Monday, December 7, 2009

Spelling our Name

My grandfather spelled his name Vander Meulen as did his father, my father and several other family members. My brother and others spell it VanderMeulen; our cousin of Rutgers University spelled it van der Meulen; in reality having a surname that is only one word IS easier in the world of computerization and homogenization! Some say Vandermeulen, Van Der Meulen, and many more. These are all correct - our name is Dutch and means "of the mill" or "son of the miller". One can Google around and find various descriptions of this name; it is a relatively common Dutch name. Please do NOT confuse it with the German Mueller, Von Mueller, and about a million other variations. If I had a nickel for every time I've seen, and still see, it spelled Muelen I could go to Rio for Carnival! As time goes on, I'll get more into our genealogy but for now, the diaries come first!

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