Monday, December 7, 2009

Key to Abbreviations

FPV is obviously my paternal grandfather, Folkert Peter Vander Meulen (1893-1978) the keeper of these diaries all his life;
his wife is NSV, Naomi Frances Salmon Vander Meulen (1895-1987). Grandpa almost always calls her N in the diaries so I will too!
My father Ralph Folkert Vander Meulen RFV (1920-1995)
and his brother Robert (Bob) George Vander Meulen RGV (1922-1999).
My mother, wife of RFV, is Sally Jo Kilgore Vander Meulen, (1920-1995) SJV Grandpa sometimes called her Sally and sometimes Jo or even Sally Jo.
My aunt, wife of RGV, is Mary Elizabeth Gilpin Vander Meulen MGV
Uncle T. is Theake Folkert Vander Meulen, his father's brother to whom he was very close and played a big part in his life (1859-1943).
Aunt Jennie and Aunt Hilda are the half sisters of grandpa's father & Uncle T., the 2 children of his grandfather by his second wife named Jennie. These will appear in his later diaries. Grandpa also had a sister Jennie so it can be confusing.
Dad & Mother S are George Elba & Elizabeth Longley Adams Salmon, grandmother's parents, who moved from Chicago in their elder years to be with their only child; they were known in the family as Gramp and Deed.

In grandpa's own hand:
T= temperature

SU= Sun. M= Mon. T=Tues. W=Wed. TH= Thur. F=Fri. or Fair or Fahr.
SA=Sat. C=Cloudy R=Rain S=Snow
bot=bought; brot=brought; recd=received
NJ, New Jersey
Dk, Dunkirk, NY
Eliz, Elizabeth, New Jersey
Nwk, Newark NJ
Port, Portland, Oregon
Chi, Chicago, Illinois
Ber, Berwyn, Illinois
NYC, New York City

DAR Daughters of the American Revolution
DU or NSDU Daughters of the Union; DFPA Daughters of Founders & Patriots
AMORC Rosicrucian Order (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis) of which Grandpa was a Life Member also seen as R. C.
WE Western Electric Corporation where Grandpa spent nearly his whole working career (43 years). Sometimes seen as WEK for Western Electric Kearny plant.

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