenter's book Towards Democracy & Whitman's Leaves. Howard called regarding Ralph's insurance which expires 4/8/41.
27 W=F TH Tried to attune w/ Mr. I H P at 9:05 PM.
28 W=C F
Attended Bill F. Haack's 35th service anniversry at the Elizabeth Carteret Area Hotel. Had good time. Mr. Winklepleck was toastmaster. Bill recd a wrist-watch & a Webster's New Inter. Dict. & stand.
29 W=C SA
Wrote letter to Ralph about renewal of auto ins. Conducted Initiation ceremony for 2nd deg.
30 W=F SU
Took N & folks all around Staten Is. including the Dongar Hills section. Wrote report of my Init. yesterday.
31 W=F M Studied 2T-M1.
1 W=R TU
N to Board Meeting in NYC. N to Newark (SAR) in eve. Sent Bill of Sale & 2 ins. pol to Ralph.
2 W=F W Recd letter from Mother.
3 W=F TH Developing a cold.
4 W=F F Started using some of same med I used for last cold (Grippe). Bob had flat tire.
5 W=R SA
Took car & picked up (Pat) Patterson & then to Mr. & Mrs. Haack's residence 114 Cray Terrace in Fanwood. We found besides Mr. & Mrs. H., Mr. Winklepleck, Swede Lundstrum, & Henry Kostkos. Mrs. Haack opened the "meeting" in the prescribed R. C. manner with incense, vowel sounds & concentration period. Very much enjoyed occasion myself & believe others did too. Had a discussion & social period with "eats & drinks" afterward.
6 W=R SU
Am reading Mrs. H's book A New and Authentic History of the Rosicrucians by Fr. Wittemans.
7 W=F M
N left for the Trenton State Convention of DU of which she is the local chapter regent. R. C. Lesson. 9 W=F W N got back in eve. Dad & mother S & Bob & I had dinner at Coach & Horses.
10 W=F TH No news of Ralph lately
11 W=F F
N was chosen the new Organizing Sec'y General of the N S D of the U 1860-1865 at the Convention at Trenton this week which she attended. She is at present also regent of the local chapter. Two men from Wiemar's mixed coal yesterday.
12 W=F SA
Loaned Cos. Conc. to Mr. Aultfather. It was returned by Patterson. Visited JLS & heard R. C. records.
13 W=F SU 82deg Easter! Visited Andrew. N wrote letter to Ralph.
14 W=R M 87deg 20 year record
Danny Ilwell died over the weekend. Bd of Trustees met again at church.
15 W=F 83+ deg TU
Dad & I hoisted all screens down from attic. Dad will wash same tomorrow. R. C. lesson. Bob was informed that he got a raise retroactive to 1st of month (14.00/mo) Total $74. per month.
16 W=F W
Recd teleg from Ralph-said he would arrive tomorrow. Dad washed all screens & cleaned down stairs windows & put up down stairs screens. I cleaned upstairs windows after supper & placed screens on same.
17 W=F TH
Ralph came at noon. He had the grippe & Dr. Block. He was told to stay in bed 3 or 4 days.
18 W=F F
Ralph still in bed w/ cough & cold. Webber boys and Jean called yest & today.
19 W=F SA
Ralph still in bed. Jean called. I took her home. Recd letter of thanks from Selma for her wedding gift (money). Am reading the book Morals & Dogma of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemansonry prepared for the Supreme Council of the 33rd Deg. for the So. Jurisdiction of the US. Borrowed this book from Mr. Aultfather. Mother S had birthday today.
20 W=F SU 95deg
Took N & folks for ride twice. Took Gus Olson out to see Otto Edelman whose wife died this week in Montclair Center. Put up back screen door & braces. Several forest fires in central & south Jersey. About 75 homes burned. Ralph left at about 1 for Passaic on his way back to Bristol.
21 W=F M
Bot The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid by Lewis from W. E. K. Library also a copy of Shop Theory R. C. lesson.
22 W=F TU much cooler
23 W=F W
Mr. Hart called me in his office to present me with a new 25 year service pin & certificate. We had a nice chat together about elephants & our boys' careers, schools, etc. Mr. Havens said he was inviting me out to dinner tomorrow.
24 W=R TH xxx
Well, I have at long last completed 25 years of company service. Messrs Moynes, Havens, Robinson & Diefenbach had me out to dinner at the Essex House in Newark. N did not receive any roses, so was a little disappointed. Took N & folks out lookng for some plants for the back garden.
25 W=F F
Elizabeth Daily Journal had account of my 25th service anniversary at W. E. Co. The British & Greeks lost battle of Greece.
26 W=F SA Recd letter from Mother.
27 W=F SU To church in AM. Helped Fenstermaker solicit pledges for church.
28 W=F M N on outs with me again.
29 W=F T
Attended courier car meeting at R. C. Newark Chapter. Took Aultfather along. Also took him to see Walter Drihouse's body. He will have funeral tomorrow & be buried in Chicago.
30 W=F W Aultfather took me to 2nd RC meeting in Newark.
1 W=C TH xxx
A E R notified me today of a $20 raise I was to receive starting today. Took N to R. C. lecture by Halloway at BPOE hall in Newark on Broad St. Took Lieske home.
2 W=C F Have a peculiar discomfort in the lower intestinal region.
3 W=F SA
N & I to Natlesons after supper to select 2 suits for me. N had her feet treated.
4 W=F SU
N & I to movies in eve. Cleaned peony beds. N & I wrote to Ralph. Sent card to Mother V for Mother's Day.
5 W=R M
Was almost late today - woke up at 7:30 instead of 6:45. Bob drove me down & I had to do without breakfast. Seems I silenced the alarm without being aware that I did so. Attended special meeting of Bd of Trustees for the outlining & final adoption of budget.
6 W=F TU
Went to Dr. Block complaining of a pain (muscular) in the lower regions back & thighs. He claimed it due to cold. Gave me pills. N had her 1st Bd Meeting in her new job (NSDU). Arranged for trip to Phil w/ GEP on Thurs. with Bradford of Tel Co.
7 W=F W
N to Newburg on invitation. Anniv of Chapter. Bob & I & folks had supper at Coach & Horses. Recd an invitation from Kostcos to attend a Sat. night dinner at Scout Camp near Bonnie Burn on 5/17, 8PM. Several R. C. members to be there.
8 W=R TH
Ralph called N from NYC today. He is on his way to Canada on a business trip for his co. Will be back again Sun. Mr. Stout died. 68 years old.
9 W=R F
N & I went to Bud Roberts where I bot several items of wearing apparel for myself.
10 W=C SA
N & I went to look at radios at Daveys City Radio Co. store Newark & selected an RCA Victor Phono-Radio V102 set to be delvd. Tues.
11 W=F SU
Took folks out to J D Rockefeller's former home at Lakewood. Also to see the burned woods & homes. Came home thru Allentown NJ & Hightstown. Did not hear from Ralph. Bob brot Jean over in eve. Mother S fell down back stairs.
12 W=F M
Still no word from Ralph. G E Pepin & I went to Phil Toll Office to check on a tube job there. He called for me at 6:50AM. Got back at 6PM. Attended organization meeting of new Bd of Trustees of the Baptist Church. N & I viewed body of Mr. Stout at Haines.
13 W=F TU
Ralph called & stopped in on us on his way back to Bristol from Canada. He had supper with us. Recd radio set I purchased Sat. It is to be installed tomorrow.
14 W=F W
Radio set was installed between 6 & 7:15PM. Record table wobbles, a new one to be furnished. Hess (Nazi No 3) landed in Scotland Sat.
15 W=F TH xx
N & I went to an Italian shoe man in Cranford & bot 2 pairs of shoes for N & one pair brown (11D) for myself. He put supports or corrective pads in N's pairs. She is to come back 3 weeks later.
16 W=C F
Dad has been taking care of Mrs. Hook's boy lately. She is an artist away from home quite a bit. France seems to be going in with Germany lately. Took N home from Mrs. Ives.
17 W=R SA
Drove to IHP's house after work & met Pat & Charles Searles who took us over to Scout Cabin near Bonnie Burn where about 20 of us W E men & Scouts (Winkie's boys) had a chicken dinner at 8PM.
18 W=F SU cool 55degrees Worked in yard, pressed pants.
19 W=C M Strike on for more pay by shop union. Strike consists in not working overtime.
20 W=F TU
Mother had spell with her gall bladder today & had Dr. B. N & I called on Dr. Block for ourselves after supper & then went to Regent. I started taking vitamin C tablets 3 times a day after meals.
21 W=F W
N & I went to Altenburgs Piano house & bot 2 $1.00 records, Blue Danube, Ave Maria, etc. Radio people placed a new record table on radio set.
23 W=R F 89deg
N & I went to have N's shoes adj. in Cranford. Overtime strike on all of this week at W. E. Co. Battle of Crete is on.
24 W=F SA cool & windy.
None of the striking union members worked today. Restaurant service was much restricted. Also the elevator service. The Br. Battleship HMS Hood was sunk in a battle with German Naval units between Greenland & Iceland. Battle of Crete is still on.
25 W=F SU Puttered around on odds & ends of work.
26 W=F M
Recd letter from mother. She says her heart has bothered her lately and one eye is growing a cataract. I mailed them a copy of Kearnygram giving acct of my 25 year service anniversary. Took folks to see iris beds at Cedar Brook Park.
27 W=F TU
Nazi battleship Bismark sunk. FDR declared an 'unlimited emergency' proclamation. N & I saw Tracy in "Boystown" at Regent.
28 W=F W
Was one of 100 who helped A. H. Krevis celebrate his 35th Co. anniversary at Mountainside Inn on Rte 29. Had great time.
30 W=F F Memorial Day
Took N & Lillian Eckerson to S & S Monument & partook of exercises N conducted there as Regent of the Eliz Chapter NSDU. Took Dad to see parade. After dinner took N & folks to see rose garden in Bronx Park, NY. Also visited Boblink & Atkins nursery in Newark who have provided all of the roses on exhibit at the rose garden at Bronx Pk.
31 W=C SA
Took N shopping. Put new posts at bottom of right hand rose trellis at sun parlor & resecured it in place. Put new toilet seat (pearl) in bathroom & put the old one in basement. Transplanted cactus plants for N. Ralph telegraphed day before yesterday & said he was going to auto races & stop on way home. Pot stove has been on for about a week. [I think after the winter season was over the furnace was shut down, but when weather got cool, they used the pot stove for short-term heating needs.]
1 W=R SU
Put 2 new sash cords in kitchen windows. Took Bob & Dad to Ritz to see Charlie Chaplin in "The Dictator". N & her mother had another scrap.
2 W=C M
Studied R. C. after visit to Dr. B's office. He claims cancre sores in mouth are result of a vitamin C deficiency.
3 W=C TU
Took folks & N to see the new Pioneer Homes develpment which is similar to Moravlag [?] Manor. Also went to park.
4 W=R W
Feel sleepy in eve. Went to sleep almost at 10PM or before. AGP is going to see his daughter graduate from Oberlin next week & then on his way back from Chicago he is to stop at Cleve about a new Toll Office there.
5 W=R Th
Ans questions on 2 T M-10. Arranged with ins man to renew my pol same as last year. It expires 7/3/41.
6 W=F F
AGD started one week of his vac. this eve. Went out collecting with N Hurley for repair fund.
7 W=F SA Studied 2nd deg exam questions. Took folks & N to 3 flower places.
8 W=F SU I went to church this AM. Took N & folks for ride to Basking Ridge, etc. Wrote card to Aunt Jennie.
9 W=F M Beautiful day. Bd of Trustees met at church.
10 W=F TU Beautiful cool day! Worked overtime 2.5 hrs. Got home at 8:30PM.
11 W=F W
Worked 2.25 hrs. overtime until 7:30PM. Had a new psychic exp. this noon.
12 W=C TH xx
N & I went to the annual meeting of the Harry B. Thayer Chapter of Tel. Pioneers at 32 6th Ave. Had dinner & saw a 1 1/2 hr picture of Yukon hunting scenes by Barthman. Saw Bill Lathrop & P Walters. Also Stanley Brooks & family.
13 W=R F
Completed ex. questions on 3T M-10 [these are Rosicrucian exercises, M is Monograph]
14 W=C SA
Went to stores downtown w/N & to library. Bob has been accepted at Pace Institute.
25 W=C SU Ralph dropped in for dinner & left at 5:25PM.
16 W=C M
Nick, the cop across the street, was good enough to look at my front porch & offer his advice for its repair. It is sagging badly. Called at F's.
17 W=C TU
A D D returned to work this afternoon. Arranged with Charlie Searles to have Miss Claire Hunter call on him to file application for a position tomorrow.
18 W=C W
Took Claire Hunter down to depot in car & went w/ her to Kearny. She met Mr. Searles & then spent from 8:30AM to 2PM in employment bureau tests with more still to come. Ralph surprised me when I came home. He is here again on his way to Montreal for his company. Left on Pennsy at 9PM. He met Jean again but don't think he is any longer interested in her?? Had a carpenter here to make a survey of work to be done to front porch & garage doors. Spoke to Nick about concrete work. Sent for a free copy of Divine Love to Swedenborg Foundation, NYC.
19 W=F TH
Mr. G started work on porch. Bob attended annual dance at Battin?. Recd renewal policies on my car & Bob's car from Mr. Howard, Bob home at 3:30AM.
20 W=F F
Bob & I picked cherries at AGD's home after supper. The carpenter is fixing our front porch & garage. He also put up a new screen door in front.
21 W=F SA
Stained screen door. Engineers' picnic. Did not go. Hottest & longest day of year. It was 95deg in the shade.
22 W=F SU 92deg shade
Trimmed ivy away from house. Cleaned furnace pipes. Varnished screen door. Painted part of garage which Mr. G repaired. [This photo of grandpa's parents was taken this day in Portland.]
23 W=C M Cool.
Bob in bed with cold. Mr. G. completed his work. N went to Dr. B. Slept almost all eve. I am sleepy the last several months almost all the time and get very little reading done.
24 W=C TU
Worked overtime 2.25 hrs. Met Ralph & dad at plant this noon. R goes back to Bristol tonight from Montreal. Mended one of lawn chairs. Scotty's mother died last week. Nick Magliore my neighbor across the street did some brick & cement work today on porch.
25 W=F W
Traded in my 1934 Ford 4 door sedan (tan) for a 1940 DeLuxe black 4 door sedan. Harry Hersch handled the deal. Recd $100 on old car. Price net on new car is $565. (24 payments at $29.35). I am to turn my car in Friday and receive new car Sat. Took Bob & N for a ride in it. It appears OK except for a shimmy in wheel. Nick Magliore finished front porch concrete work & built a pool for mother S.
26 W=F Th
Bot new pair brown shoes today at Club Store size 11C $5. Recd copy of Divine Love and Wisdom by Swedenborg, gratis. Visited bank vault this AM to get ins. pol on my 1934 Ford & my birth certificate. Also bill of sale no 1934 Ford. Worked overtime 2.25 hrs.
27 W=F F 95deg in shade
Brot 1934 Ford to Jack Perrine Ford lot & took possession of my new 1940 Ford. Carpenter left bill for $30. + $5.13 for door. Bob is all packed to leave on his vac. (16 days). Went to Dr. B & recd new RX for C & B vitamins. Recd card from Jennie from Catalina Is, CA. Bob finished last payment on his car today ($200 total). Took folks for little ride in car.
28W=F SA 93deg in shade.
Worked today. Took N to shoe man in Cranford for final adjustment on her shoes. Went to Hersh office & got my registration card for car & assignment on car. Bob left for New Orleans on 16 day vacation.
29 W=F SU Terribly hot.
Took ride to Chester where we had dinner in Chester House ($1.25 each all you can eat.) Then we rode to Netcong & to Lake Hopatcong where we met Andrew DeBoer family. He took us for a complete ride around the lake (55 miles). Scraped finish from left rear fender of car coming into garage. Am taking vit B & C since Sat.
30 W=R M
Sub to U S O Campaign fund for soldiers. Filled out "record of present citizenship status". Paid carpenter. Was asked to get his daughter a job at WE Co.
1 W=F 100deg HOT! & Humid! TU Took N & mother for ride in park. 2.25 hrs overtime.
2 W=F 100deg Hot! Humid! W Recd letter from Bob.
3 W=R 64deg Cold! TH
Recd gratis a copy of Heaven & Its Wisdom and Hell by Emmanuel Swedenborg. Asked local Ins. people at plant to apply my dividend & interest accumulation toward reduction of loan on policy 567259.
4 W=R F
Rained all day. Cleaned car & changed water in radiator. Fixed lawn chair #2. Recd special delivery air mail letter from Bob, all OK.
5 W=C SA
Left at 7:30 for trip to Finger Lakes Region. Went on Rte 17 to Mountain F. & Watkins Glen. Mother S had a “tough” time thru the Glen. Had supper in Geneva. Saw Lakes Seneca & Cayuog. Recd letter from mother V.
6 W=F SU
Rain in PA & NJ. Saw Ithaca. Were held up two hrs on road between Stroudsburg & The Gap. [HA! I travel this route frequently and even now with Interstate 80, there is often a back-up there. He is referring to the Delaware Water Gap, the beautiful dividing line between PA & NJ. Stroudsburg is the largest town on the route, and the highway is always full of truck &/or tourist traffic. It’s at its worst during tourist season as it is a gateway to the Poconos. Dad loved the “Gap” and I am normally in tears as I pass thru this exact area. My good friend Carol Sutton lives in Hope, NJ – when I get to the NJ line I know I’m nearly at her house, about half an hour or so away. The traffic is so heavy here that it is one of those Interstate safety areas w/ slower speed limits & double fines for speeding.] Home at 11:45PM. 646 miles. 36 approx gals of gas.
7 W=R M Special board meeting with Mr. F[enstermaker of his church but also their good friends & neighbors]
8 W=F TU
No news. Worked 2 ¼ hrs. overtime.
9 W=F W
Bob got back home today. N & I went to Dr. Block. Bob & I went in eve. Bob went to have Block look at his sunburned arm. Dr. B. gave me a dose of B complex vitamin in my right arm.
10 W=F TH
Wrote letter to Met. L. Ins. Co. requesting paid up term policies in place of the two I now hold. Ford people adjusted distributor but without satisfactory results. Bob will take it down to them tomorrow. Made between17 & 18 miles to the gallon of gas with my car last weekend. Worked 2 ¼ hrs. overtime.
11 W=R F Ford people fixed car today (distributor).
12 W=C SA
Had heavy thunderstorm in eve. after supper. Mr. Wier’s roof was struck but without fire occurring.
13 W=C SU
Took folks & N to Morristown, Greystone Institute, Boonton & Butler. Studied R. C.
14 W=F M
Bob took my car in to Hersh’s for correction of sluggishness & “pinging”. I brought it home with me & N & I tested it out. It is now apparently OK. They changed the distributor & cleaned out the carbon. Studied R. C. lesson.
15 W=F TU
Beautiful Day! Framed the pictures of Dad & Mother in a little frame N. bot for me a few days ago. N was looking up her genealogy and found it runs back to the Mayflower on both her grandfather Mason side & thru the Adams side. Worked 2 ¼ hrs. overtime. [This statement about the Mayflower lineage is not genealogically speaking exactly correct. Her grandfather Adams married Catherine Elvira Mason but the Mayflower line goes back through the Adams family to her 4th great-grandfather Adams who married Lucretia Smith Dunbar and the Richard Warren Mayflower line goes back through the Dunbars. We are cousins to John & John Quincy Adams, through their FATHER; their own Mayflower line to John Alden is through their mother. What grandma never knew is that BOTH her parents, not just her Adams/Mason mother, had Mayflower lineage, her father being a descendant of William Brewster. I really only discovered it quite by accident and it is of much sadness to me that I can’t just tell her all about it! More on that subject at another time.]
16 W=F W
Recd book of 14 coupons from Universal Credit Co. for payment of notes on car. Fixed new washers in shower stall faucets after going to 6 stores in Eliz. & Roselle Park wo/ success. Bob to bank employees picnic.
17 W=R TH Worked overtime 2 ¼ hrs. Co started hiring negroes.
18 W=C F
Called Metro Ins. Co., & Mr. Rogers called at house in answer to my letter of 7/10/41. Called Univ. Cr. Co. about interest rate. Had left shoe of brown pair stretched today at W E Safety Store. N & I visited the F’s. Recd a request to have car inspected by 7/31, due to transfer of ownership on car. [I had NO idea auto inspections went back this far, for some reason I thought it was something NEW in my adulthood. I know I never had a car inspected when I was in my teens & 20s - did I???!]
19 W=R SA Went to bed early.
20 W= F SU
Ralph woke us up at front door around 4AM. He flew to NY on an air liner on way to Montreal again. Took R & N & folks to Basking Ridge & Westfield air ports. Ralph met Jean & went out with her in eve. Studied R. C. Recd last 2 quarters tax bill yesterday, also notice to have car examined.
21 W=F M
AGD back from a 2 week vacation at his home. Trimmed bottom of inside front vestibule door. R. C. lessons. Recd letter from Mother.
22 W=F TU Worked 2 ¼ hrs. overtime.
23 W=F W
Went to Dr. Block. He prescribed B & C vit. tabs before meals for another month.
24 W=C TH
Ordered Amer. Women’s Cook Book for N yesterday. Mailed birthday card to Evelyn Gast (Mrs. John Mott) [a niece], Hartwick, NY. Recd bonus check for $10 for 2nd quarter.
25 W=C F
N took 2 Metropolitan policies to Metropolitan office & left them there today. N & I drove out & called on Mrs. Bill Karsh.
26 W=F SA
Bob took N & folks to Asbury Park. On way down about 12:45PM on Rte 35 about 1.5 miles from Rte 36 a car drove in front of Bob & touched fenders. Bob blew horn but the car came on anyway. Made out report for ins. Co . Other car’s license NP25-B.
27 W=F SU
Bob & I cleaned & polished car. Drove N & folks to Bear Mtn & then home thru 7 Lakes Drive. 140 mi.
29 W+C TU
Wrote for free treatise on Inst of metaphysics. Brot home several maps & folders on NY, NE & Virginia, etc.
30 W=R W Brot home Websters Ency. Dict. For Bob.
31 W=C Th Let Bob keep the $3.75 he borrowed for car repair before his vacation.
1 W=C & R F Bob is 19 years old. Gave him a pen & pencil set (Sheaffers).
2 W=F SA
Bob went to Pt. Pleasant to dance. Got home early Sunday. Recd 2 policies from Metro. Ins. Co. in exchange for old ones.
3 W=F SU Trimmed up yard.
4 W=F M Had car greased at 17080 miles and checked for wheel alignment & shimmy. None was found. They suggested new rear shock absorbers. Sent letter today to folks with money.
5 W=F TU
No news. Recd new wool bathrobe from N for my birthday
6 W=F W
Recd letter from Uncle T & cards from Aunts Hilda & Jennie for my birthday (48th). N & I & Bob selected seat covers for our car. Took out old oil & put in 4 qts. New Mobil Grade “A” oil (SAE 30). Recd birthday card from San Jose (Ralph M. Lewis), AMORC.
7 W=F Th
Beautiful weather. I am 48 years old today. Recd a telegram from Margaret today. We had ice cream.
8 W=F F
Bob & I drove down to Western Auto seat cover co. & had seat covers put on car seats. Recd letter from dad & a card from Mother & Dad.
9 W=F SA 96deg in shade.
Bob had gas put in car & I had tires filled. We are just about ready to leave tomorrow.
10 W=F SU
Left for trip south in car at 6:40AM (N & I & Mrs. & Mrs. S) Mileage 17091. Had dinner at Salisbury, MD. Took Pennsville & Cape Charles ferries. Saw spot where 1st VA settlers landed on Cape Henry, VA. Arrived at Walter, VA between 10 & 11. Made 404 miles. Met Mr. & Mrs. Coggins who live on Windsor-Walter road 5 mi. from Windsor. [This was obviously a tourist camp or cottages, today we call them mom & pop motels!]
11 W=F M
Had good breakfast at Mr. & Mrs. Coggins. Took N & folks & a boy named James to see Newport News, Mariner’s Institute, Yorktown, Williamsburg & Jamestown. Went over James R. bridge which is 5 miles long. We saw Gov.’s Palace & N & dad saw State Capital.
12 W=F TU
Left for NC. Mrs. Coggins put up a lunch for us. Had a whole watermelon near Durham. [Grandpa was particularly fond of watermelons, they are mentioned frequently!] Saw cotton & tobacco fields yesterday & today. Also took along a cotton plant and a peanut plant from Mrs. C’s place. He teaches at Blackburn, VA which we passed on our way home (about 6 miles away). [We have several cousins on mother’s side who went to college there.] Stayed in cottage double for night. Attached garage & running water. Had puncture today. [It is odd how often they had punctures, and grandpa always notes it without further comment, as if it was just an expected occurrence!]
13 W=F xxx W
Had a terrific thunder, rain & hail storm in afternoon. A car w/ NC license # 686-899 hit us a glancing blow on left rear fender but no damage done. We were parked at side of road. Stayed at Cherokee Village Lodge for night. Took some pictures.
14 W=F TH
Dad’s birthday. We saw Newfound Gap & Clingman’s Dome in the Smokies & had a wonderful meal at Sevierville, NC for 60cents. Saw Norris Dam & arrived at Ralph’s place in Bristol at 7:40pm. Ralph got a place for us on Park Street with a woman he knew where he intends to room starting the first of the month. [This was the home of our Aunt & Uncle Elizabeth & Pat Moore, mother’s eldest sister. It is no coincidence, dad was taking flying lessons at the airfield owned & run by mother’s eldest brother, Charles, & I believe dad & mother had already met. They met at the airfield & I remember that dad roomed with the Moores before he & mom married. Aunt Pud & Uncle Pat rented out one room of their home during these years. Later in their lives, Aunt Pud & Betty visited grandma & grandpa in NJ when they were east for something at Pat, Jr.’s college, we’ll see this in future years. In addition to any other time they might have met Uncle Charles, Grandma & Grandpa saw him again at my wedding in 1972.]
15 W=F F
Ralph took us around town, to B. airport, Paul’s house, etc. He also took me thru plant of Bristol Aircraft Corp. where I talked to Paul again. We had breakfast & dinner at Ralph’s boarding house. Breakfast was 30cents & dinner was 35cents, and what meals. Left at 1:30pm and made Lexington, VA by evening. Saw College of Washington & Lee & VMI. Also Jackson’s grave.
16 W=F SA
Left Lexington for home where we arrived at 1am, Sunday 8/17. Ralph left Bristol with his boyfriend at 6pm last night & drove all night. They arrived home at 9am. They drove all night (13 hrs.) and passed us at Lexington where we were asleep. Passed along entire length of Skyline Drive in VA. Bob & Ralph were in bed when we arrived. Punctured my rear left tire in backing into a gas station near Sommerville. Had to change tires.
17 W=F SU
The boys had dinner with all of us at The Coach & Horses today. Ralph left about 6pm for Bristol in his friend’s Buick. [I don’t get why they went there..perhaps the friend was getting a new car? Seems odd.] Trip data: Mileage=2,000; miles per gal=22.3, $18.81 for gas & oil. Recd $3 from Ralph & $2 from Bob for my birthday. Recd card from Jennie also 2 ties.
18 W=F M
Roosevelt returned yesterday from meeting at sea w/ Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain. Got new Firestone De Luxe Champion white & black tires & tubes. Had the damaged tire & tube repaired.
19 W=R TU
Put new tires on front wheels. Now have 2 spares. Washed car w/ water. Did 3 R. C. experiments. [Inserted here is a sheet with the details of the trip, something he normally did. Funny that I never go on a trip without writing down the beginning mileage, and ending. I don’t even get out of the car at home w/o writing down the mileage. I thought it was my own anal idea, but I see that I come by it honestly!] Trip Data- South cont’d:
Meals $26.89, Toll = $16, Rooms= $11, Misc=$10, Tips=$1.30. Average $21 apiece, miles per qt of oil, 660. [At one time I kept my miles per gallon religiously but gave it up years ago, but I NEVER kept miles per qt of oil!]
20 W=F W
Cleaned car again today & had it greased. Took N to Dr. B. Left check for Prud. Ins. Co. with Bob. All set for an early start tomorrow on 2nd leg of vacation.
21 W=F Th
N & I left at 6:20am (mileage = 19092) Picked up 202 at Bear Mtn. Bridge & followed to Waterboro, ME, having been in 6 states today. Stayed in farmhouse. Beautiful route.
22 W=F F Continued on 202 to Bangor, ME at 6am. Rained in PM. Stayed in cabin at Presque Isle, ME right near a potato field.
23 W=R SA
Left at 6:30 & entered New Brunswick at Edmunton, Route 2, bum road all thru Quebec to River du Loop, then not so bad to Quebec, where we took ferry to Que. City. Took sightseeing trolley car trip of city after supper. I ran into C. R. Ferguson & family at Quebec, Can, after supper. Stayed in cabins just outside of Quebec.
24 W=R SU
Left at 6:45am for Montreal. Ran thru Trois Rivers where a Eucharistic Congress was in session. Had dinner in Montreal & then took trolley car sight seeing trip. Then took trolley to top of Mount Royal. Slept in hotel room at Hawksbury, ONT.
25 W=R M
Terrific storm in Woodbridge. Left 7am for Ottawa which we reached in early am. Took auto tour of city & suburbs & city of Hull, which also included an escorted tour of Parliament buildings. Beautiful city. Saw home of Princess Julianna of Holland. Crossed 1000 Isles Bridge at 5:30pm back into good old USA. Stayed at farm house 3 miles west of Waterville, NY. Rained ever since noon.
26 W=R TU
Left at 6:45 for home. Stopped to see a Silver Fox farm. Also called on Mr. & Mrs. John Mott at Hartwick, NY but found only the old folks home. However, we saw their youngster at a neighbor’s house. They were gone to see the State Fair at Syracuse. [He must have meant Mr. Mott’s parents because Mrs. Mott’s parents were his own relatives whom he would have been glad to see!] Came home along Delaware River & followed a storm all the way home. Found they had a bad thunderstorm here in Eliz when we arrived at 10:15pm. House west of us & Nick’s home across street were struck.
27 W=F W Cleaned car & worked in yard.
28 W=F TH Took Bob to see Pace Institute. Took him to movie at Loew’s J. C. Theater.
29 W=F F
Had car greased at 20955 mileage. Trip to Canada data
Mileage=1829, miles/gal=23, gas & oil=$18.26, meals=$19.62, toll $4.35, Rooms=$9.50, misc=$8.30, tips=$1.80. Mi/qt of oil=666; Exchange recd=$2.60
30 W=F SA Polished car. Took N & folks to see "The Shepherd of the Hills" at Regent.
31 W=F SU
Took N & folks to see damaged homes in Woodbridge (Hopelawn section on Route 35 near Thos. A. Edison bridge). Took initiation into 4th degree.
1 W=F M
Spent day at home reading. Took N & folks for a little ride in PM. Recd communication from Egypt branch of Rose – Croix regarding honorary membership & special reading course.
2 W=F TU Back to work again.
3 W=F W
Bob put ad in paper about sale of his car. N & I called at Gray’s Funeral Parlor in Westfield & saw body of M K Phillips who died of heart attack at age 44. We met Scott & his “frau” & boy. Bob had four of his boy friends in to a game of Hearts in eve.
4 W=C TH N not feeling well. Wrote letter to folks.
5 W=C F xxx
N went to Dr. B & he had her brot home at about 1:15pm & she went to bed with a fever. Still in bed when I got home. Started reading The Quest of the Overself by Paul Brunton. A wonderful book!!!
6 W=C SA
Naomi felt decidedly better today. Dr. Block said it was grippe. He claims she had a very high fever yesterday for the grippe. Bob sold his car today.
7 W=F SU Read Paul Brunton’s book.
8 W=F M
Bot a garden ency. for mother S today at W. E. Co. plant. Went to trustees meeting at church. Recd notification to appear for initiation into 1st Degree at R. C. NYC chapter HQ.
9 W=F TU
R. H. Boyle died of heart weakness early this morning. He had only lately become a Frater of the R. C.
10 W=C W rain in evening.
N & I called at Keiser Funeral Home in Plainfield & viewed body of R. H. Boyle. Called on Pattersons after taking Pat with us to P. & back.
11 W=F TH Overtime 2 ¼ hrs. Recd new raincoat.
12 W=F F N & I both went to Dr. Block. Subscribed for special AMORC reading service at 50cents per mo. Kaballah etc. To library for N and Scotty.
13 W=F SA
Had new Atlas A7 battery put in car at M & M to replace defective one. Bob delivered his car today & collected his pay therefor. Mother & dad had auto ride to High Point with Mrs.....
14 W=F SU
Took folks to Western Electric Co. parking area where we viewed the Newark Air Show.
15 W=F M
Studied R. C. Monograph. Recd ½ ton pea coal for pot stove. Bob recd a daylight lamp as parting gift at bank, he left there today.
Bob left for a college visit with one of his boy friends in MA. Called library 2 times today in re The Mystic Way for Scotty.
18 W=F TH
Bob returned. AGD is going to Boston next Monday. Heard RAP might be called in to help us out. We saw aurora borealis this evening in great beauty & strength.
19 W=F F
N bot server for dining room , also chair for her room for which she is going to pay $13.95 & $14.50. She also bot book case & chair for Bob @ $6.50 & $9.95, all at McManus Bros. Bob recd back his lamp from Jersey St. Elect. Co. today.
20 W=F SA
Ralph dropped in on us today. He is recuperating from a right eye injury caused by a flying particle in his shop. N recd furniture she bot yesterday. [I think it is funny that dad kept just showing up! As much as they all wrote & telegrammed, you’d think he would have let them know he was coming!]
21 W=F SU xxx
Took Ralph to Hadley Airport & to see storm damaged houses. Patterson in his car called for Charles Searles & myself & took us to 1st deg. Init. at NYC chapter. 7 of us were initiated. RRW, JS, IHP, Gray, Hardy, CS & myself. It was a wonderful experience.
22 W=F M
Ralph left at between 10 & 11am for Bristol with some other lads. AGD to Worcester, MA. [AGD is Mr. Diefenbach & he is mentioned a lot, I think he was his boss.]
23 W=F TU
Bob started his studies at Pace Institute today. Ordered 5 Holland [window] shades. AST returned from Worcester. Overtime 2 ¼ hrs. Studied R.C. lesson M-4. AGD returned from trip.
24 W=C W
1st lesson of Kaballa recd & read. N finished reading Outwitting our Nerves
by Jackson & Salisbury (women).
25 W=C TH
Recd notice from secy of Deacon’s board that I was placed on ushering committee last June.
26 W=F F Studied 3rd deg exam. N renewed my library books (2).
27 W=F SA
Gas shortage hit me. One month since last rain. Very dry. Could not get gas at M & M. Bob got it at Keller’s.
28 W=F SU Took folks & N to Eagle Rock, etc. 3rd deg exam
29 W=C M
Joe Louis in his 19th fight as a champion won the decision over Nouva in the 6th round. Recd shades today.
30 W=C TU
Started reading Invisible Influence by Alex. Cameron. E P Dutton & Co. Worked overtime.
1 W=C W
Scotty found that AMORC does not approve a chapter under present conditions. Took N to Dr. Block for injection. Wrote letter to folks w/ check & clipping of wrecked homes & vacation snaps.
2 W=C TH Worked 2 ¼ hours overtime.
3 W=R F
Recd letter from mother. She is to have an eye operation Oct. 15. Had 1st rain today in over a month.
4 W=C SA
Bob took car for inspection this AM. Had to have a new GM Co. sealed beam head lamp unit put on by M & M (& adj of headlights).
5 W=F 90deg SU Sent answer to 3rd deg quiz.
6 W=F M Very warm. K2 recd & read.
7 W=C TU Warm! Overtime 2 ¼ hrs.
8 W=F W
Mother & N on “outs” again. N went to Dr. Block. Wrote letter to Jennie about mother’s eyes.
9 W=C TH N went to NYC to NSDU convention.
10 W= R F
N went to NSDU convention at Asbury Park today. Read an old newspaper of Kingston, NY dated 1/4/1800. Washington died 12/14/1799 age 68 which was prominently mentioned (also news of the wars on the continent-months late). It belongs to one of the new draftsmen. Sent birthday card to Dad.
11 W=C SA xx
Went to library to return books for N & to get 5 others. Am reading An Experiment with Time by Dunne.
12 W=F SU
Started furnace fire. Split peony bulbs & replanted same in same bed & 6 on side of house (red, pink & white). Gave several to Nick across the street & to Mr. Evans. Trimmed hedge. Bob came in at 2:45 this AM.
13 W=F M Trustee’s meeting w/ Marvin F.
14 W=F TU Dad V is 77 years old today. N & I wrote to Ralph.
15 W=R W xxx
Mother V was supposed to have gone to the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland today for an operation on her eye. Started washing kitchen walls & ceilings. Was advised to attend conference at Detroit next Weds. Dropped my watch on bathroom floor & took same to Hurley for repairs.
16 W=C TH
The Nazis seem to be winning the fight against the Soviets. Our piano was moved away today. N gave it to a local charitable organization. Worked overtime 2 ¼ hrs. [I was amazed to read this, I do not remember ever having known that they had a piano or that Grandma played until I read in earlier years of grandma playing at a church function - I wonder why they gave it away.]
18 W=R SA
N & I went down to McManus Bros. & purchased a chair & table. Also 2 table lamps at State Electric Co. Andrina Van Beek [Grandpa had an aunt by this name who died in 1921, his father’s sister; this is her daughter who would be grandpa’s 1st cousin] called up from NY & said she would like to see us. Made arrangements to meet her at Penn Sta tomorrow if she decides to come. Got reservation of lower berth on train - NYC to Detroit, next Tues at 7pm.
19 W=F SU xxx
Andriena Martini (Van Beek) [Martini was her married name.] landed at depot about 12:30pm & I got her with car. She had dinner with us & I called Andrew [DeBoer] & he came over with his family. I had to leave at 6:30 for first R. C. meeting at Westfield Legion Hall. Aultfather took me over. We took Mr. Hershfield back with us. I took my radio along. 13 present. [Photo courtesy of Carolyn Gast Depp]
20 W=C M
Recd telegram from Jennie regarding mother’s eyes needing an operation to prevent blindness.
21 W=F TU Left on NYC train for Detroit at 7pm.
22 W=F & R at night W
Arrived Detroit and met Rennard, Jr. & Torgerson at the Statler. We went over to Mich. Bell Tel. Co. hq at 1365 Cass Ave. where I met Mr. M...and Mr. Bradley, etc. Mr. J Dodsworth (building). Went over plans (present & future) for the Madison Toll Office (new). Tel. Co. people took us out to dinner & supper. Had good time at night club in eve. Home near midnight. Went to Madison Office in PM. Rain in evening.
23 W=C TH
Finished up our work. We tried to get reservations at airport but none were available. So we came home on NYC (Bolt, Torgerson, Rennard & myself). Rennard & Torgerson & myself called on Inst. people. Left at 7pm on Detroiter.
24 W=F F
Arrived Grand Central Sta at 7:40am. Rennard & I went to plant. Bolt & Torgy went home first. Brot each one something from Detroit. (N a postal scale) Bob & dad ties & mother hanky. Made out expense voucher.
26 W=F SU
Visited Mr. & Mrs. Bass’ new address, Cliffside, NJ. Also to Geo Washington bridge, Tenafly, Englewood, Leonia, etc. Took Bob, N & folks along.
27 W=C M Rain at night. Ray Perry started working with us again.
28 W=C TU Wrote letter to folks.
29 W=F W
Bot toaster for Mrs. F. [I believe he means he bot friend & neighbor Mrs. Fenstermaker a toaster at the WE Company store, they undoubtedly got good discounts; he did this other times too.] N finished making portieres Tues. for opening into dining room from sitting room & mother completed a covering for chair in living room.
30 W=C TH
Worked overtime 2 ¼ hrs. Recd long letter from Jennie. N answered it. Bot G.E. clock at WK Club for Mrs. F [here is another example of above. The W K Club was the company store for W E Kearny employees.]
31 W=R & C F
Put backs on sun porch chairs. Recd The Mystic Way by Evelyn Underhill from Eliz Public Library thru courtesy of Mrs. Pritchard. Prepared card for [his] folks’49th wedding anniversary [Nov. 3]. Bob recd good marks on his 1st report card from Pace Institute.
1 W=R SA
Left car keys home so Bob could take N on various errands. Bob met me at depot.
2 W=C SU xx
Had young pig roast near Bonnie Burn in Scout cabin. Had a great dinner & a nice time. Drove over to Pat’s house & he took me from there. There were 18 of us. Movies were taken of the affair.
3 W=C M
Recd letter from mother. She has not yet had her eye operation due to having a cold.
4 W=C TU Voted early this AM. Bob had holiday. I felt punk this pm. Overtime again.
5 W=C W
Read Kaballa 3. Sent for K Index & Temple Index. Got a cold from IHP or AGD or elsewhere. [These are two men with whom he worked closely.]
6 W=R TH Mr. Ryan called this eve while I was still at work (overtime).
8 W=C SA “Cold” is getting licked.
9 W=C & R SU
Cleaned spark plugs. Put 6 qts. Zerone in radiator, good for 0deg temp. Brot down storm windows & stacked screens in attic.
10 W=C M
Attended Board meeting. Had talk with Pastor afterwards in his Study. Talked about Ros. [no doubt Rosicrucian] mostly.
14 W=C F
N & I attended the dinner dance given by the Telephone Pioneers at the Commodore Hotel in NYC. [I am pretty sure he meant to write Hotel Commodore, see below} Learned that Bill’s 1st wife died 2 years ago. Mr. & Mrs. Haack, Mr. & Mrs. H E Price, Mr. & Mrs. Koskus & Mr. & Mrs. Tony Flicek were at our table which was on main floor & near stage. Grand Ball Room. Floor show was good. Met same people we met last time on elevator as we entered the bldg. [In 1943 this banquet was held at a different hotel & I've linked to an interesting site about it. In 1941, 42 & 43 the banquet was held here at the Hotel Commodore. There is a modern high-rise hotel on the site where the Commodore was in grandpa's day; but they did leave some of the original bricks inside when sheathing the old structure to build the new. In 1940 either they did not have a banquet or g & g just didn't attend, it isn't mentioned. The Commodore was named in honor of Commodore Vanderbilt.]
15 W=F SA Went to bed early.
16 W=F SU xx
Went to SS & church. Took folks for ride in Watchungs. Attended R. C. meeting in Westfield. N had argument with her mother while I was away.
17 W=F M RAP started on 2 weeks vacation.
18 W= C TU
N had 30 here today in a DAR meeting. Recd letter from Dad in which he tells me that mother’s eye was successfully operated on last Weds. in the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland.
19 W=C W
Recd telegram from Ralph saying he is coming home Sun. AGD’s son John & wife are coming home from Africa Sat. Recd Bob’s report card. He failed in Ec. & Soc. Geo (71%).
20 W=F Th Thanksgiving Day. 75deg
Very warm balmy weather. Took Bob for ride to Essex Co. Parks near S. Orange Ave. We parked car & took a walk then came home at 1pm & took N & Bob & folks to dinner at Chinese Rest. in city. Had turkey dinners then all went for a drive.
21 W=F F
Ralph telegraphed he was not coming as he has to work Sunday. Bob is staying overnight at the summer home of one of his schoolmates at Cranberry Lake.
22 W=F SA
Dad & mother S celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary at Radio City today. Bob sold over $130 worth of Xmas cards, etc. AGD’s boy John comes home today from Africa. Prepared order for AMORC.
23 W= R SU Wrote letter to mother & N sent a card.
24 W= F M Recd indices to Kaballa & to 1st 4 t. deg.
25 W=F TU 2 ¼ hrs. overtime. Read parts of Search in Secret India by Paul Brunton.
28 W=F F
Bob took car to call on his friend Jean who is at St. Barnabas in Newark with hernia operation.
29 W=F SA Had Putnams to [play] cards. Bob home late - 3AM Sunday.
Took drive to see new govt housing project at Linden on the Rahway River. N & I to movies.
During the week before the 7th dad was in Bristol, working at Bristol Aircraft and dating mother. They met at mother's brother Charles Kilgore's airport & flying school where mother worked and dad flew. This is how dad came to room at mom & Charles' sister's house.
3 W=F W
Went to Library & helped Bob deliver his Xmas cards, etc. Started reading The Serial Universe by John William Dunne.
4 W=C TH Very foggy – worst in years. Overtme 2 ¼ hrs.
5 W=R F
Went to library for Pat to get A Message from Arunachala. Bob & I saw "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde" at Ritz.
6 W=F SA Left car, keys, etc.[at home] as I am doing every Sat. now. [he worked Saturdays.]
7 W=F SU
Ralph got here at about 7:30 this morning. Left again @ night. [In a letter to me on 7 Dec 1969 dad says: "...28 years ago today I was with my folks in NJ when my mother woke me late in the morning to tell me about the attack on Pearl Harbor. I had driven up from Bristol for the week-end."]
8 W=C M Pearl Harbor attacked yesterday. War declared on Japan. Trustees meeting.
9 W=C TU
Overtime 2 ¼ hrs. Recd items recently ordered from AMORC except Unto Thee, etc. & picture of The Master Jesus. Wrote letter to AMORC ordering 2 books which Bob wants to give me & to send 16cents tax on new item. Sent back A Thousand Years of Yesterdays.
10 W=C W Wrote significant letter to Jennie S in answer to hers of 10/22/41.
11 W=C TH
Overtime 2 ¼ hrs. Recd letter from Ralph. Germany & Italy declared war on us & we on them. Ralph sent $5 for mother & I & folks in P; $5 Mr. & Mrs. S, $5 & $5 for Bob’s coat.
12 W=F F
N & I went to Kearny after supper & made some Xmas purchases. I finished reading The Serial Universe by Dunne.
14 W=C SU
Cleaned & put up storm windows. Worked on 4th Degree exam.
17 W=F W
Wrapped pkgs for Ruth & Bert [Fifield in Chicago] & Irving’s children, & 1 for Jimmy Valentine, Rieke’s boy. Scotty asked RAP to join R. C. yesterday.
19 W=F F
Wrote Xmas cards. AER got back from Hawthorne.
21 W=F SU
Attended R. C. meeting w/ J C Scott in charge. Mr. H conducted experiments with the human aura. Aultfather took me over w/ others. Hitler assumes personal command of his armies.
22 W=F M
Rumor that we will start work an hour earlier beginning 1/5/42. Mr. Churchill & staff are guests of FDR at White House. To library.
23 W=R TU
Bob put up tree yesterday. He is home for a couple of weeks Xmas holiday & is working at Danzig’s store [where he worked during high school some].
24 W=R W
Ralph got here this am after driving all night in rain. (He & another man). We undid our various Xmas pkgs. this evening. N gave me the R C candlesticks & ?? plus R. C. pin. [Many years ago I bought a sterling charm w/ a pretty engraved monogram to use for mounting grandpa's pins. I had the backs removed for mounting. Not sure when he recvd the TPA pin, but it should turn up in other diaries, but the bottom pin here is the Rosicrucian pin he received this day.]
25 W=F TH Xmas. Ralph enjoyed Xmas dinner with us. Had turkey.
26 W=R F
Ralph had supper at Webber’s. Recd The Technique of Disciple & The Technique of the Master. Given to me by Bob for Xmas. Soldiers were stationed at plant today.
27 W=C SA Final studies on 4th Degree Tem. Ex. Ques.
28 SU Ralph left today at about 2:00pm for Bristol. Sent in answers to my 4th Degree questions.
29 W=F M
Recd Xmas card from Jennie & June [his sister & niece]. Scotty’s children getting over Chicken Pox.
30 W=F TU 20deg
Went to bed early & got up at 3:45am to breakfast & study. Recd a letter from mother & dad.
31 W=C W
1941 is ended with the fall of Manila in the Phillipines expected at any moment in Japan War. Churchill has been visiting here & in Canada. He is expected back tomorrow in this country. Recd Unto Thee I Grant.
About this Vander Meulen family blog
My grandfather died in 1978, leaving me his diaries and genealogy notebooks. I have spent over 2 years reading & in many cases re-reading the diaries through, although I have read parts in the past, and trying to decide how to share them. The blog format emerged as the best way to share. I hope family members are enjoying seeing the lives of my grandparents through grandpa's eyes as well as seeing how they fit into the world around them. If you think you may be related to us PLEASE email, I am willing to share information and love to correspond. PLEASE feel free to add comments - use the comment utility at the end of each post for asking questions, requesting information, or just saying hello! Before you get started, please go to the LABELS on the right side-bar and to the General Information posts to understand how this transcription of the diaries is going to be formatted. 1/1/2011 - my first typing of 2011 - the diary transcription has taken on a new dimension since I began in December, '09. I've discovered many things in my possession which I can use to illustrate the diaries, to say nothing of the magic of the Internet to add details and photos of the people, places and events that filled grandma & grandpa's lives. As I've said often, I now have to live to be 100, and be healthy, so I can finish! World War II years are almost finished, then it's back to grandpa's chronological jottings. There will be something for everyone, so I hope you are all enjoying reading as much as I am enjoying posting. Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar
ReplyDeleteMy name is also Peter Vander Meulen, and my relatives came from the Dokum area of Friesland I think... any relation do you think?
Hi Peter! Thanks for commenting. I would imagine there is a relationship. The name Vander Meulen is not uncommon in Holland, however, with the first name and being from Friesland the chances are great that you would be a cousin of some degree; usually people in the same are w/ the same name are. I always thought my dad and brother would be the ones to work on our Dutch ancestry but that didn't happen, so I have just been really working on it for a year or so. I don't have a LOT of info back into Holland, but I have a cousin who did more work back there - she has worked on our family for over 30 years now. There are quite a few Peters in our family, and I see you spell it the way I do, and my grandfather, etc. I have recently moved so my genealogy/blog work has been interrupted, but I'd love for you to sign on as a follower or send me your email address so that I can keep you posted as we do more and more research. Perhaps you'd like to send the names of some of your ancestors? That would help us see if/how we are connected! I can also send the info to my cousin to see if by chance it meshes w/ what she has.
ReplyDeleteGreat Leslie,
ReplyDeleteMy sister has done more work on this than I have. I'll see if I can get her research and pass it on to you. My email is: pvandermeulen@crcna.org